EmployPtr iter;
//Deletes nodes outside of range.
while(netSalary(iter)<45000 || netSalary(iter)>60000)
EmployPtr nodeToDelete = iter;
iter = iter->link;
delete nodeToDelete;
我发现指针非常混乱,并且有一个指针没有指向内存中的有效对象,但我不确定如何解释它。我知道我需要重新分配&#34; next&#34; (或者&#39;链接&#39;我如何在我的代码中命名)在被删除对象之前的对象指针,在删除对象之后的下一个指针。我尝试用代码做到这一点,但我仍然遇到了seg错误。任何人都可以向我解释发生了什么,并帮助我了解如何解决这个问题?
EmployPtr nodeToDelete = iter->link;
iter->link = nodeToDelete->link;
delete nodeToDelete;
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Employee
string firstN;
string lastN;
float salary;
float bonus;
float deduction;
Employee *link;
typedef Employee* EmployPtr;
void insertAtHead( EmployPtr&, string, string, float, float,float );
void insert( EmployPtr&, string, string, float, float,float );
float netSalary( EmployPtr& );
int main()
//Open file
fstream in( "payroll.txt", ios::in );
//Read lines
string first, last;
float salary, bonus, deduction;
EmployPtr head = new Employee;
//Inserts all the data into a new node in the linked list, creating a new node each time the loop executes.
while( in >> first >> last >> salary >> bonus >> deduction)
insert (head, first, last, salary, bonus, deduction);
//Close file
cout << "\t\t\t\t-Salary in the range of ($45,000 - $60,000)-\n" << "Printed in format: First Name, Last Name, Salary, Bonus, Deduction, Net Salary.\n\n";
//Deletes all nodes in the list that are not between 45,000 and 65,000. It then prints the newly modified list.
EmployPtr iter;
for(iter = head; iter!= NULL; iter = iter->link)
//Deletes nodes outside of range.
while(netSalary(iter)<45000 || netSalary(iter)>60000)
EmployPtr nodeToDelete = iter;
iter = iter->link;
delete nodeToDelete;
//Prints list.
cout << iter->firstN << ", " << iter->lastN << ", " << iter->salary << ", " << iter->bonus << ", " << iter->deduction << ", " << netSalary(iter) <<endl;
return 0;
void insertAtHead(EmployPtr& head, string firstValue, string lastValue,
float salaryValue, float bonusValue,float deductionValue)
//method definition
void insert(EmployPtr& afterNode, string firstValue, string lastValue,
float salaryValue, float bonusValue,float deductionValue)
//method definition
float netSalary(EmployPtr& node)
//method definition
//Deletes nodes outside of range.
while((netSalary(head)<45000 || netSalary(head)>60000) && head!=NULL)
EmployPtr nodeToDelete = head;
head = head->link;
delete nodeToDelete;
nodeToDelete->link = head;
//Prints List
EmployPtr iter;
for(iter = head; iter!= NULL; iter = iter->link)
cout << iter->firstN << ", " << iter->lastN << ", " << iter->salary << ", " << iter->bonus << ", " << iter->deduction << ", " << netSalary(iter) <<endl;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
在你的while循环中,iter可以指向列表的末尾,然后在netSalary(iter)中传递空指针(如果我假设你的列表以空指针结束)。你的功能还可以吗?或者你只需要返回iter-&gt; salary;
编辑: 这只是一个猜测,因为你没有提供你的方法的实现。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
答案 2 :(得分:0)
一个是你有iter = iter-&gt;链接两次。一旦进入for循环,一次进入while循环。你可能只需要一个控制循环。
for循环指向15000节点。现在它命中了while循环。由于15000超出范围,因此iter = iter-&gt; link并且iter现在指向16000节点。然后它删除15000节点。 while循环再次运行,并看到16000超出范围。它确实是iter = iter-&gt;链接,现在iter指向null。它删除16000节点。 while循环再次运行,但现在你将它传递为null!
答案 3 :(得分:0)
EmployPtr iter = head;
EmployPtr prevIt = NULL; // pointer to previous node
while( iter )
if(netSalary(head)<45000 || netSalary(head)>60000)
EmployPtr nodeToDelete = iter;
iter = iter->link;
delete nodeToDelete;
if( prevIt )
prevIt->link = iter;
head = iter; // this happens when the head needs to be deleted, so head must point to nex
prevIt = iter;
iter = iter->link;