
时间:2014-07-05 14:17:17

标签: mysql


    mysql> select * FROM borrower;
| cardno | name       | address | phone        |
|      1 | A          | nj,usa  | 111-222-333 |
|      2 | B          | NY,USA  | 444-555-666 |
|      3 | C          | nj,usa  | 777-888-999 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * FROM bookloans;
| bookid | branchid | cardno | dateout    | duedate    |
|      1 |        1 |      1 | 2014-04-01 | 2014-08-01 |
|      2 |        1 |      1 | 2014-04-02 | 2014-08-02 |
|      3 |        2 |      2 | 2014-04-04 | 2014-07-05 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    mysql> select * FROM books;
| bookid | title      | publishername | 
|      1 | Atitle     | tmh           |
|      2 | Btitle     | tmh           |
|      3 | Ctitle     | tmh           |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * FROM librarybranch;
| branchid | branchname | address|
|        1 | abc loc    | nj,usa  |
|        2 | def loc    | NY,USA  |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

现在我想执行一个查询,显示书名,借用人姓名,借款人地址  每本书由“def loc”分支借出,其分支是今天(2014-07-05)。我上来了  有两个可能的查询:


select books.title,borrower.name,librarybranch.branchname from (( bookloans inner join  
borrower on bookloans.cardno = borrower.cardno) inner join books on bookloans.bookid = 
books.bookid inner join librarybranch on bookloans.branchid=librarybranch.branchid) 
where duedate='2014-07-05' and branchname="def loc";


select b.title,r.name,r.address from books b,borrower r,bookloans bl,librarybranch lb 
where lb.branchname='def loc' and lb.branchid = bl.branchid and bl.duedate='2014-07-05' 
and bl.cardno=r.cardno and bl.bookid=b.bookid;


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