
时间:2014-07-07 14:51:19

标签: ios swift mkannotationview




func mapView(aMapView: MKMapView!,
    viewForAnnotation annotation: MKAnnotation!) -> MKAnnotationView! {

       let theindex = mystructindex  // grab the index from a global to be used below

        if annotation is MKUserLocation {
            //return nil so map view draws "blue dot" for standard user location
            return nil

        let reuseId = "pin"
        var pinView = aMapView.dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier(reuseId) as? MKPinAnnotationView

        if pinView == nil {
            //println("Pinview was nil")
            pinView = MKPinAnnotationView(annotation: annotation, reuseIdentifier: reuseId)
            pinView!.canShowCallout = true
            pinView!.animatesDrop = true

            // Preventive if to keep this from being called beyond my arrays index value as the delegate getting called beyond the for loop for some unknown reason

            if (theindex < MySupplierData.count) {

                // Set the pin color based on the status value in MySupplierData structure array
                switch MySupplierData[mystructindex].status  {

                case 0,1:
                    println("Case 0 or 1 - setting to Red")
                    pinView!.pinColor = .Red  // Needs help, show red pin
                case 2:
                    println("Case 2 - Setting to Green")
                    pinView!.pinColor = .Green  // Looking Good 
                case 3:
                    println("Case 3 - Setting to Purple")
                    pinView!.pinColor = .Purple  // Could use a follow-up
                    println("Case default - Should Never Happen")

                }   // end switch
            } // end if

            // pinView!.pinColor = .Purple  // This works fine without the switch and respects any color I set it to.
        else {
            pinView!.annotation = annotation

        return pinView


        // previous to this I setup some Titles and Subtitle which work fine
        // Call to my mapview   
        mapView(theMapView, viewForAnnotation: myAnnotation)

我没有对返回Pinview做任何事情 - 我认为不需要,但是当使用开关代码时,此时所有引脚都被拉红。从根本上说,我必须在这里遗漏一些东西。

7-8-14根据Anna的大力帮助/辅导解决修改后代码问题的更新。 TKS!

它几乎可以工作,地图中的所有引脚都有正确的颜色,但在地图之外 立即显示有时是错误的。发布此处涉及的所有代码,因为它可能有助于其他人 因为这似乎是关于如何在地图中进行自定义工作的一个非常常见的问题。

建议用于在自定义注释中保存其他变量的自定义类 - 在这种情况下,状态值来自我的数据结构MySupplierData。

class CustomMapPinAnnotation : NSObject, MKAnnotation {
  var coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D
  var title: String
  var subtitle: String
  var status: Int

  init(coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, title: String, subtitle: String, status: Int) {
    self.coordinate = coordinate
    self.title = title
    self.subtitle = subtitle
    self.status = status


修改后的mapView - 现在利用传递给它的新CustomMapPinAnnotation:

func mapView(aMapView: MKMapView!,
    viewForAnnotation annotation: CustomMapPinAnnotation!) -> MKAnnotationView! {

        let reuseId = "pin"          
        var pinView = aMapView.dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier(reuseId) as? MKPinAnnotationView

        if pinView == nil {
            //println("Pinview was nil")
            pinView = MKPinAnnotationView(annotation: annotation, reuseIdentifier: reuseId)
            pinView!.canShowCallout = true
            pinView!.animatesDrop = true

            // Code to catch my custom CustomMapPinAnnotation so we can check the status and set the color               
            if annotation.isKindOfClass(CustomMapPinAnnotation)
                println("FOUND OUR CustomMapPinAnnotation CLASS IN mapView")
                println(" Custom Title = \(annotation.title)")
                println(" Custom status passed = \(annotation.status)")
                switch annotation.status {

                case 0,1:
                    println("Case 0 or 1 - Setting to Red")
                    pinView!.pinColor = .Red
                case 2:
                    println("Case 2 - Setting to Green")
                    pinView!.pinColor = .Green
                case 3:
                    println("Case 3 - Setting to Purple")
                    pinView!.pinColor = .Purple 
                    println("Case default - Should Never Happen")
                }  // switch   
            }  // if     
        else {
            pinView!.annotation = annotation
        return pinView
} //func mapView


override func viewDidLoad() {

    // setup the region and Span 
    var theSpan:MKCoordinateSpan = MKCoordinateSpanMake(latDelta, longDelta)

    // Set the region to the the first element of the structure array.
    var theRegion:MKCoordinateRegion = MKCoordinateRegionMake(CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(MySupplierData[0].latitude, MySupplierData[0].longitude), theSpan)

    // This set the Map Type (Standard, Satellite, Hybrid)
    self.theMapView.mapType = MKMapType.Standard

    // Now loop through the structure data from 1 top the end of the structure to map the data

    var mytitle: String = ""
    var mysubtitle: String = ""
    var myCustomPinAnnotation: CustomMapPinAnnotation

    for mystructindex = 0; mystructindex < MySupplierData.count; ++mystructindex {           
        println("INSIDE SUPPLIER LOOP INDEX = \(mystructindex)" )

        switch MySupplierData[mystructindex].status {
        case 0:
            mytitle =  "(Red) " + MySupplierData[mystructindex].company
        case 1:
            mytitle = "(Red) " + MySupplierData[mystructindex].company
        case 2:
            mytitle = "(Geeen) " + MySupplierData[mystructindex].company
        case 3:
            mytitle = "(Purple) " + MySupplierData[mystructindex].company
            mytitle = "? " + MySupplierData[mystructindex].company

        mysubtitle = MySupplierData[mystructindex].subtitle

         // Create the Custom Annotations with my added status code   
        myCustomPinAnnotation = CustomMapPinAnnotation(
            coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(MySupplierData[mystructindex].latitude,MySupplierData[mystructindex].longitude),
            title: mytitle,        // custom title
            subtitle: mysubtitle,  // custom subtitle
            status: MySupplierData[mystructindex].status)  // status that will drive pin color

        // put this annotation in the view.
    }  // For

    // This line brings up the display with the specific region in mind, otherwise it seems to default to a US Map.
    self.theMapView.setRegion(theRegion, animated: true)

}  // viewDidLoad

Debug输出显示For循环执行完成按预期在mapView中自定义viewForAnnotation获取之前创建myCustomPinAnnotation 在内部执行。当我将地图移动到直接视图之外的区域时,我注意到mapView中的viewForAnnotation会根据需要进行调用 并且我看到我的开关相应地执行但是引脚颜色并不总是正确的。每次初始显示图中的所有引脚都是正确的 这是我目前所关注的那些外围区域的原因。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:9)

首先,代码应 自行调用viewForAnnotation




有关其他答案的一些其他详细信息和相关链接,请参阅does MKAnnotationView buffer its input queue?




  • 创建一个实现status协议但具有MKAnnotation属性的自定义类。在创建注释时设置此属性,并从传递到status的{​​{1}}参数中提取其值,并相应地设置annotation。请参阅链接答案中的示例代码。

  • 在实现viewForAnnotation协议的pinColor 自身对象中创建对象。因此,如果MySupplierData中的对象是名为MKAnnotation的某个类的实例,请使MySupplierData类符合Supplier协议,然后您可以添加{{ 1}}在调用Supplier时将对象自身对齐到地图视图。