使用SpriteBuilder 1.0和Cocos2d v 3.0访问其他ccb中的ccb

时间:2014-07-05 00:18:03

标签: cocos2d-iphone spritebuilder

好吧,我有一个带有几个CCB文件的角色,每个部分都有一些动画,所以我想知道如何访问每个文件,因为使用getChildByName或者如果我实现了它,我就是只收到消息:CCBReader: Couldn't find member variable


--Character / catarinaCuerpo.ccb / _catarina with Doc root var
---Head / catarinaCabeza.ccb / _catarinaCabeza with Doc root var
----Eyes / catarinaOjo.ccb / _catarinaOjo with Doc root var / the name of the timeline that I want to access is "parpadeo"
---Wings / catarinaAla.ccb / _catarinaAla with Doc root var / the name of the timeline that I want to access is "aleteo"


CCBAnimationManager* animationManagerSomething = someNode.userObject
[animationManagerSomething runAnimationsForSequenceNamed:@"animationName"];

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