
时间:2014-07-02 09:07:02

标签: knockout.js knockout-mapping-plugin

我正在使用knockoutjs映射插件将我的viewmodel映射到json,但它需要大约1分钟的时间。映射后,json文件的大小约为275kb。下面是一个数据样本,我有30个长度的数组,每个包含这么多的数据。将数据传递给viewmodel时,我会像 ko.mapping.toJSON(data)那样访问详细信息,请访问

$( document ).ready( function ()
           window.Data = ko.mapping.fromJS( data, dataMapping );
            if ( localStorage.viewModels == null )
                console.log( "no data foud in localstorage" );
                window.CurrentViewModel = new ViewModel();
                ko.applyBindings( window.CurrentViewModel );
                localStorage.Data = ko.mapping.toJSON( window.Data     );
                console.log( 'load required view called' );
    } );
function ViewModel()
var self = this;
self.CurrentView = ko.observable( 'start' );
self.PreviousView = ko.observable( 'start' );
self.LoginFocus = ko.observable( false );
self.IsHomeViewVisited = ko.observable( false );
self.PartScrollPosition = ko.observable( 0 );
self.IsHomeHover = ko.observable( false );

self.HomeHover = function ()
    self.IsHomeHover( !self.IsHomeHover() );

self.PartOnScroll = function ()
    self.PartScrollPosition( $( '.tab-section' ).scrollTop() );
function GotoView( view )
    //store the current view in previous view for back buttons
    if ( currentSound != null )
    self.PreviousView( self.CurrentView() );
    self.CurrentView( view );
    if ( view == 'home' )
        $( '.tab-section' ).scrollTop( self.PartScrollPosition() )
self.StartClick = function ()
    GotoView( 'login' );
    self.LoginFocus( true );
self.LicenseClick = function ()
    GotoView( 'license' );
self.UserName = ko.observable( null );
self.CleaUserNameClick = function ()
    self.UserName( null );
self.Rules = window.Data.Rules;

self.Parts = ko.observableArray();
self.CurrentPart = ko.observable( null );
self.ContinueClick = function ()
    if ( self.UserName() != null )
        if ( self.Parts().length == 0 )
        self.CurrentPart( self.Parts()[0] );
        GotoView( 'home' );
        if ( !self.IsHomeViewVisited() )
            self.IsHomeViewVisited( true );
            var sound = new buzz.sound( 'audio/HomeScreen.ogg' );
function AddPartToParts()
    var startIndex = 0;
    var endIndex;
    for ( var i = 1; i <= self.Rules().length / 7; i++ )
        if ( i % 2 == 0 )
            endIndex = startIndex + 7;
            endIndex = startIndex + 6;
        if ( endIndex >= self.Rules().length )
            endIndex = self.Rules().length-1;
        self.Parts.push( { Id: ko.observable( self.Parts().length + 1 ), Rules: ko.observableArray( self.Rules.slice( startIndex, endIndex+1 ) ) } )
        startIndex = endIndex+1;
function AddExtraPropertiesToRules( rules )
    for ( var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++ )
        rules[i].NoOfErrorAttempted = ko.observable( 0 );
        rules[i].NoOfErrorFound = ko.observable( 0 );
        rules[i].NoOfRuleAttempted = ko.observable( 0 );
        rules[i].NoOfRuleFound = ko.observable( 0 );
        rules[i].IsVisited = ko.observable( false );
        AddExtraPropertiesToActivity( rules[i] );
AddExtraPropertiesToRules( self.Rules() );
self.PartClick = function ( part )
    self.CurrentActivity( null );
    self.CurrentRule( null );
    self.CurrentPart( part );
//handle restart click in home view
self.RestartMenuClick = function ()
    GotoView( 'restart' );
self.RestartButtonClick = function ()
self.UserMenuClicked = ko.observable( false );
self.UserMenuClick = function ()
    self.UserMenuClicked( true );
self.NewUserMenuClick = function ()
    GotoView( 'newUser' );
self.EditNameMenuClick = function ()
    GotoView( 'login' );
    self.LoginFocus( true );
self.AboutClicked = ko.observable( false );
self.AboutClick = function ()
    self.AboutClicked( true );
//reset the menu if the user click any where in the home view
self.AnyWhereClick = function ()
self.AboutTheseActivityClick = function ()
    GotoView( 'aboutTheseActivity' )
self.OtherProductsClick = function ()
    GotoView( 'otherProducts' )
self.PrintInstructionsClick = function ()
    GotoView( 'printInstructions' )
self.HowToPlayClick = function ()
    GotoView( 'howToPlay' );
//hide the other menu that are open
function ResetMenuClick()
    self.AboutClicked( false );
    self.UserMenuClicked( false );

