我试图加快计算球体体积的代码(参见下面的代码)。 这个球体的体积是通过计算小体积片段dv,并将它们相加成一个体积来生成的。
在while(phid< =(360.0 / adstep))和while(thetad< =(180.0 / adstep))中分别用180和90替换360和180并且你需要四分之一的计算意味着你可以简单地乘以最终vol 4.0。
如果我将phi设置为180并将θ保持为180,将计算减半,则此方法有效。 但是当我将theta设置为90时,它并不喜欢它。
Phi 360, Theta 180
Actual Volume Calculated Volume % Difference
4.18879020478639053 4.18878971565348923 0.00001167718922403
Phi 180, Theta 180
4.18879020478639053 4.18878971565618219 0.00001167712493440
Phi 180, Theta 90
4.18879020478639053 4.18586538829648180 0.06987363946500515
任何帮助都会受到赞赏,因为我没有在我的研究中发现任何内容(google& stack overflow)来描述我遇到的问题。
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main()
double thetar, phir, maxr, vol, dv, vol2, arstep, adstep, rad, rad3, thetad, phid, ntheta, nphi;
cout << fixed << setprecision(17); // Set output precision to defined number of decimal places. Note Double has up to 15 decimal place accuracy
vol=0.0; // Initialise volume and set at zero
adstep=0.1; // Steps to rotate angles in degrees
arstep=(adstep/180.0)*M_PI; // Angle steps in radians
phid=1.0; // Phi in degrees starting at adstep
maxr = 1.0; // Radius of the sphere
// Loop to calculate volume
while (phid<=(360.0/adstep)) // Loop over Phi divided by adstep. This scales the loop to the desired number of calculations.
phir=((phid*adstep)/180.0)*M_PI; // Phi in radians
thetad=1.0; // Theta in degrees, reset to initial adstep value
while (thetad<=(180.0/adstep)) // Loop over Theta divided by adstep. Like Phi loop, this scales the loop to the desired number of calculations
thetar=((thetad*adstep)/180.0)*M_PI; // Convert theta degrees to radians
dv = ((maxr*maxr*maxr) * sin(thetar) * arstep * arstep) / 3.0; // Volume of current segment
vol += dv; // Summing all the dv value together to generate a global volume
thetad+=1.0; // Increase theta (degrees) by a single step
phid+=1.0; // Increase phi (degrees) by a single step
vol = vol*1.0; // Volume compensated for any reduction in phi and theta
rad3 = (3.0*vol)/(4.0*M_PI); // volume equivalent radius^3
rad = pow(rad3,(1.0/3.0)); // volume equivalent radius
vol2 = (4.0/3.0)*M_PI*(maxr*maxr*maxr); // Calculated volume of a sphere given initial maxr
// Diagnostic output
cout << vol2 << " " << vol << " " << ((vol2-vol)/vol)*100.0 << endl;
编辑2: 我只想更新,对于未来的观众来说,使用Kahan求和算法(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kahan_summation_algorithm)几乎否定了我的所有精度误差,因为将一小部分加到一个大数字上。还有其他方法,但这是最简单的方法之一,我需要它做的工作。 对于后代,这是从维基百科页面上获取的关于主题的示例psuedocode:
function KahanSum(input)
var sum = 0.0
var c = 0.0 // A running compensation for lost low-order bits.
for i = 1 to input.length do
var y = input[i] - c // So far, so good: c is zero.
var t = sum + y // Alas, sum is big, y small, so low-order digits of y are lost.
c = (t - sum) - y // (t - sum) recovers the high-order part of y; subtracting y recovers -(low part of y)
sum = t // Algebraically, c should always be zero. Beware overly-aggressive optimizing compilers!
