
时间:2014-07-01 19:45:15

标签: multithreading powershell


    $ErrorActionPreference = "silentlycontinue"
filter Check-Online {
    trap { continue }
    . {
      $timeout = 2000
      $obj = New-Object system.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping
      $result = $obj.Send($_, $timeout)
      if ($result.status -eq 'Success') {1 }
function Get-WebPage {
   Downloads web page from site.
   Downloads web page from site and displays source code or displays total bytes of webpage downloaded
    URL of the website to test access to.
.PARAMETER UseDefaultCredentials
    Use the currently authenticated user's credentials  
    Used to connect via a proxy
.PARAMETER Credential
    Provide alternate credentials 
    Displays the size of the downloaded page in bytes
    Name: Get-WebPage
    Author: Boe Prox
    DateCreated: 08Feb2011        
    Get-WebPage -url "http://www.bing.com"

Returns the source code from bing.com -showsize
    Get-WebPage -url "http://www.bing.com" -ShowSize

Returns the size of the webpage bing.com in bytes.
    DefaultParameterSetName = 'url',
    ConfirmImpact = 'low'
            Mandatory = $True,
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = '',
            ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
            Position = 1,
            Mandatory = $False,
            ParameterSetName = 'defaultcred')]
            Mandatory = $False,
            ParameterSetName = '')]
            Mandatory = $False,
            ParameterSetName = 'altcred')]
            Mandatory = $False,
            ParameterSetName = '')]

Begin {     
    $psBoundParameters.GetEnumerator() | % { 
        Write-Verbose "Parameter: $_" 

    #Create the initial WebClient object
    Write-Verbose "Creating web client object"
    $wc = New-Object Net.WebClient 

    #Use Proxy address if specified
    If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Proxy')) {
        #Create Proxy Address for Web Request
        Write-Verbose "Creating proxy address and adding into Web Request"
        $wc.Proxy = New-Object -TypeName Net.WebProxy($proxy,$True)

    #Determine if using Default Credentials
    If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('UseDefaultCredentials')) {
        #Set to True, otherwise remains False
        Write-Verbose "Using Default Credentials"
        $wc.UseDefaultCredentials = $True
    #Determine if using Alternate Credentials
    If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Credentials')) {
        #Prompt for alternate credentals
        Write-Verbose "Prompt for alternate credentials"
        $wc.Credential = (Get-Credential).GetNetworkCredential()

Process {    
    Try {
        If ($ShowSize) {
            #Get the size of the webpage
            Write-Verbose "Downloading web page and determining size"
            "{0:N0}" -f ($wr.DownloadString($url) | Out-String).length -as [INT]
        Else {
            #Get the contents of the webpage
            Write-Verbose "Downloading web page and displaying source code" 

    Catch {
        Write-Warning "$($Error[0])"

Function Get-RemoteRegistry {
    #This Function is read remote registry
        [string]$computer = $(Read-Host "Remote Computer Name")
       ,[string]$Path     = $(Read-Host "Remote Registry Path (must start with HKLM,HKCU,etc)")
    if ($Verbose) { $VerbosePreference = 2 } # Only affects this script.

       $root, $last = $Path.Split("\")
       $last = $last[-1]
       $Path = $Path.Substring($root.Length + 1,$Path.Length - ( $last.Length + $root.Length + 2))
       $root = $root.TrimEnd(":")

       #split the path to get a list of subkeys that we will need to access
       # ClassesRoot, CurrentUser, LocalMachine, Users, PerformanceData, CurrentConfig, DynData
       switch($root) {
          "HKLM"  { $root = "LocalMachine" }
          default { return "Path argument is not valid" }

       #Access Remote Registry Key using the static OpenRemoteBaseKey method.
       Write-Verbose "Accessing $root from $computer"
       #Add-Content $loglocation "Accessing $root from $computer"
       $rootkey = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey($root,$computer)
       if(-not $rootkey) { Write-Error "Can't open the remote $root registry hive" }

       Write-Verbose "Opening $Path"
       #Add-Content $loglocation "Opening $Path"
       $key = $rootkey.OpenSubKey( $Path )
       if(-not $key) { 
       Write-Error "Can't open $($root + '\' + $Path) on $computer"
       #Add-Content $loglocation "Can't open $($root + '\' + $Path) on $computer"

       $subkey = $key.OpenSubKey( $last )

       $output = new-object object

       if($subkey -and $Properties -and $Properties.Count) {
          foreach($property in $Properties) {
             Add-Member -InputObject $output -Type NoteProperty -Name $property -Value $subkey.GetValue($property)
          Write-Output $output
       } elseif($subkey) {
          Add-Member -InputObject $output -Type NoteProperty -Name "Subkeys" -Value @($subkey.GetSubKeyNames())
          foreach($property in $subkey.GetValueNames()) {
             Add-Member -InputObject $output -Type NoteProperty -Name $property -Value $subkey.GetValue($property)
          Write-Output $output

$loglocation = Read-Host "Please input a local path to save the logs to. Ex: C:\mylog.txt"
$Computerlist = Read-Host "Please input the path to local file that contains the computer's names. Ex: C:\computernames.txt"

$webpage = Get-WebPage -url "ftp://ftp.mcafee.com/commonupdater/"
$val1 = $webpage.indexof("avvdat-") + 4
$val2 = $webpage.indexof(".zip")
$output = $webpage.substring($val1,$val2-$val1)
$output = $output.replace("at-", "")
write-host "The current DAT file version is: $output"
Add-Content $loglocation "The current DAT file version is: $output"

$servers = get-content $Computerlist #read the computers from the text file

foreach($s in $servers){ #This foreach loops through the text file of computers and performs the below actions on each computer.
    #Check if they are online
    if (($s | Check-Online) -eq 1) {     
        write-host "$s is online"
        $Regvalue = Get-RemoteRegistry $s "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\McAfee\AVEngine\AVDatDate"     
        $Regvalue2 = Get-RemoteRegistry $s "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\McAfee\AVEngine\AVDatVersion"     
        $Regvalue3 = Get-RemoteRegistry $s "HKLM\SOFTWARE\McAfee\AVEngine\AVDatDate"        
        $Regvalue4 = Get-RemoteRegistry $s "HKLM\SOFTWARE\McAfee\AVEngine\AVDatVersion" 

        $aValue = $Regvalue
        $bValue = $Regvalue2
        if($Regvalue -eq $null){
            $aValue = $Regvalue3

        if($Regvalue2 -eq $null){
            $bValue = $Regvalue4
        write-host $Regvalue
        write-host $Regvalue2
        write-host $Regvalue3
        write-host $Regvalue4
        Add-Content $loglocation "$s,$aValue,$bValue"
        Write-Error "$s is offline"

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


答案 1 :(得分:0)


$Servers = Get-Content Servers.txt
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {#Code to run} -Computername $Servers -AsJob -Throttle 20
Get-Job | Wait-Job | Receive-Job