self.BackButtonClick = function ()
    GotoView( self.PreviousView() );
var currentActivityIndex;
self.CurrentRule = ko.observable( null );

self.GotoActivity = function ( rule, activityIndex )
    if ( activityIndex != currentActivityIndex )
        //reset values if current activity 
        //and next activity is different
    self.CurrentRule( rule );
    currentActivityIndex = activityIndex;
    SetCurrentActivity( activityIndex );
    self.IsLessonFromActivity( false );
    GotoView( 'activity' );
self.CurrentActivity = ko.observable( null );
self.IsLastACtivity = ko.observable( false );
//added some extra property to activity
function AddExtraPropertiesToActivity( rule )
    var Activities = rule.Activities();
    for ( var i = 0; i < Activities.length; i++ )
        if ( Activities[i].ImageUrl == null )
            Activities[i].ImageUrl = ko.observable(
                //set the activity image url based on rule and current part 
                'images/ActivityImages/Activity' + rule.Id() + '.' + Activities[i].Id() + '.png'
        //stores the types of error present in the activity
        if ( Activities[i].ErrorTypes == null && rule.IsReview() )
            Activities[i].ErrorTypes = ko.observableArray();
        AddTypesOfErrorToActivity( Activities[i] );
        if ( Activities[i].CurrentSection == null )
            Activities[i].CurrentSection = ko.observable( null );
        if ( Activities[i].IsCompleted == null )
            Activities[i].IsCompleted = ko.observable( false );
        if ( Activities[i].IsReviewMode == null )
            Activities[i].IsReviewMode = ko.observable( false );
        if ( Activities[i].IsErrorReviewClicked == null )
            Activities[i].IsErrorReviewClicked = ko.observable( false );
        if ( Activities[i].IsShowErrorClicked == null )
            Activities[i].IsShowErrorClicked = ko.observable( false );
        if ( Activities[i].NoOfErrorAttempted == null )
            Activities[i].NoOfErrorAttempted = ko.observable( 0 );
        if ( Activities[i].NoOfAttempts == null )
            Activities[i].NoOfAttempts = ko.observable( 0 );
        if ( Activities[i].NoOfErrorFound == null )
            Activities[i].NoOfErrorFound = ko.observable( 0 );
        if ( Activities[i].NoOfRuleIdentified == null )
            Activities[i].NoOfRuleIdentified = ko.observable( 0 );
        if ( Activities[i].AnsColors == null )
            Activities[i].AnsColors = ko.observableArray();
        if ( Activities[i].NoOfErrorPresent == null )
            Activities[i].NoOfErrorPresent = ko.observable( GetNoOfErrorInActivity( Activities[i] ) )


