我必须解决问题并且不知道该怎么做。我正在使用SQL Server 2012。
DriverId | BeginDate | EndDate | NextBegin | Rest | Drive Time | Drive
| | | Date | in minutes | in seconds | KM
integer datetime datetime datetime integer integer decimal(10,3)
Rest in hours = EndDate - NextBeginDate
Drive Time in Minutes = BeginDate - EndDate
I have to search the BeginWorkDay first rest => 10 hours then
BWD = BeginWorkDay
EWD = EndWorkDay
Compute how many minutes have the workDay (Diff between BWD and EWD)
SUM(DriveTime) as TotalDayDrive
MAX(DriveTime) as MaxDriveDayPeriod
SUM(Rest) as TotalDayRest
Rest as NightRest
MAX(Rest) as MaxDayRest
Min(Rest) as MinDayRest
SUM(TotalKM) as KM
until next rest => 10 hours
IF No More Rest EXIT DO
Desired Result:
Driver Plate Begin Work Day End Work Day WorkDayTime(minu)
11953512 IVA870 2014-01-06 00:47:01.000 2014-01-06 11:08:32.000 621
DriveTime(seconds) MaxDayDrive(sec) TotalDayRest(minu) NightRest(minu) MinDayRest(minu)
19081 3786 304 2.259 14
MaxDayRest(minu) KM
89 138.200
Minutes Seconds
DriverId Plate BeginDate EndDate NextBeginDate Rest DriveTime DriveKM
11953512 IVA870 2014-01-04 2014-01-04 2014-01-06 2.259 2038 13.400
10:34:42.000 11:08:40.000 00:47:01.000
11953512 IVA870 2014-01-06 2014-01-06 2014-01-06 89 2615 34.500
00:47:01.000 01:30:36.000 02:59:08.000
11953512 IVA870 2014-01-06 2014-01-06 2014-01-06 51 2604 19.000
02:59:08.000 03:42:32.000 04:33:56.000
11953512 IVA870 2014-01-06 2014-01-06 2014-01-06 18 2294 17.500
04:33:56.000 05:12:10.000 05:30:42.000
11953512 IVA870 2014-01-06 2014-01-06 2014-01-06 47 2895 20.500
05:30:42.000 06:18:57.000 07:05:56.000
11953512 IVA870 2014-01-06 2014-01-06 2014-01-06 47 2819 19.800
07:05:56.000 07:52:55.000 08:39:51.000
11953512 IVA870 2014-01-06 2014-01-06 2014-01-06 14 239 0.300
08:39:51.000 08:43:50.000 08:57:05.000
11953512 IVA870 2014-01-06 2014-01-06 2014-01-06 38 3786 18.000
08:57:05.000 10:00:11.000 10:38:03.000
11953512 IVA870 2014-01-06 2014-01-06 2014-01-07 843 1829 8.900
10:38:03.000 11:08:32.000 01:11:04.000
还有另一个主题"如何积累价值tsql"其中 Jerrad 编写了一个解决类似问题的魅力脚本,但我无法想象如何修改它来解决这个问题。
我有excel表中的数据,您可以从这里下载:Download Excel with data example and desired result
答案 0 :(得分:1)
;with cte
select d.DriverId,
d.BeginDate DayBeginDate,
(select MAX(EndDate) from Drive d3 where d3.DriverId = d.DriverId and d3.EndDate < DATEADD(d, 1, DATEDIFF(d, 0, d.BeginDate))) DayEndDate
from Drive d
join Drive d2 on d.BeginDate = d2.NextBeginDate
where d2.Rest > 600
select d.DriverId,
DATEDIFF(N, d.DayBeginDate, d.DayEndDate) WorkDayTime,
(select SUM(d2.DriveTime) from Drive d2 where d2.DriverId = d.DriverId and d2.BeginDate >= d.DayBeginDate and d2.EndDate <= d.DayEndDate) DriveTime,
(select MAX(d2.DriveTime) from Drive d2 where d2.DriverId = d.DriverId and d2.BeginDate >= d.DayBeginDate and d2.EndDate <= d.DayEndDate) MaxDayDrive,
(select SUM(d2.Rest) from Drive d2 where d2.DriverId = d.DriverId and d2.BeginDate >= d.DayBeginDate and d2.EndDate < d.DayEndDate) TotalDayRest,
DATEDIFF(N, (select MAX(d2.EndDate) from Drive d2 where d2.DriverId = d.DriverId and d2.EndDate < d.DayBeginDate), d.DayBeginDate) NightRest,
(select MIN(d2.Rest) from Drive d2 where d2.DriverId = d.DriverId and d2.BeginDate >= d.DayBeginDate and d2.EndDate < d.DayEndDate) MinDayRest,
(select MAX(d2.Rest) from Drive d2 where d2.DriverId = d.DriverId and d2.BeginDate >= d.DayBeginDate and d2.EndDate < d.DayEndDate) MaxDayRest,
(select SUM(d2.DriveKM) from Drive d2 where d2.DriverId = d.DriverId and d2.BeginDate >= d.DayBeginDate and d2.EndDate <= d.DayEndDate) KM
from cte d
group by d.DriverId, d.Matricula, d.DayBeginDate, d.DayEndDate