我做了以下小插件(由Rico St Cruz添加到query.transit):
$.fn.translateLeft = function( left, duration, easing, callback ) {
var $this = $(this);
var currentLeftPx = parseInt( $this.css('left') );
var parentWidth = $this.parent().width();
// final left layout destination in px
var finalLeftPx = parentWidth/100 * left;
// actual distances to final left layout destination in px
var distanceLeftPx = currentLeftPx - finalLeftPx;
$this.transition( { x: -distanceLeftPx }, duration, easing, function() {
$this.stop(true).css( { left: left +'%', x: 0 } );
} );
$("#someElement").translateLeft( 10.5, 300, 'easeOutSine', function() {
// do something else
} );
正如我所说它非常好,但我插入的回调却没有。 我是否在语义上做错了什么?
感谢您的建议! 格拉瓦尼
到目前为止,感谢你的评论让我思考。实际上甚至在我的(初学者)fn代码中,如果我在那里放置例如alert(" Callback")而不是其他代码,则回调实际上是有效的。因此,似乎无法将我的plugIn与任何类型的代码混淆。在这里完成我的问题是整个代码涉及即使我非常清楚它是非常复杂的并且会让你神经紧张。:
function switchMenuItem( id ) {
var $menuItem = $("#"+ id );
var $menu = $menuItem.parent();
var $menuImg = $menu.children(); //all siblings including selected element by id
var $prev = $menuItem.prev();
// calculate animation values
var index = $menuImg.index( $menuItem );
var ww = $(window).width();
var cssLeftPx = parseInt( $menuItem.css('left') );
var cssLeftPercent = 100 * cssLeftPx/ww;
if ( index == 1 ) { var dur = ww/2.4; };
if ( index == 2 ) { var dur = ww/1.5; };
$menuItem .stop(true)
.animate( { left: '10.5%' }, dur, 'easeOutSine', function() {
$(this) .prependTo($menu );
} );
$menuImg .first()
.animate( { left: cssLeftPercent+'%' }, dur, 'easeOutSine', function() {
$(this) .insertAfter( $prev );
.animate( { opacity: 1 }, 150, 'linear' )
.css( { cursor: 'pointer' } );
switchComplete = true;
subReady = true;
} );
我希望摆脱查询动画,并在Rico St Cruz运输插件的帮助下用光滑的x平移代替它(在我之前用我的插件成功完成的方式:
$.fn.translateLeft = function( left, duration, easing, callback ) {
var $this = $(this);
var currentLeftPx = parseInt( $this.css('left') );
var parentWidth = $this.parent().width();
// final left layout destination in px
var finalLeftPx = parentWidth/100 * left;
// actual distances to final left layout destination in px
var distanceLeftPx = currentLeftPx - finalLeftPx;
$this.transition( { x: -distanceLeftPx }, duration, easing, function() {
$this.stop(true).css( { left: left +'%', x: 0 } );
} );