// Next time around, the lost low part will be added to y in a fresh attempt.
return sum
答案 0 :(得分:1)
s。 AFAICT,thetar
存储在一个数组中,然后使用分而治之的方法而不是线性传递来对它求和,原则上你会得到更好的结果。然后我再次计算(仅)6 480 000
答案 1 :(得分:0)
while(thetad&lt;(180.0 / adstep) + 1e-8 )
答案 2 :(得分:0)
的范围从{1}调整为1 {1} }。有关更详细的说明,请参阅this link on sphere point-picking。
答案 3 :(得分:0)
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
void volume1(int numSteps)
double thetar, phir, maxr, vol, dv, vol2, arstep, adstep, rad, rad3, thetad, phid, ntheta, nphi;
cout << fixed << setprecision(17); // Set output precision to defined number of decimal places. Note Double has up to 15 decimal place accuracy
vol=0.0; // Initialise volume and set at zero
adstep=360.0/numSteps; // Steps to rotate angles in degrees
arstep=(adstep/180.0)*M_PI; // Angle steps in radians
phid=1.0; // Phi in degrees starting at adstep
maxr = 1.0; // Radius of the sphere
// Loop to calculate volume
while (phid<=(360.0/adstep)) // Loop over Phi divided by adstep. This scales the loop to the desired number of calculations.
phir=((phid*adstep)/180.0)*M_PI; // Phi in radians
thetad=1.0; // Theta in degrees, reset to initial adstep value
while (thetad<=(180.0/adstep)) // Loop over Theta divided by adstep. Like Phi loop, this scales the loop to the desired number of calculations
thetar=((thetad*adstep)/180.0)*M_PI; // Convert theta degrees to radians
dv = ((maxr*maxr*maxr) * sin(thetar) * arstep * arstep) / 3.0; // Volume of current segment
vol += dv; // Summing all the dv value together to generate a global volume
thetad+=1.0; // Increase theta (degrees) by a single step
phid+=1.0; // Increase phi (degrees) by a single step
vol = vol*1.0; // Volume compensated for any reduction in phi and theta
rad3 = (3.0*vol)/(4.0*M_PI); // volume equivalent radius^3
rad = pow(rad3,(1.0/3.0)); // volume equivalent radius
vol2 = (4.0/3.0)*M_PI*(maxr*maxr*maxr); // Calculated volume of a sphere given initial maxr
// Diagnostic output
cout << vol2 << " " << vol << " " << ((vol2-vol)/vol)*100.0 << endl << endl;
void volume2(int numSteps)
double thetar, maxr, vol, vol2, arstep, adstep, rad, rad3, thetad, phid, ntheta, nphi;
cout << fixed << setprecision(17); // Set output precision to defined number of decimal places. Note Double has up to 15 decimal place accuracy
vol=0.0; // Initialise volume and set at zero
adstep = 360.0/numSteps;
arstep=(adstep/180.0)*M_PI; // Angle steps in radians
maxr = 1.0; // Radius of the sphere
double maxRCube = maxr*maxr*maxr;
double arStepSquare = arstep*arstep;
double multiplier = maxRCube*arStepSquare/3.0;
// Loop to calculate volume
int step = 1;
for ( ; step <= numSteps; ++step )
int numInnerSteps = numSteps/2;
thetad = adstep; // Theta in degrees, reset to initial adstep value
for ( int innerStep = 1; innerStep <= numInnerSteps; ++innerStep )
thetar = innerStep*arstep;
vol += multiplier * sin(thetar); // Volume of current segment
vol = vol*1.0; // Volume compensated for any reduction in phi and theta
rad3 = (3.0*vol)/(4.0*M_PI); // volume equivalent radius^3
rad = pow(rad3,(1.0/3.0)); // volume equivalent radius
vol2 = (4.0/3.0)*M_PI*(maxr*maxr*maxr); // Calculated volume of a sphere given initial maxr
// Diagnostic output
cout << vol2 << " " << vol << " " << ((vol2-vol)/vol)*100.0 << endl << endl;
int main()
int numSteps = 3600;
clock_t start = clock();
clock_t end1 = clock();
clock_t end2 = clock();
std::cout << "CPU time used: " << 1000.0 * (end1-start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " ms\n";
std::cout << "CPU time used: " << 1000.0 * (end2-end1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " ms\n";
我得到的输出,使用g ++ 4.7.3:
4.18879020478639053 4.18762558892993564 0.02781088785811153 4.18879020478639053 4.18878914146923176 0.00002538483372773 CPU time used: 639.00000000000000000 ms CPU time used: 359.00000000000000000 ms