在VBA UDF中键入不匹配错误

时间:2014-07-08 01:13:59

标签: excel excel-vba vba


Private Sub refresh_Click()

Dim random As Integer
Dim passedSheet As Worksheets
    Set passedSheet = Sheets("Org Chart - JC")
Dim inputSheet As Worksheets
    Set inputSheet = Sheets("Analytics - JC")

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

random = createHistogram(Sheets("Org Chart - JC").Range("A2:A1000"), 3, 1, passedSheet, inputSheet)
random = createHistogram(Sheets("Org Chart - JC").Range("C2:C1000"), 3, 4, passedSheet, inputSheet)
random = createHistogram(Sheets("Org Chart - JC").Range("D2:D1000"), 3, 7, passedSheet, inputSheet)
random = createHistogram(Sheets("Org Chart - JC").Range("E2:E1000"), 3, 10, passedSheet, inputSheet)
random = createHistogram(Sheets("Org Chart - JC").Range("F2:F1000"), 3, 13, passedSheet, inputSheet)
random = createHistogram(Sheets("Org Chart - JC").Range("H2:H1000"), 3, 16, passedSheet, inputSheet)

'Format the width of all columns'
With Range("A:Q")
End With

With Range("C1, F1, I1, L1, O1").EntireColumn
    .ColumnWidth = 2
End With


Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub


Function createHistogram(rng As Range, pasteRow As Integer, pasteColumn As Integer, passedSheet As Worksheets, inputSheet As Worksheets)

Dim rngCount As Integer
Dim uniqueResultsCount As Integer

'Get info from "passedSheet" sheet'
rngCount = WorksheetFunction.CountA(rng)
Cells(pasteRow, pasteColumn).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False

'Remove duplicates leaving unique values and count remaining values'
ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(pasteRow, pasteColumn), Cells(pasteRow + 200, pasteColumn)).RemoveDuplicates Columns:=1
uniqueResultsCount = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range(Cells(pasteRow, pasteColumn), Cells(pasteRow + 200, pasteColumn)))
'    MsgBox ("uniqueResultsCounter has a value of: " & uniqueResultsCount)

'Count all of the existing values in the "passedSheet" sheet'
For i = 1 To uniqueResultsCount
    Cells(pasteRow - 1 + i, pasteColumn + 1).Value = _
        WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, Cells(pasteRow - 1 + i, pasteColumn))
Next i

'Clear existing formating for selection'
With Range(Cells(pasteRow, pasteColumn), Cells(pasteRow + uniqueResultsCount + 200, pasteColumn + 1))
    .Interior.ColorIndex = 0
    .Borders.LineStyle = xlNone
    .Font.Bold = xlFalse
End With

'Create new formatting for selection'
With Range(Cells(pasteRow, pasteColumn), Cells(pasteRow + uniqueResultsCount - 1, pasteColumn + 1))
    .Interior.ColorIndex = 0
    .Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
    .Font.Bold = xlFalse
End With
With Range(Cells(pasteRow, pasteColumn), Cells(pasteRow + uniqueResultsCount - 1, pasteColumn + 1))
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
End With

'Sort the column from A to Z'
Range(Cells(pasteRow, pasteColumn), Cells(pasteRow + uniqueResultsCount - 1, pasteColumn + 1)).Sort _
    key1:=Cells(pasteRow, pasteColumn)

createHistogram = 1

End Function




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