唯一不起作用的是setcookie - 我使用chrome并且无法看到我的localhost MAMP环境中设置的cookie。
// simple comment up and down voting script. connection file does not have any output, only database password info.
$mode = $_GET['mode'];
$rating = (int) $_GET['rating'];
$comment_id = (int) $_GET['id'];
$cookie = "dlc_" . $mode . "_" . $comment_id;
$expiry = 1209600 + time(); // 14 day expiry
$value = time();
// I tested the above and each variable echoes out correctly. The $cookie echoes correctly as "dlc_style_4" or "dlc_mode_4" depending on what the previous page sends over.
if ($mode=="style")
setcookie ($cookie, $value , $expiry, "/");
// update the rating in comments
$ratingUpdate_query = "UPDATE comments SET stylerating = stylerating + {$rating} WHERE id={$comment_id}";
mysqli_query ($db_connection, $ratingUpdate_query) or die(mysqli_error($db_connection));
// record the score in scorechart
$event = logged_in()? $_SESSION["user_id"]. ':' . $cookie : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']. ':' . $cookie;
$scorechart_query= "..... query not included, but it works fine and updates the database table correctly ... ";
mysqli_query ($db_connection, $scorechart_query) or die(mysqli_error($db_connection));
elseif (isset($_COOKIE[$cookie])) {
echo "<script> console.log('Cookie already set for this id');</script>";
else {echo "<script> console.log('Please turn on your cookies');</script>";}
elseif ($mode=="content")
// update the rating in comments
setcookie ($cookie, $value , $expiry, "/");
$ratingUpdate_query = "UPDATE comments SET contentrating = contentrating + {$rating} WHERE id={$comment_id}";
mysqli_query ($db_connection, $ratingUpdate_query) or die(mysqli_error($db_connection));
// record the score in scorechart
$event = logged_in()? $_SESSION["user_id"]. ':' . $cookie : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']. ':' . $cookie;
$scorechart_query = "..... query not included here, but it works fine and updates the database table correctly ... ";
mysqli_query ($db_connection, $scorechart_query) or die(mysqli_error($db_connection));
elseif (isset($_COOKIE[$cookie])) {
echo "<script> console.log('Cookie already set for this id');</script>";
else {echo "<script> console.log('Please turn on your cookies');</script>";}
else {echo "<script> console.log('Failed to update rating. Please turn on your cookies');</script>";}
// check if the comment was upvoted by somebody who has a comment on the other side. if so, +1 to persuasiveness