我只是一步一步地遵循net-snmp教程,我真的无法获得正确的结果。 链接在这里 HERE
这是我的详细信息: 我的configure命令:
./configure --with-default-snmp-version="3" --with-sys-contact="@@no.where" --with-sys-location="Unknown" --with-logfile="/var/log/snmpd.log" --with-persistent-directory="/var/net-snmp" --with-mib-modules="nstAgentModuleObject"
配置后: ./configure输出的一部分
checking for and configuring mib modules to use... nstAgentModuleObject default_modules.
nstAgentModuleObject default_modules snmpv3mibs mibII ucd_snmp notification notification-log-mib target agent_mibs agentx dism
Net-SNMP configuration summary:
SNMP Versions Supported: 1 2c 3
Building for: linux
Net-SNMP Version:
Network transport support: Callback Unix Alias TCP UDP IPv4Base SocketBase TCPBase UDPIPv4Base UDPBase
SNMPv3 Security Modules: usm
Agent MIB code: nstAgentModuleObject default_modules => snmpv3mibs mibII ucd_snmp notification notification-log-mib target agent_mibs agentx disman/event disman/schedule utilities host
MYSQL Trap Logging: unavailable
Embedded Perl support: enabled
SNMP Perl modules: building -- embeddable
SNMP Python modules: disabled
Crypto support from: internal
Authentication support: MD5 SHA1
Encryption support: DES AES
Local DNSSEC validation: disabled
akamai@JNdev:~/Workspace/net-snmp-$ nm libnetsnmpmibs.so | grep init_nst
00000000000331c0 T init_nstAgentModuleObject