
时间:2014-07-01 16:30:37

标签: c# recursion


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它是从a paper中提取的,它将算法指定为递归。



public static Circle MiniDiskImpl(IReadOnlyList<Point2D> points, List<Point2D> boundary)
    if (!points.Any() || boundary.Count == 3)
        if (boundary.Count == 0)
            return null;

        if (boundary.Count == 1)
            return null;

        if (boundary.Count == 2)
            var radius = boundary[0].DistanceTo(boundary[1])/2;
            var center = (boundary[0] + boundary[1])*0.5;
            return new Circle(Plane.XY, center, radius);

        return new Circle(Plane.XY,boundary[0],boundary[1],boundary[2]);

    var p = points[0];
    var Q = points.GetRange(1,points.Count - 1);
    var D = MiniDiskImpl(Q, boundary);

    if (D==null || D.Center.DistanceTo(p) >= D.Radius)
        D = MiniDiskImpl(Q, boundary.Concat(p).ToList());

    return D;


public static Circle MiniDisk(List<Point2D> points)
    points = points.Slice(0); // Clone the list so we can manipulate in place
    points.Shuffle(); // sorted points cause poor algorithm performance
    return MiniDiskImpl(points, new List<Point2D>());


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

当你使用递归时,你使用调用堆栈来执行某些操作,你总是可以通过将自己的对象放到实际的堆栈中将递归算法转换为它的迭代版本,请参阅wiki上的DFS示例:{{3} }

答案 1 :(得分:0)


/// <summary>
/// Find the smallest enclosing circle. See reference
/// http://www.inf.ethz.ch/personal/emo/PublFiles/SmallEnclDisk_LNCS555_91.pdf
/// "Smallest enclosing disks (balls and ellipsoids) EMO WELZL
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static class Circles 

    private static Return<Circle> Left
        (List<Point2D> points, List<Point2D> boundary)

        if ( !points.Any() || boundary.Count == 3 )
            if ( boundary.Count <= 1 )
                return Return.Value<Circle>(null);

            if ( boundary.Count == 2 )
                var radius = boundary[0].DistanceTo(boundary[1]) / 2;
                var center = ( boundary[0] + boundary[1] ) * 0.5;
                return Return.Value(new Circle(Plane.XY, center, radius));

            return Return.Value(new Circle(Plane.XY, boundary[0], boundary[1], boundary[2]));

        var p = points[0];
        var q = points.GetRange(1, points.Count - 1);

        return from circle in Return.Call(() => Left(q, boundary))
               from result in 
                   (circle == null || circle.Center.DistanceTo(p) >= circle.Radius)
                           ? Return.Call(() => Left(q, boundary.Concat(p).ToList()))
                           : Return.Value(circle)
               select result;

    public static Circle MiniDisk( List<Point2D> points )
        points = points.Slice(0);
        return TrampolineRecursion.Do(()=>LeftLeft(points, new List<Point2D>()));



namespace Weingartner.Numerics.Recursion
    public class Return<T>
        #region return value mode
        public bool HasReturnValue;
        public T ReturnValue;

        #region call and continue mode
        public Func<Return<T>> Call;
        public Func<T, Return<T>> Continue;

        /// <summary>
        /// To avoid GC pressure we use a thread static variable
        /// to handle the return value from functions.
        /// </summary>
        [ThreadStatic] private static Return<T> _ReturnRegister;

        public static Return<T> R()
            if (_ReturnRegister == null)
                _ReturnRegister = new Return<T>();
            return _ReturnRegister;

        public Return<T> Bind(Func<T, Return<T>> fn)
            if (HasReturnValue)
                return Return.Call(() => Return.Value(ReturnValue), fn);

                return Return.Call(Call, t => Continue(t).SelectMany(fn));

            return Return.Call(Call, fn);

        public Return<T> SelectMany(Func<T, Return<T>> fn)
            return Bind(fn);
        public Return<T> SelectMany( Func<T, Return<T>> f, Func<T, T, T> g)
            return Bind(x => f(x).Bind(y => Return.Value(g(x, y))));

        public Return<T> Select(Func<T, T> fn)
            if (HasReturnValue)
                return Return.Value(fn(ReturnValue));

                return Return.Call(Call, t => Continue(t).Select(fn));

            return Return.Call(Call, t => Continue(t).Select(fn));

        public T Run()

            var stack = new Stack<Func<T,Return<T>>>();
            stack.Push(r => Call());

            var @return = Return.Value(default(T));

            while ( stack.Count > 0 )
                @return = stack.Peek()(@return.ReturnValue);
                if (!@return.HasReturnValue)
                    var t = @return;
                    stack.Push(r => t.Call());

            return ReturnValue = @return.ReturnValue;

    public class Return
        public static Return<T> Value<T>( T t )
            var r = Return<T>.R();
            r.HasReturnValue = true;
            r.ReturnValue = t;
            return r;

        public static Return<T> Call<T>
            (Func<Return<T>> call, Func<T, Return<T>> @continue = null)
            var r = Return<T>.R();
            r.HasReturnValue = false;
            r.Call = call;
            r.Continue = @continue;
            return r;


    public static class TrampolineRecursion
        public static T Do<T>(Func<Return<T>> call)
            return Return.Call(call).Run();