装配计算正弦示例。 nasm 16 dos

时间:2014-07-06 11:27:12

标签: assembly draw nasm angle dos

我正在寻找使用协处理器计算正弦的示例。 我找到了功能:

        fld     long [angle]            ; st(0) = angle 
        fsin                            ; st(0) = sin(angle)  (angle is in radians) 
        fstp    long [SinX]             ; SinX = sin(angle) 

我想绘制正弦,我需要ax中的Y和bx中的X. X将没有问题,因为我会循环,但是我有一个问题。 X将从示例0到350(像像素一样)。 如何计算它并且如果例如sin(30度)是1/2则具有Y作为像素。 如何将结果舍入到良好的坐标?

修改 对不起,但是当我运行你的代码时,它显示我没有窦,但有2行。我不知道我现在做错了什么

    segment .data

    segment .code
    mov ax, 13h 
    int 10h               ; switch to 320x200 mode

    mov ax, 0a000h        ; The offset to video memory
    mov es, ax            ; We load it to ES through AX,
                          ; because immediate operation
                          ; is not allowed on ES


    mov ebx, y  ; EBX = &y
    mov ecx, 0

    ; let st(1) = 2*PI/640
    fldpi               ; st(0) = PI
    fidiv dword [step]  ; st(0)/160 = 0.009817...
    fldz                ; st(0) = 0.0, st(1) = 0.00045...

        fld st0   ; duplicate the x on the top
        fsin        ; st(0) = sin x

        fimul dword [imgHeight]     ; st(0) = y*240
        fiadd dword [imgHeight]     ; eliminate negative coordinate by translating the wave vertically          
        fistp dword [y]             ; store y to ´y´

        fadd st0, st1           ; add the step value to x, doing the step

        ;draw pixel at [*EAX:ECX]
        push ax
        push bx
        push cx
        call DrawPixel
        pop cx
        pop bx
        pop ax

        inc ecx
        cmp ecx, 320    ; perform 640 steps to draw a single sine wave
        jl .loop

        fstp st0  ;clean up
        fstp st0  ;clean up


    xor ah, ah
    int 16h               ; keyboard (wait for key)

    mov ax, 3
    int 10h               ; go to text mode

    mov ax, 4c00h
    int 21h               ; return to DOS, exit code 0


; EBX = in &CoordY
; ECX = CoordX  
    ; draw a pixel at [*EBX:ECX]
 ;   ret 
    push dx               ; mul changes dx too
    mov ax, cx            ; ax is X coord copy from cx
    mov cx, 320
    mul cx                ; multiply Y (ax) by 320 (one row)
    add ax, bx            ; and add X (bx) (result= dx:ax)
    mov di, ax
    pop dx
    mov dl, 4
    mov [es:di], dl       ; store color/pixel


step: dw 160        ; 2/320 = 160
imgWidth: dw 320    ; 320px
imgHeight: dw 200/2 ; 200px on half, because Y also gets negative
x: dw 0     ; a tmp place to save X
y: dw 0     ; a tmp place to save Y

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

如果我理解正确,您想要绘制正弦波而不进行任何翻译和缩放。因此,您可以将angle作为X坐标,而从函数f(x) = sin x获得的值就是Y坐标。

; EAX = in &CooordX
; EBX = out &CoordY
    fld     qword [eax]           ; st(0) = angle 
    fsin                         ; st(0) = sin(angle)
    fstp    qword [ebx]           ; *ebx = sin(angle) 

现在让我们说你要绘制一个波浪。这意味着在绘制最后一个像素时,x == 2*PI rad(一个完整的波形)必须正确。屏幕宽度为640像素,绘图循环中x的单步为2*PI/640 = 0.009817。其余的很简单。

step: dw 320        ; 2/640 = 320, omitted PI
imgWidth: dw 640    ; 640px
imgHeight: dw 480/2 ; 480px on half, because Y also gets negative

y: dw 0     ; a tmp place to save Y

    mov ebx, y  ; EBX = &y
    mov ecx, 0

    ; let st(1) = 2*PI/640
    fldpi               ; st(0) = PI
    fidiv dword [step]  ; st(0)/320 = 0.009817...
    fldz                ; st(0) = 0.0, st(1) = 0.009817...

        fld st(0)   ; duplicate the x on the top
        fsin        ; st(0) = sin x

        fimul dword [imgHeight]     ; st(0) = y*240
        fiadd dword [imgHeight]     ; eliminate negative coordinate by translating the wave vertically          
        fistp dword [y]             ; store y to ´y´

        fadd st(0), st(1)           ; add the step value to x, doing the step

        ;draw pixel at [*EAX:ECX]
        call DrawPixel

        inc ecx
        cmp ecx, 640    ; perform 640 steps to draw a single sine wave
        jl .loop

        fstp st(0)  ;clean up
        fstp st(0)  ;clean up

; EBX = in &CoordY
; ECX = CoordX  
    ; draw a pixel at [*EBX:ECX]

