我正在攻读算法考试,我有一个练习,如果条件成立,我需要交换两个双向链表项。 (语言:C) 更具体地说,我有一个这样的清单:
H <-> |prev|Frequency1|VALUE1|next| <-> |prev|Frequency2|VALUE2|next| <-> ... <-> NULL
int Search(int x, list* head) {
int contapos = 0;
list* i;
list* aus;
for (i=head; i!=NULL; i = i->next, contapos++)
if (i->key == x)
i->freq++; // Increase frequency
aus = i->prev;
while ((i->freq > aus->freq))
{ // Keep ordered the frequencies
if (i->next != NULL)
i->next->prev = aus;
if (aus->prev != NULL)
aus->prev->next = i;
aus->next = i->next;
i->prev = aus->prev;
aus->prev = i;
i->next = aus;
/* Return counter */
return contapos;
return -1; // In case the item i am searching is not there
修改 根据要求,我现在正在添加程序的主要(以及完整的代码)
typedef struct _list {
int key;
int freq;
struct _list *next;
struct _list *prev;
} list;
list* head;
list* tail;
void swap(list *lhs, list *rhs) {
list *temp;
temp = lhs->prev;
lhs->prev = rhs->prev;
rhs->prev = temp;
temp = lhs->next;
lhs->next = rhs->next;
rhs->next = temp;
void InsertAtTail(int value) {
list *newNode;
newNode = (list*)malloc(sizeof(list));
newNode->key = value;
if(head == NULL)
head = newNode;
tail->next = newNode;
newNode->prev = tail;
tail = newNode;
tail->next = NULL;
int SearchAndIncrement(int x, list** head) {
int contapos = 0;
list* i;
// Let's find the element with the matching key
for (i = *head; i != NULL; i = i->next, contapos++)
if (i->key == x)
// If we did not find the node, return -1 to denote failure.
if (i == NULL)
return -1;
// Increase frequency
// Move this node forward while the frequency is not in the correct position.
while (i->next && i->prev && (i->freq > i->prev->freq))
swap(i, i->prev);
// The head might have been moved.
while ((*head)->prev != NULL)
(*head) = (*head)->prev;
// Return the original position
return contapos;
int main () {
int N;
scanf("%d", &N);
head = NULL;
tail = NULL;
int i, value;
for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
scanf("%d", &value);
/* Initializing frequencies */
list* aus;
for (aus=head; aus; aus = aus ->next) {
aus->freq = 0;
int x, pos;
do {
scanf("%d", &x);
pos = SearchAndIncrement(x, &head);
printf("%d ", pos);
aus = head;
while (aus!=NULL) {
printf("%d ", aus->key);
aus = aus->next;
} while (pos != -1);
return 0;
答案 0 :(得分:4)
void RemoveNode(list *node) {
if (node->prev)
node->prev->next = node->next;
if (node->next)
node->next->prev = node->prev;
void InsertNodeBetween(list *lhs, list *node, list *rhs) {
if (lhs) assert(lhs->next == rhs);
if (rhs) assert(rhs->prev == lhs);
if (lhs) lhs->next = node;
if (rhs) rhs->prev = node;
node->prev = lhs;
node->next = rhs;
int SearchAndIncrement(int x, list** head) {
int contapos = 0;
list* i;
// Let's find the element with the matching key
for (i = *head; i != NULL; i = i->next, contapos++)
if (i->key == x)
// If we did not find the node, return -1 to denote failure.
if (i == NULL)
return -1;
// Increase frequency
// Move this node forward while the frequency is not in the correct position.
while (i->next && (i->freq > i->next->freq)) {
list *prev = i->next;
list *next = i->next->next;
InsertNodeBetween(prev, i, next);
// The head might have been moved.
while ((*head)->prev != NULL)
(*head) = (*head)->prev;
// Return the original position
return contapos;