function AddTypesOfErrorToActivity( activity )
    for ( var i = 0; i < activity.Sections().length; i++ )
        if ( activity.Sections()[i].ErrorType )
            var errortype = ko.utils.arrayFirst( activity.ErrorTypes(), function ( errorType )
                return activity.Sections()[i].ErrorType.RuleId() == errorType.RuleId();
            } );
            if ( !errortype )
                activity.ErrorTypes.push( { RuleId: activity.Sections()[i].ErrorType.RuleId, Name: activity.Sections()[i].ErrorType.Name, AnsColors: ko.observableArray( ["#FFFFFF"] ) } )
                errortype.AnsColors.push( "#FFFFFF" );
function GetNoOfErrorInActivity( activity )
    var errorCount = 0;
    for ( var i = 0; i < activity.Sections().length; i++ )
        if ( activity.Sections()[i].IsError() )
            errorCount = errorCount + 1;
            activity.AnsColors.push( '#FFFFFF' );
    return errorCount;
function AddExtraPropertiesToSection( activity )
    var Sections = activity.Sections();
    for ( var i = 0; i < Sections.length; i++ )
        if ( Sections[i].Color == null )
            Sections[i].Color = ko.observable( 'black' );
        if ( Sections[i].IsClicked == null )
            Sections[i].IsClicked = ko.observable( false );
        if ( Sections[i].IsAnswered == null )
            Sections[i].IsAnswered = ko.observable( false );

        if ( Sections[i].TextSize == null )
            Sections[i].TextSize = ko.observable( 'normal' );

function SetNoOfErrorPresentInActivity( activity )
    activity.NoOfErrorPresent = ko.observable( 0 );
    var Sections = activity.Sections();
    for ( var i = 0; i < Sections.length; i++ )
        if ( Sections[i].IsError() )
            activity.NoOfErrorPresent( activity.NoOfErrorPresent() + 1 );
function SetCurrentActivity( activityIndex )
    if ( self.CurrentRule().Activities().length - 1 == activityIndex )
        self.IsLastACtivity( true );
        self.IsLastACtivity( false );
    var activity = self.CurrentRule().Activities()[activityIndex];
    AddExtraPropertiesToSection( activity );
    SetNoOfErrorPresentInActivity( activity );
    self.CurrentActivity( activity );
function ResetCurrentValues()
    clearTimeout( timeOutID );
    clearInterval( intervalID );
    self.AnimationTimer( 0 );
    self.IsHomeHover( false );
var isInstructionClicked;
self.ActivityInstructionClick = function ()
    if ( !self.CurrentActivity().IsCompleted() )
        isInstructionClicked = true;
        self.AnimationTimer( 0 );
self.LessonFilePath = ko.observable( null );
self.IsLessonFromActivity = ko.observable( false );
self.RuleCaptionClick = function ( ruleName )
    self.LessonFilePath( 'Lessons/' + ruleName.replace( / /g, '-' ).replace( /,/g, '' ) + '.html' );
    self.IsLessonFromActivity( true );
    GotoView( 'autoPlayedLesson' );
self.PlayLessonVideo = function ( rule )
    if ( !rule.IsReview() )
        self.CurrentRule( rule );
        self.LessonFilePath( 'Lessons/' + rule.Caption().replace( / /g, '-' ).replace( /,/g, '' ) + '.html' );
        GotoView( 'autoPlayedLesson' );
self.GoToCurrentActivity = function ()
    self.IsLessonFromActivity( false );
    GotoView( 'activity' );
self.HomeClick = function ()
    self.IsLessonFromActivity( false );
    GotoView( 'home' );
self.Attempts = ko.observable( 0 );
self.IsQuestionView = ko.observable( false );

self.NoOfRuleIdentified = ko.observable( 0 );

function ShowQuestionView( section )
    self.CurrentActivity().CurrentSection( section );
    self.IsQuestionView( true );
    //make the Question readonly
    ChangeQuestionReadOnlyState( true );

self.ErrorClick = function ( section )
    //if sound is already played and not in question view
    if ( ( self.AnimationTimer() >= 14 || self.CurrentRule().IsVisited() ) && !self.IsCheckAnsClicked() && !self.IsQuestionView() )
        if ( !self.CurrentActivity().IsReviewMode() && !self.CurrentActivity().IsCompleted() )
            self.CurrentActivity().NoOfAttempts( self.CurrentActivity().NoOfAttempts() + 1 )
        if ( section.IsError() && !section.IsAnswered() )
            section.Color( '#EB6556' );
            section.TextSize( 'bold' );
            section.IsClicked( true );

            if ( section.IsErrorFound == null )
                section.IsErrorFound = ko.observable( true );
                self.CurrentActivity().NoOfErrorFound( self.CurrentActivity().NoOfErrorFound() + 1 );
            ShowQuestionView( section );
            self.CurrentActivity().NoOfErrorAttempted( self.CurrentActivity().NoOfErrorAttempted() + 1 );
        if ( section.IsError() && section.IsAnswered() && self.CurrentActivity().IsReviewMode() )
            ShowReview( section );

