
时间:2014-07-07 09:41:37

标签: c# moq

我正在使用moq.dll 当我模拟一个类(所有IRepository接口)时,我使用这个行代码

   int state = 5;
   var rep = new Mock<IRepository>();
   rep.Setup(x => x.SaveState(state)).Returns(true);
   IRepository repository = rep.Object;

但是在这种情况下我模拟了存储库类中的所有函数。 然后,类库中的所有方法都被Mock dll的方法设置替换



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:20)


var mockRep = new Mock<RealRepository>(ctorArg1, ctorArg2, ...)
mockRep.Setup(x => x.SaveState(state)).Returns(true);

然后mockRep.Object作为被测试类的存储库依赖项。 请注意,您只能以这种方式在Interface *或虚拟方法上模拟方法。

更新:*这可能不适用于所有情况,因为.Setup仅适用于虚拟方法,而C#接口实现仅{{3} } "virtual" and sealed。使用As()将阻止部分模拟行为。


   public interface IRepo
      string Foo();
      string Bar();

   public class RealRepo : IRepo
      public RealRepo(string p1, string p2) {Console.WriteLine("CTOR : {0} {1}", p1, p2); }
      // ** These need to be virtual in order for the partial mock Setups
      public virtual string Foo() { return "RealFoo"; }
      public virtual string Bar() {return "RealBar"; }

   public class Sut
      private readonly IRepo _repo;
      public Sut(IRepo repo) { _repo = repo; }

      public void DoFooBar()

   public class SomeFixture
      public void SomeTest()
        var mockRepo = new Mock<RealRepo>("1st Param", "2nd Param");
        // For the partially mocked methods
        mockRepo.Setup(mr => mr.Foo())
        // To wireup the concrete class.
        mockRepo.CallBase = true;
        var sut = new Sut(mockRepo.Object);

答案 1 :(得分:1)



public class Repository
    /// <summary>
    /// Let's say that SaveState can return true / false OR throw some exception.
    /// </summary>
    public virtual bool SaveState(int state)
        // Do some complicated stuff that you don't care about but want to mock.
        var result = false;

        return result;

    public void DoSomething()
        // Do something useful here and assign a state.
        var state = 0;

        var result = SaveState(state);
        // Do something useful with the result here.

public class MockedRepositoryWithReturnFalse : Repository
    public override bool SaveState(int state) => false;

public class MockedRepositoryWithReturnTrue : Repository
    public override bool SaveState(int state) => true;

public class MockedRepositoryWithThrow : Repository
    public override bool SaveState(int state) => 
        throw new InvalidOperationException("Some invalid operation...");
