
时间:2014-07-01 08:05:58

标签: sql postgresql postgis


CREATE TABLE public.sgclasstab_id67
    oid bigint NOT NULL,
    att_1113 bigint,
    att_1114 bigint,
    att_1115 character varying(500),
    att_1116 character varying(2000),
    att_1578 double precision,
    CONSTRAINT sgclasstab_id67_pkey PRIMARY KEY (oid)

CREATE TABLE public.sgclasstab_id68
    oid bigint NOT NULL,
    att_1119 bigint,
    att_1139 bigint,
    att_1496 character varying(2000),
    CONSTRAINT sgclasstab_id68_pkey PRIMARY KEY (oid)

CREATE TABLE public.sggeofacelist
    oid bigint NOT NULL,
    meanid smallint,
    numofislands smallint DEFAULT 0,
    compound smallint DEFAULT 0,
    extra character varying(512),
    crs bigint DEFAULT (-1),
    crsapp bigint DEFAULT (-1),
    version bigint DEFAULT 0,
    feature geometry,
    CONSTRAINT sggeofacelist_pkey PRIMARY KEY (oid),
    CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_feature CHECK (st_ndims(feature) = 3),
    CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_feature CHECK (st_srid(feature) = 0)

CREATE TABLE public.sggeopointlist
    oid bigint NOT NULL,
    angle double precision,
    meanid smallint,
    crs bigint DEFAULT (-1),
    crsapp bigint DEFAULT (-1),
    origx double precision,
    origy double precision,
    feature geometry,
    CONSTRAINT sggeopointlist_pkey PRIMARY KEY (oid),
    CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_feature CHECK (st_ndims(feature) = 3),
    CONSTRAINT enforce_srid_feature CHECK (st_srid(feature) = 0)



UPDATE sgclasstab_id68 SET att_1496 = (
    SELECT t3943814704643.att_1115 
    FROM sgclasstab_id67 t3943814704643, sggeofacelist t3943863539361, sgclasstab_id68 t3943875447103, sggeopointlist t3943875522916 
    WHERE ((t3943814704643.att_1114=t3943863539361.oid )) 
        AND ((t3943875447103.att_1139=t3943875522916.oid )) 
        AND ((t3943863539361.feature && (t3943875522916.feature) AND ST_Intersects(t3943863539361.feature,(t3943875522916.feature)))) 
        AND (t3943863539361.oid=t3943814704643.att_1114)  
        AND sgclasstab_id68.oid = t3943875447103.oid 
    LIMIT 1


Update on sgclasstab_id68  (cost=0.00..1076.63 rows=100 width=736)
  ->  Seq Scan on sgclasstab_id68  (cost=0.00..1076.63 rows=100 width=736)
        SubPlan 1
          ->  Limit  (cost=0.70..10.48 rows=1 width=516)
                ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.70..10.48 rows=1 width=516)
                      ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.55..10.18 rows=1 width=524)
                            ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.29..9.33 rows=1 width=5482)
                                  ->  Seq Scan on sgclasstab_id67 t3943814704643  (cost=0.00..1.01 rows=1 width=524)
                                  ->  Index Scan using sggeofacelist_pkey on sggeofacelist t3943863539361  (cost=0.29..8.31 rows=1 width=4974)
                                        Index Cond: (oid = t3943814704643.att_1114)
                            ->  Index Scan using sggeopointlist_idx on sggeopointlist t3943875522916  (cost=0.27..0.84 rows=1 width=48)
                                  Index Cond: ((t3943863539361.feature && feature) AND (t3943863539361.feature && feature))
                                  Filter: _st_intersects(t3943863539361.feature, feature)
                      ->  Index Scan using sgclasstab_id68a1139_idx on sgclasstab_id68 t3943875447103  (cost=0.14..0.29 rows=1 width=8)
                            Index Cond: (att_1139 = t3943875522916.oid)
                            Filter: (sgclasstab_id68.oid = oid)



PostgreSQL 9.3,PostGIS 2.1.1 r12113。


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

[不是答案] 仅供参考:清理过的查询(希望我没有发生任何错误):

