首先,这似乎是一个了解编程的好地方。 我编写了一个maya python脚本,其中两个函数都有效,但我无法通过UI按钮来调用superExtrude()函数。 第一个函数执行几何网格操作,第二个函数应该为用户输入生成UI:
import maya.cmds as cmds
def superExtrude(extrScale, extrDist):
"""Loops through a list of selected meshes and extrudes all of the mesh faces to produce a polygon frame, based on existing mesh tesselations"""
myObjectLt = cmds.ls(selection=True)
for i in range(len(myObjectLt)):
numFaces = cmds.polyEvaluate(face=True)
item = myObjectLt[i] + ".f[:]"
cmds.select(item, replace=True)
#extrude by scale
cmds.polyExtrudeFacet(constructionHistory=True, keepFacesTogether=False, localScaleX=extrScale, localScaleY=extrScale, localScaleZ=extrScale)
selFaces = cmds.ls(selection=True)
#extrude by height
cmds.select(item, replace=True)
cmds.polyExtrudeFacet(constructionHistory=True, keepFacesTogether=True, localTranslateZ=extrDist)
def extrWindow():
"""Creates the user interface UI for the user input of the extrusion scale and height"""
windowID = "superExtrWindow"
if cmds.window(windowID, exists=True):
cmds.window(windowID, title="SuperExtrude", sizeable=False, resizeToFitChildren=True)
cmds.rowColumnLayout(numberOfColumns=2, columnWidth=[(1,120),(2,120)], columnOffset=[1,"right",3])
cmds.text(label="Extrusion Scale:")
extrScaleVal = cmds.floatField(text=0.9)
cmds.text(label="Extrusion Height:")
extrDistVal = cmds.floatField(text=-0.3)
cmds.separator(height=10, style="none")
cmds.separator(height=10, style="none")
cmds.separator(height=10, style="none")
cmds.button(label="Apply", command=superExtrude(extrScaleVal, extrDistVal))
我对python和maya脚本很新,所以任何帮助都会非常感激。 :)
答案 0 :(得分:6)
cmds.button(label="Apply", command=superExtrude(extrScaleVal, extrDistVal))
cmds.button(label="Apply", command=lambda *args: superExtrude(extrScaleVal, extrDistVal))
答案 1 :(得分:6)
如果你想把一个函数放在一个按钮调用中,你需要传入没有任何参数的函数名(例如:command = myFunction)(去除结束括号"()& #34;)
在你的函数中,你需要添加一个" * args"因为maya按钮总是传递一个参数(我认为它" False")(例如:def myFunction(customArg1,customArg2,* args))
如果要在按钮信号中传递参数,则需要使用functools模块中的partial函数(来自functools import partial)并使用它如下: cmds.button(command = partial(myFunction,arg1,arg2,kwarg1 = value1,kwarg2 = value2))
还有一件事,关于pymel和cmds ......它可能是一个永无止境的故事,但是pymel并不是万能的...当你必须处理很多信息时(比如获取一个顶点列表)网格),pymel可能比简单的maya命令慢40倍。 它有它的优点和缺点......如果你刚刚开始使用python,我现在不建议你进入pymel。 熟悉语法和命令,当你没问题时,切换到pymel(这在处理对象创建时非常有用)
希望这有帮助, 干杯
import maya.cmds as cmds
from functools import partial
#You need to add the *args at the end of your function
def superExtrude(extrScaleField, extrDistField, *args):
"""Loops through a list of selected meshes and extrudes all of the mesh faces to produce a polygon frame, based on existing mesh tesselations"""
myObjectLt = cmds.ls(selection=True)
#In the function, we are passing the floatFields, not their values.
#So if we want to query the value before running the script, we need to
#use the floatField cmds with the "query" flag
extrScale = cmds.floatField(extrScaleField, q=1, v=1)
extrDist = cmds.floatField(extrDistField, q=1, v=1)
for i in range(len(myObjectLt)):
numFaces = cmds.polyEvaluate(face=True)
item = myObjectLt[i] + ".f[:]"
cmds.select(item, replace=True)
#extrude by scale
cmds.polyExtrudeFacet(constructionHistory=True, keepFacesTogether=False, localScaleX=extrScale, localScaleY=extrScale, localScaleZ=extrScale)
selFaces = cmds.ls(selection=True)
#extrude by height
cmds.select(item, replace=True)
cmds.polyExtrudeFacet(constructionHistory=True, keepFacesTogether=True, localTranslateZ=extrDist)
def extrWindow():
"""Creates the user interface UI for the user input of the extrusion scale and height"""
windowID = "superExtrWindow"
if cmds.window(windowID, exists=True):
cmds.window(windowID, title="SuperExtrude", sizeable=False, resizeToFitChildren=True)
cmds.rowColumnLayout(numberOfColumns=2, columnWidth=[(1,120),(2,120)], columnOffset=[1,"right",3])
cmds.text(label="Extrusion Scale:")
# There were an error here, replace 'text' with 'value'
# to give your floatField a default value on its creation
extrScaleVal = cmds.floatField(value=0.9)
cmds.text(label="Extrusion Height:")
extrDistVal = cmds.floatField(value=-0.3)
cmds.separator(height=10, style="none")
cmds.separator(height=10, style="none")
cmds.separator(height=10, style="none")
