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<center><h1> Katharine Bragg </center> </h1>
<body background="glitter_by_ermenelwen.jpg">
<center><img src="piano.jpg" width="200" height="250"> <img src="headshot.jpg" width="170" height="250"> <img src = "stella.jpg" width="250" height="250"> <img src="makeup.jpg" width="200" height="250"> <img src="drowsy.png" width="400" height="250"/>
<div style="margin: 40px 150px 20px 150px; font-family: Comic Sans MS; font-size: 15;">
Hi!!! My name is Katharine Bragg. I am a 21 year old college student from Virginia. Although I am a native Virginian, I have hopped to a couple other places all for the love and passion of one thing - theatre.
When I was three years old I started dance lessons and from there on, I knew my one true love was performance. At the age of 16, I decided to leave the comfort of my public high school to go spend two years at Walnut Hill School for the Arts as a Musical Theatre major. After those two years I moved to New York City to attend Wagner College as a Theatre Performance major. As I live my life, I'm always going out of my way to learn as much about theatre as I can.
Below, you can find links to learn more about the schools I've attended and some of my favourite acting related websites!
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<div style="margin: 40px 150px 20px 150px; font-family: Comic Sans MS; font-size: 15">
<a href="http://walnuthillarts.org/admission/arts/theatre/" target="_blank">Walnut Hill School for the Arts</a>
<a href="http://wagner.edu/theatre/" target="_blank">Wagner College Theatre</a>
<a href="http://www.backstage.com/" target="_blank">Back Stage - A Website for Actors</a>
<a href="http://www.dramabookshop.com/" target="_blank">The Drama Bookshop</a>
<a href="http://www.completeactorstraining.com/about.html" target="_blank">Meisner Acting Technique</a>
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希望有帮助:) 祝你有愉快的一天
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Vivamus vehicula consectetur gravida. Curabitur egestas fermentum adipiscing. Etiam ut erat vulputate lorem egestas auctor et vitae erat. Suspendisse leo arcu, pulvinar eget urna dignissim, pharetra vulputate lorem. In laoreet blandit arcu non ultrices. Donec pulvinar magna vitae ornare sagittis. Ut turpis diam, porttitor sit amet fringilla at, tincidunt et sem. Aenean feugiat molestie tempus. Nam et erat ligula. Aenean a sem tempor, ultrices libero venenatis, luctus lorem.
Vivamus semper ac felis id egestas. Proin eu nunc congue, pretium elit eu, vestibulum nisi. Sed fermentum turpis non metus aliquet, ut rhoncus turpis malesuada. Sed vitae mollis urna. Cras ligula nisl, malesuada vel adipiscing nec, lacinia at magna. Proin imperdiet quis quam sed ornare. In quis lobortis dui. Curabitur ut varius turpis, ut pellentesque quam. Cras tristique elementum nisi et cursus. Donec eu fermentum libero. Mauris cursus sapien justo, eu varius lectus dapibus vitae.
Suspendisse odio massa, tristique vitae bibendum in, tristique eget nunc. Maecenas tristique ultrices ipsum, quis sodales dui accumsan eget. Nulla a aliquam erat. Mauris volutpat tristique orci. Proin ac nulla at est iaculis lobortis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vivamus accumsan, quam ac varius aliquam, neque mi faucibus odio, ac laoreet tortor neque in justo. In eget aliquet mi. Quisque molestie cursus erat vitae rutrum. Vestibulum ac libero faucibus, interdum lacus id, blandit nunc.
</p> <p>
Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc lacus massa, dictum non nisi eget, venenatis aliquet est. Maecenas vitae ligula vitae justo elementum convallis adipiscing ut magna. Sed in sem a arcu volutpat dictum. Duis interdum suscipit libero, ut adipiscing enim iaculis ac. Integer posuere nec purus a dictum. In sit amet viverra eros.</p>
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Hi!!! My name is Katharine Bragg. I am a 21 year old college student from Virginia. Although I am a native Virginian, I have hopped to a couple other places all for the love and passion of one thing - theatre.
When I was three years old I started dance lessons and from there on, I knew my one true love was performance. At the age of 16, I decided to leave the comfort of my public high school to go spend two years at Walnut Hill School for the Arts as a Musical Theatre major. After those two years I moved to New York City to attend Wagner College as a Theatre Performance major. As I live my life, I'm always going out of my way to learn as much about theatre as I can.
Below, you can find links to learn more about the schools I've attended and some of my favourite acting related websites!
<div id="links-div">
<a href="http://walnuthillarts.org/admission/arts/theatre/" target="_blank">Walnut Hill School for the Arts</a>
<a href="http://wagner.edu/theatre/" target="_blank">Wagner College Theatre</a>
<a href="http://www.backstage.com/" target="_blank">Back Stage - A Website for Actors</a>
<a href="http://www.dramabookshop.com/" target="_blank">The Drama Bookshop</a>
<a href="http://www.completeactorstraining.com/about.html" target="_blank">Meisner Acting Technique</a>