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我的两分钱;-)。 X是度,Y是缩放(* 50)正弦辐射。 (隐藏的)X轴位于第100行。

segment stack stack
    resb 0x1000

segment .data
    ; no data

segment .code
    mov ax, data            ; Initialize DS (needed for .exe-program)
    mov ds, ax
    mov ax, 0x0A000         ; Segment to video memory
    mov es, ax

    mov ax, 13h
    int 10h                 ; switch to 320x200 mode

    mov cx, 0
    push cx                 ; store CX
    call get_sine
    add ax, 100             ; shift Y to position of X-axis (100)
    mov bx, cx
    call vector_to_memory
    mov di, ax
    mov al, 0x0F            ; white
    mov [es:di], al         ; put pixel
    pop cx                  ; restore CX
    inc cx                  ; CX = CX + 1
    cmp cx, 320             ; right boarder reached?
    jne .l1                 ; no, next degree

    xor ah, ah
    int 16h                 ; keyboard (wait for key)
    mov ax, 3
    int 10h                 ; go to text mode
    mov ax, 0x4C00
    int 21h                 ; return to DOS, exit code 0

get_sine:                   ; Args: CX = angle (degree!)
    push cx                 ; = sub sp, 2 (local stack space), mov [sp], cx
    mov bp, sp              ; BP = SP (local stack space) for FPU-accesses
    fild word [bp]          ; ST(0): CX
    fldpi                   ; ST(0)=Pi, ST(1)=CX
    fmulp                   ; ST(0)=Pi*CX
    mov word [bp], 180
    fidiv word [bp]         ; ST(0)=(Pi*CX)/180 (formula for degree to rad)
    fsin                    ; ST(0)=sine (rad)
    mov word [bp], 50       ; Scale the result by 50 (e.g. 0.8 => 40.0)
    fimul word [bp]         ; ST(0)=sine*scale
    fchs                    ; reverse sign because video counts from top to bottom
    fistp word [bp]         ; store integer with rounding to local stack space
    pop ax                  ; AX = local stack space
    ret                     ; Return: AX = Y (signed!)

vector_to_memory:           ; Args: BX = X, AX = Y
    push dx                 ; mul changes dx too
    mov cx, 320             ; video mode width
    mul cx                  ; DX:AX = AX * CX
    add ax, bx              ; left indentation
    pop dx
    ret                     ; Return: AX = offset in memory

答案 2 :(得分:0)


      Grad    = 360
      Endtab  = 450

segment .data

SINTAB DB Endtab DUP (?,?,?,?)

TEIL   DW 180, ?
I      DW 0, 0

TABNAM DB "Sin.tab"

segment .code

START:    mov     ax, data
          mov     ds, ax
          call TABLE
          mov     dx, TABNAM
          call MAKDAT
          xor     dx, dx
          mov     cx, Endtab*4
          call WRITE
          call CLOSE
          mov     ax, 4C00h
          int   21h

TABLE:    xor     di, di          ; Create sine table
TAB:      fldpi
          fimul  DWORD[I]
          fidiv  DWORD[TEIL]      ; by 180(INT)
          fstp   DWORD[di]
          inc    WORD[I]
          add     di, 4
          cmp    WORD[I], Endtab
          jnz TAB

MAKDAT:   mov     ah, 3Ch
          xor     cx, cx
          int  21h       ; we hope that no error occur
          mov     bx, ax ; ....but better insert a handling for

WRITE:    mov     ah, 40h
          int   21h       ; ....also here

CLOSE:    mov     ah, 3Eh
          int   21h


      Grad    = 360 * 2
      Endtab  = 450 * 2
      Foktor  = 10000h   ; for to replace/shift the floating point of the value

segment .data

SINTAB DB Endtab DUP (?,?,?,?)
TEIL   DW Grad/2, ?
I      DW 0, 0
FAKT   DD Foktor
TABNAM DB "SinInt.tab", 0

segment .code

START:    ; same main-routine

TABLE:    xor     di, di     ; subroutine for to create an integer table
TAB:      fldpi
          fimul  DWORD[I]
          fidiv  DWORD[TEIL]
          fimul  DWORD[FAKT]
          fistp  DWORD[di]
          inc    WORD[I]
          add     di, 4
          cmp    WORD[I], Endtab
          jnz TAB

; same subroutines for create, write and store file