//visiblity status of show error button
self.ShowErrorBtnVisibility = ko.computed( function ()
    if ( self.CurrentActivity() != undefined )
        return self.CurrentActivity().NoOfAttempts() > 7 && !self.CurrentActivity().IsShowErrorClicked() && !self.CurrentActivity().IsCompleted() && !self.IsQuestionView() && ( self.CurrentActivity().CurrentSection() == null )
        return false;
} )

function ShowReview( section )
    if ( self.CurrentActivity().CurrentSection() == section )
        self.CurrentActivity().IsErrorReviewClicked( false );
        self.CurrentActivity().CurrentSection( null );
        self.CurrentActivity().CurrentSection( section );
        self.CurrentActivity().IsErrorReviewClicked( true );
function ChangeQuestionReadOnlyState( status )

    for ( var i = 0; i < self.CurrentActivity().Sections.length; i++ )
        self.CurrentActivity().Sections[i].IsClicked = ko.observable( status );
self.ShowErrorClick = function ()
    self.CurrentActivity().IsShowErrorClicked( true );
    for ( var i = 0; i < self.CurrentActivity().Sections().length; i++ )
        if ( self.CurrentActivity().Sections()[i].IsError() && !self.CurrentActivity().Sections()[i].IsAnswered() )
            self.CurrentActivity().Sections()[i].TextSize( 'bold' );
            self.CurrentActivity().Sections()[i].IsErrorFound = ko.observable( false );
self.CheckedOption = ko.observable( null );
//hold the answer status ie Correct InCorrect and PartiallyCorrect
self.IsCheckAnsClicked = ko.observable( false );
self.AllowIncorrectRuleAttempt = ko.observable( false );
var checkedOption;
self.CheckAnswerClick = function ()
    if ( self.CurrentActivity().CurrentSection().IsRuleIdentified == null )
        self.CurrentActivity().CurrentSection().IsRuleIdentified = ko.observable();
    self.IsCheckAnsClicked( true )
    var result = self.CheckedOption().IsAnswer();
    checkedOption = self.CheckedOption();
    if ( result )
        self.CurrentActivity().NoOfRuleIdentified( self.CurrentActivity().NoOfRuleIdentified() + 1 );
        self.CurrentActivity().CurrentSection().IsRuleIdentified( true );
        self.CheckedOption( '' );
        //retry not required for correct answer.
        self.AllowIncorrectRuleAttempt( false );
        self.CurrentActivity().CurrentSection().IsRuleIdentified( false );
        //reverse the retry for incorrect ans
        if ( self.AllowIncorrectRuleAttempt() )
            self.CheckedOption( '' );
            self.AllowIncorrectRuleAttempt( false );
            self.AllowIncorrectRuleAttempt( true );


self.OptionClick = function ()
    self.IsCheckAnsClicked( false );
    return true;
function ShowAnswer()
    if ( !self.AllowIncorrectRuleAttempt() )
        var currentSection = self.CurrentActivity().CurrentSection();
        if ( currentSection.IsRuleIdentified() && currentSection.IsErrorFound() )
            currentSection.Color( '#7FCE14' );
            UpdateAnsColor( '#7FCE14' );
        else if ( currentSection.IsRuleIdentified() || currentSection.IsErrorFound() )
            currentSection.Color( '#9983B4' );
            UpdateAnsColor( '#9983B4' );
            //if currentRule and error both not identified
            currentSection.Color( '#EB6556' );
            UpdateAnsColor( '#EB6556' );
        currentSection.TextSize( 'bold' );
        currentSection.IsAnswered( true );
    self.IsQuestionView( false );
function UpdateAnsColor( color )
    if ( self.CurrentRule().IsReview() )
        var errorType = ko.utils.arrayFirst( self.CurrentActivity().ErrorTypes(), function ( errortype )
            return self.CurrentActivity().CurrentSection().ErrorType.RuleId() == errortype.RuleId();
        } );
        if ( errorType != null )
            for ( var i in errorType.AnsColors() )
                if ( errorType.AnsColors()[i] == '#FFFFFF' )
                    errorType.AnsColors()[i] = color;