UPDATE sgclasstab_id68 dst
SET att_1496 = (
    SELECT cla.att_1115
    FROM sgclasstab_id67 cla 
    JOIN sggeofacelist fac ON cla.att_1114 = fac.oid AND fac.oid = cla.att_1114
    JOIN sggeopointlist pnt ON fac.feature && (pnt.feature) AND ST_Intersects(fac.feature, pnt.feature)
    JOIN sgclasstab_id68 cla2 ON cla2.att_1139 = pnt.oid
    WHERE 1=1
        AND dst.oid = cla2.oid
        -- AND cla2.oid = cla2.oid
    LIMIT 1 

[ANSWER] 看来,unali的cla2(classtab_id68)引用引用内部查询,而不是外部UPDATE语句中的目标表。因此,所有classtab_id68都将使用相同的值进行更新。此外,联接列缺少FK约束/索引。

更新:第二个想法,表格参考JOIN sgclasstab_id68 cla2不是必需的;它引用与目标行相同的行,因此查询可以进一步简化为:

UPDATE sgclasstab_id68 dst
SET att_1496 = (
    SELECT c67.att_1115 
    FROM sgclasstab_id67 c67 
    JOIN sggeofacelist fl ON c67.att_1114 = fl.oid AND fl.oid = c67.att_1114
    JOIN sggeopointlist pnt ON (fl.feature && pnt.feature) AND ST_Intersects(fl.feature, pnt.feature)
    WHERE dst.att_1139 = pnt.oid 
    LIMIT 1

[但仍然需要适当的FK /索引。]

附录:子查询中的LIMIT 1(没有订单)也是可疑的。您希望您的更新至少是种类确定性的。此子查询只从结果集中选择一个随机行(如果有多个)并将其分配给目标表。似乎不合逻辑;至少不是我。


UPDATE sgclasstab_id68 dst
SET att_1496 = c67.att_1115 
FROM sgclasstab_id67 c67    
JOIN sggeofacelist fl ON c67.att_1114 = fl.oid AND fl.oid = c67.att_1114
JOIN sggeopointlist pnt ON ST_Intersects(fl.feature, pnt.feature)
WHERE dst.att_1139 = pnt.oid    

答案 1 :(得分:0)

NOT an answer, just an attempt to clarify the question with formatting (taken from joop)。这仍然是你想要的,如果是这样,现在解释的输出是什么?

UPDATE sgclasstab_id68 dst
    SET att_1496 = (
       SELECT cla.att_1115
    FROM sgclasstab_id67 cla 
       JOIN sggeofacelist fac ON cla.att_1114 = fac.oid AND fac.oid = cla.att_1114        
       JOIN sgclasstab_id68 cla2 ON cla2.att_1139 = pnt.oid
    WHERE  dst.oid = cla2.oid
       AND ST_Intersects(fac.feature, pnt.feature)       

答案 2 :(得分:0)


UPDATE sgclasstab_id68 SET att_1496 = (
    SELECT sgclasstab_id67.att_1115 
    FROM sgclasstab_id67, sggeofacelist, sggeopointlist 
    WHERE ((sgclasstab_id67.att_1114=sggeofacelist.oid )) 
        AND ((sgclasstab_id68.att_1139=sggeopointlist.oid )) 
        AND (ST_Intersects(sggeofacelist.feature,(sggeopointlist.feature))) 
        AND (sggeofacelist.oid=sgclasstab_id67.att_1114)  


Update on sgclasstab_id68  (cost=0.00..1074.13 rows=100 width=736)
  ->  Seq Scan on sgclasstab_id68  (cost=0.00..1074.13 rows=100 width=736)
        SubPlan 1
          ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.55..10.18 rows=1 width=516)
                ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.29..9.33 rows=1 width=5482)
                      ->  Seq Scan on sgclasstab_id67  (cost=0.00..1.01 rows=1 width=524)
                      ->  Index Scan using sggeofacelist_pkey on sggeofacelist  (cost=0.29..8.31 rows=1 width=4974)
                            Index Cond: (oid = sgclasstab_id67.att_1114)
                ->  Index Scan using sggeopointlist_idx on sggeopointlist  (cost=0.27..0.84 rows=1 width=40)
                      Index Cond: (sggeofacelist.feature && feature)
                      Filter: ((sgclasstab_id68.att_1139 = oid) AND _st_intersects(sggeofacelist.feature, feature))
