
时间:2014-06-28 04:15:55

标签: javascript facebook facebook-social-plugins

我已经在wordpress中创建了facebook分享按钮功能。但是对我来说工作正常。 如果我以外的任何人试图分享它,请在控制台中产生以下错误消息。

 .d8888b.  888                       888    
d88P  Y88b 888                       888    
Y88b.      888                       888    This is a browser feature intended for 
 "Y888b.   888888  .d88b.  88888b.   888    developers. If someone told you to copy-paste 
    "Y88b. 888    d88""88b 888 "88b  888    something here to enable a Facebook feature 
      "888 888    888  888 888  888  Y8P    or "hack" someone's account, it is a 
Y88b  d88P Y88b.  Y88..88P 888 d88P         scam and will give them access to your 
 "Y8888P"   "Y888  "Y88P"  88888P"   888    Facebook account.

For more information, see https://www.facebook.com/selfxss.


修改 我的代码

<div id="fb-root"></div>

  window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
     FB.init({appId: '1382611775340903', status: false, cookie: false, xfbml: false});

  (function() {
     var e = document.createElement('script'); e.async = true;
     e.src = document.location.protocol + '//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js';

<a class="action_button" onclick="share(event)" href="javascript:void(0)" id="fb_share" target="_blank"> share this</a>

<script type="text/javascript">
function share(e){
method: 'feed',
name:'<?php echo get_the_title(); ?>',
link: 'http://iseastest.juzzstaging.com/',
picture: '',
caption: 'This is the content of the "caption" field.',
description: 'This is the content of the "description" field, below the caption.',
message: ''
</script>                                                                                    screen shot![see screen shot][1]

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