
时间:2014-07-08 21:52:58

标签: jquery html css

您好,我最近从CoffeeCup中获取了Web Image Studio程序,我每次尝试打开它或打开文件夹时都会遇到此错误。

此页面上的脚本发生错误。 行:119 查尔:11 错误:对象不支持属性或方法'receiveMessage' 代码:0 URL:file:/// C:/ Users / Alec%20Grogan / AppData / Local / Temp / wisembeddedpreview 1404840242 / DrawingEngine.html 要继续在此页面上运行脚本吗? 是的|否



        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        background-color: #f5f5f5;


<script language="JavaScript">

(function() {

   * Logger namespace to access the log function used by
   * the engine.
  window.Logger = {
     * Interface of the log method. The DrawingEngine
     * will call this method passing a string to it.
     * To get access to the log, just override this method.
    log: function( str ) {}

   * DrawingEngine object (Auto-created)
  window.drawingEngine = (function( id ) {

    var messageProcessingMethods = {

      mac : function(str) {
        window.AppPort.processMessage_( str );

      win : function(str) {
        window.external.processMessage( str );

       * Method used by the testing web page.
       * Simulates an external interface using Javascript and HTML.
      web : function(str) {
        exiface && exiface.process( str );

    var platform = ( window.AppPort ) ? 'mac' : ( window.external ) ? 'win' : 'web';

    var messageProcessor = messageProcessingMethods[ platform ];

     * Interface of the Javascript exposed by the flash object
    var flashObjectElementInterface = {

       * Tells the flash object to receive a message and do something with it.
       * It expects false when the message was not processed.
      receiveMessage: function( message ) {
        var error = '<Log message="Message not processed. Engine not listening" level="ERROR"/>';
        Logger.log( error );
        return error;

       * Sets an attribute of the flash object to a specific value
      setAttribute: function( attr, value ) {

    var getFlashObject = (function() {
      var flashObject;
      return function() {
        if( !flashObject ) {
          flashObject = document[ id ] || window[ id ] || flashObjectElementInterface;

        return flashObject;

     * DrawingEngine constructor.
    function DrawingEngine()

     * Handles a message that came from the flash object and passes
     * it to the external interface. It returns the same the external
     * interface returns.
    DrawingEngine.prototype.messageFromEngine = function( messageString ) {
      Logger.log( messageString );
      return messageProcessor( messageString );

     * Handles a message that was sent to the flash object. It tries
     * to tell the flash to receive the message. It returns the same
     * flash returns.
    DrawingEngine.prototype.messageToEngine = function( messageString ) {
      Logger.log( messageString );
      return getFlashObject().receiveMessage( messageString );

     * Sets the flash object size to an specific value
    DrawingEngine.prototype.setWindowSize = function( width, height )
      var fo = getFlashObject();
      fo.setAttribute( "width", width );
      fo.setAttribute( "height", height );

    return new DrawingEngine();

  })( "DrawingEngine" );


// Legacy function. Used by native ui
function sendTextToFlash( str ) {
  return drawingEngine.messageToEngine( str );
// Necessary to update the Flash size with W7 maximizing gestures
function setFlashObjectSize( width, height ) {
  drawingEngine.setWindowSize( width, height );



这是论坛的链接,我也问过这个 http://www.coffeecup.com/forums/web-image-studio/script-error/#post235708

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