
时间:2014-07-07 21:59:18

标签: excel internet-explorer excel-vba ftp permission-denied vba


<a href="/Example%20Folder/">Example Folder</a>
<a href="/Example%20File.xlsx">Example File.xlsx</a>
<a href="/Example%20Folder/Example%20File%20In%20Folder.xlsx">Example File In Folder.xlsx</a>


Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
Dim oFolder, oSubfolder, oFile, bButton, queue As Collection
Dim oFileName As String
Dim processed As Boolean
Dim processedList As String
Dim toPath As String
Dim fromPath As String
Dim HWNDsrc As Long

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set queue = New Collection

queue.Add IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("a")

Do While queue.Count > 0 
   Set oFolder = queue(1)
   Set bButton = Nothing
   queue.Remove 1

   If Right(oFolder, 1) = "/" Then 'Check if the link is a folder ***ERROR HERE
     IE.Navigate oFolder
     Do While IE.Busy: DoEvents: Loop
     Do Until IE.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE: DoEvents: Loop 'readystate=4
     Set bButton = IE.Document.getElementById("goParent") 'Back button in browser
     Set oFolder = IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("a")
   End If

  For Each oSubfolder In oFolder
    If Right(oSubfolder, 1) = "/" Then
      queue.Add oSubfolder
    End If
  Next oSubfolder

  For Each oFile in oFolder 
    If InStr(oFile, ".") > 0 Then 'Check if link is file
      oFileName = Replace(Right(oFile, Len(oFile) - InStrRev(oFile, "/")), "%20", " ")
      fromPath = DOWNLOADS_FOLDER & oFileName 'downloads_folder defined earlier
      toPath = DESTINATION_FOLDER & oFileName 'destination_folder defined earlier

      With IE
        .Visible = True
        .Navigate oFile
      End With

      HWNDsrc = IE.HWND
      SetForegroundWindow HWNDsrc
      Sleep (1500)
      Application.SendKeys ("%s") 'Used because URLDownloadToFile can't handle FTP
      Do While IE.Busy: DoEvents: Loop
      Do Until IE.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE: DoEvents: Loop

      processed = True
      processedList = processedList & vbCrLf & _

      If Len(Dir(toPath)) = 0 Then
        fso.MoveFile fromPath, toPath
      End If
    End If
  Next oFile

  If Not bButton Is Nothing Then 'If in subfolder, return to main directory
    With IE
      Do While .Busy: DoEvents: Loop
      Do Until .ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE: DoEvents: Loop
    End With
  End If

执行bButton代码块后,无法打印oFolder并返回&#34; Permission denied&#34;错误。有什么方法可以解决这个问题吗?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


下面的代码将提取所有文件链接并显示它们,当计数高于 maxCount 时,它会停止递归到文件夹中(您可能希望将其保留用于调试目的)。

Const maxCount = 20
Const sRootURL As String = "<Your FTP Site>" ' e.g. "ftp://ftp.kernel.org/"
Dim oIE As Object, oFolderLinks As Object, oFileLinks As Object

Sub IE_FTP()
    Set oFolderLinks = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList") ' .NET Runtime required
    Set oFileLinks = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList") ' .NET Runtime required
    Set oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
    oIE.Visible = True ' For Debug Purposes
    oIE.Silent = True ' Disable Popups
    ExtractLinks sRootURL
    For i = 1 To oFileLinks.Count
        Debug.Print "[" & i & "] " & oFileLinks(i - 1)
        ' You may want to create and call a Download Sub for each of these file links
    Set oIE = Nothing
    Set oFileLinks = Nothing
    Set oFolderLinks = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub ExtractLinks(sURL As String)
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim oItem As Object, sLink As String, oLocalLinks As Object, i As Long

    If oFileLinks.Count > maxCount Then Exit Sub
    With oIE
        .Navigate2 sURL
        If Err.Number = 0 Then
            Set oLocalLinks = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList") ' .NET Runtime required
            Do While .Busy
            ' Add current URL to Folder Links
            If Not oFolderLinks.contains(sURL) Then
                oFolderLinks.Add sURL
            End If
            ' Extract all local links on this page
            For Each oItem In .Document.getElementsByTagName("A")
                sLink = CStr(oItem)
                If Not oLocalLinks.contains(sLink) Then
                    oLocalLinks.Add sLink
                End If
            For i = 0 To oLocalLinks.Count - 1
                sLink = oLocalLinks(i)
                If Right(sLink, 1) = "/" Then
                    ' Navigate to all Local Links that are not already in Folder Links
                    If Not oFolderLinks.contains(sLink) Then ExtractLinks sLink
                    ' sLink is not a folder, add this to File Links
                    If Not oFileLinks.contains(sLink) Then
                        oFileLinks.Add sLink
                    End If
                End If
            Set oLocalLinks = Nothing
            Debug.Print "ERR(" & Err.Number & "):" & Err.Description & " | " & sURL
        End If
    End With
End Sub

答案 1 :(得分:0)

如果有人有兴趣,@ PatricK让我意识到错误,我最后通过使用CStr()函数来解决我的问题,如下所示:

Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
Dim oFolder, oFile, bButton, queue As Collection
Dim oFileName As String
Dim EMAIL_BODY As String
Dim processed As Boolean
Dim processedList As String
Dim toPath As String
Dim fromPath As String
Dim HWNDsrc As Long

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set queue = New Collection
Set oFolder = IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("a")

'Make sure there is something in the queue
For Each oFile In oFolder 
    If Right(oFile, 1) = "/" Or InStr(oFile, ".") > 0 Then
        queue.Add FTP_URL
        Exit For
    End If
Next oFile

Do While queue.count > 0
    IE.Navigate queue(1)
    Sleep (700)
    Set oFolder = IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("a")
    Set bButton = Nothing
    queue.Remove 1

    For Each oFile In oFolder
        'Format name to allow downloads
        oFileName = Replace(Right(oFile, Len(oFile) - InStrRev(oFile, "/")), "%20", " ")
        fromPath = DOWNLOADS_FOLDER & oFileName
        toPath = DESTINATION_FOLDER & oFileName

        If InStr(oFile, ".") > 0 And Len(Dir(toPath)) = 0 Then 'Check if link is new file
            IE.Visible = True
            IE.Navigate oFile

            'Handle IE "Open", "Save", "Close" prompt
            Sleep (1500)
            HWNDsrc = IE.HWND
            SetForegroundWindow HWNDsrc
            Application.SendKeys ("%s") 'URLDownloadToFile does not work with FTP
            Sleep (1500)
            fso.MoveFile fromPath, toPath

            processed = True
            processedList = processedList & vbCrLf & _
        ElseIf Right(oFile, 1) = "/" Then ' Check if link is subfolder
            queue.Add CStr(oFile) '**Converting to string prevents Permission Error
        End If
    Next oFile