        for ( var i in self.CurrentActivity().AnsColors() )
            if ( self.CurrentActivity().AnsColors()[i] == '#FFFFFF' )
                self.CurrentActivity().AnsColors()[i] = color;
self.FeedBackClick = function ()
    if ( !self.IsQuestionView() && !self.CurrentActivity().IsCompleted() )
        self.IsCheckAnsClicked( false );
        self.CurrentActivity().CurrentSection( null );
        ChangeQuestionReadOnlyState( false )
        if ( self.CurrentActivity().NoOfErrorAttempted() == self.CurrentActivity().NoOfErrorPresent() )
            self.CurrentActivity().IsCompleted( true );
            currentSound = new buzz.sound( "audio/applause.ogg" );
    return true;
function UpdateScore()
    var currentRule = self.CurrentRule();
    currentRule.NoOfErrorAttempted( currentRule.NoOfErrorAttempted() + self.CurrentActivity().NoOfErrorPresent() );
    currentRule.NoOfRuleAttempted( currentRule.NoOfRuleAttempted() + self.CurrentActivity().NoOfErrorPresent() );
    currentRule.NoOfErrorFound( currentRule.NoOfErrorFound() + self.CurrentActivity().NoOfErrorFound() );
    currentRule.NoOfRuleFound( currentRule.NoOfRuleFound() + self.CurrentActivity().NoOfRuleIdentified() );
self.NextActivityClick = function ()
    currentActivityIndex = self.CurrentRule().Activities.indexOf( self.CurrentActivity() ) + 1;
    SetCurrentActivity( currentActivityIndex );
self.ReviewClick = function ()
    self.CurrentActivity().CurrentSection( null );
    self.CurrentActivity().IsReviewMode( true );
self.AnimationTimer = ko.observable( 0 );
var currentSound;
function PlayActivitySound()
    if ( self.AnimationTimer() < 5 )
        currentSound = new buzz.sound( 'audio/Activity/Activity' + self.CurrentRule().Id() + '.' + self.CurrentActivity().Id() + '.ogg' );

        clearTimeout( timeOutID );
function UpdateTimer()
    if ( self.AnimationTimer() <= 14 )
        self.AnimationTimer( self.AnimationTimer() + 1 );
        clearInterval( intervalID );
var intervalID;
var timeOutID;
//set the timer for sound play and animation in activity
function ShowAnimation()
    if ( !self.CurrentRule().IsVisited() || isInstructionClicked )
        //mark the activity as visited 
        self.CurrentRule().IsVisited( true );
        isInstructionClicked = false;
        intervalID = setInterval( UpdateTimer, 250 );
        timeOutID = setTimeout( PlayActivitySound, 1000 );

self.Alphabets = 'abcdefghijklmnoqpuvwxyz';
self.MarkerAnimation = {
    height: ko.observable( 0 ),
    width: ko.observable( 0 )

self.AnimateMarkerMouseover = function ()
    var height = 0;
    var width = 0;
    //check if animation is already running
    if ( height <= 0 )
        var intervalExpand = setInterval( function ()
            if ( height < 42 )
                height = height + 2;
                width = width + 11;
                self.MarkerAnimation.width( width );
                self.MarkerAnimation.height( height );
        }, 100 )
    setTimeout( function ()
        clearInterval( intervalExpand );
        var intervalShrink = setInterval( function ()
            height = height - 2;
            width = width - 11;
            self.MarkerAnimation.width( width );
            self.MarkerAnimation.height( height );
        }, 100 )
        setTimeout( function () { clearInterval( intervalShrink ); }, 2300 )
    }, 2500 )




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