# As said above, use the partial function to pass your arguments in the function
# Here, the arguments are the floatFields names, so we can then query their value
# everytime we will press the button.
cmds.button(label="Apply", command=partial(superExtrude,extrScaleVal, extrDistVal))
答案 2 :(得分:1)
首先,您的floatField调用(第33,35行)使用的是无效标记,' text'。您可能意味着使用' value',因此请更改这两行。
extrScaleVal = cmds.floatField(v=0.9)
extrDistVal = cmds.floatField(v=-0.3)
其次,在构建UI控件类型时,'命令' flag寻找一个字符串,所以你必须将命令和它的参数包装在引号中:
cmds.button(label="Apply", command='superExtrude(extrScaleVal, extrDistVal)')
comStr = "superExtrude(extrScaleVal, extrDistVal)"
cmds.button(label="Apply", command=comStr)
答案 3 :(得分:-2)
所以我把所有东西都改成了pymel,这是你应该学习的东西.cmds是垃圾。 花点时间看看你和我之间的差异。像这样的脚本可以帮助您入门。如果需要进一步解释,请告诉我。
pymel online docs = http://download.autodesk.com/global/docs/maya2014/en_us/PyMel/
import pymel.core as pm
def superExtrude(*args):
"""Loops through a list of selected meshes and extrudes all of the mesh faces to produce a polygon frame, based on existing mesh tesselations"""
#pymel uses python classes to make things easier
#its ok to not understand what a class is but just think of it the same as if you were to add an attribute to a polycube.
#your code variable now has attributes
#so with that pymel ls returns a list of PyNodes that correspond to the objects
#cmds ls returns a list of strings which is very unuseful
#if you look at the help docs you can find most of whats available
myObjectLt = pm.ls(selection=True)
for i in myObjectLt:
#instead of cycling through by a number were gonna cycle through the list itself
#i is now the item in the list
#its unnecessary to select the objects because we can specify it in the polyExtrude
#cmds.select(item, replace=True)
#the extrude commands selects things but im not sure what your trying to achive here by seperating
#the scale extrude and translate extrude
#the way poly objects wrok is that you have a transform node and a shape node
# if you graph it in the hypershade you'll see the two nodes
#the faces are part of the shape node i like accessing things by this node but just know you can do it like this
#i.f <-- f is your attribute and i is the item
#using i.getShape() returns the shape node
# http://download.autodesk.com/global/docs/maya2014/en_us/PyMel/generated/classes/pymel.core.uitypes/pymel.core.uitypes.FloatField.html?highlight=floatfield#pymel.core.uitypes.FloatField
#since were using pymel the extrScaleVal has function that lets you get the value
thisScale = extrScaleVal.getValue()
pm.polyExtrudeFacet(i.getShape().f, constructionHistory=True, keepFacesTogether=False, localScaleX=thisScale, localScaleY=thisScale, localScaleZ=thisScale)
#selFaces = cmds.ls(selection=True)
#same as before
thisDist = extrDistVal.getValue()
#extrude by height
pm.polyExtrudeFacet(i.getShape().f, constructionHistory=True, keepFacesTogether=True, localTranslateZ=thisDist)
def extrWindow():
#global is a way to transfer variables from function to function the way you had it
# you would have had to query the value from your parameters in superExtrude
#instead do this
global extrScaleVal, extrDistVal
#which will makes these parameters to the other function
"""Creates the user interface UI for the user input of the extrusion scale and height"""
windowID = "superExtrWindow"
#instead of having a query run just use try except
#which will just go to except when the try fails
pm.window(windowID, title="SuperExtrude", sizeable=False, resizeToFitChildren=True)
pm.rowColumnLayout(numberOfColumns=2, columnWidth=[(1,120),(2,120)], columnOffset=[1,"right",3])
pm.text(label="Extrusion Scale:")
extrScaleVal = pm.floatField(v=0.9)
pm.text(label="Extrusion Height:")
extrDistVal = pm.floatField(v=-0.3)
pm.separator(height=10, style="none")
pm.separator(height=10, style="none")
pm.separator(height=10, style="none")
pm.button(label="Apply", c=superExtrude)