
时间:2014-06-28 02:07:34

标签: ios objective-c cocos2d-iphone core-graphics sprite


在以下代码中," y_variant _"是一个ivar,它指定了我想要应用的方差程度。它对于像鸟类这样的自然物体或像纸飞机这样的人造物体来说是一个较小的值,它们只能在飞行时上下移动少量,但对于像昆虫和蜜蜂这样的自然物体来说,它们具有更大的变化


//  track/vary the object as it moves along its path...
- ( void ) update: ( ccTime ) delta


    //  ask director for the window size...
    CGSize const size = [ [ CCDirector sharedDirector ] winSize ];

    //  get the current position of the projectile...
    CGPoint const ptRaw = [ self position ];

    //  create a variant of the vertical position for "intelligent" items...
    CGPoint const pt = ( y_variant_
                       ? ccp( ptRaw.x
                            , ptRaw.y + y_variant_ * (float)( rand( ) % 25 ) * 0.02f - fmodf( ptRaw.x, y_variant_ )
                       : ptRaw
    [ self setPosition: pt ];
        //  if we're supposed to stop the projectile on impact (a "brick wall", etc.)...
        if ( fStopProjectile == ObjectImpactActionStop )


            //  object impact, if this is a "smart" projectile (i.e., something with a brain)...
            if ( y_variant_ )


                //  move the projectile around the object...
                CCAction * const move = [ CCMoveTo actionWithDuration: 0.25f
                                                             position: ccpAdd( [ self position ]
                                                                             , ccp( - CS_IMAGE_OBJECT_W
                                                                                  , CS_IMAGE_OBJECT_H

                [ self runAction: move ];

                }  // end "smart" projectile

            }  //  end projectile impact

}  //  end update

您会注意到涉及与固体物体碰撞的逻辑:如果遇到坚固的障碍物(墙壁,建筑物等),物体会后退并垂直移动以避开障碍物。 / p>

我遇到的问题是,对于较大的" y_variant _"值,观看的动作非常不稳定,我希望它看起来更平滑....




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


#define kAmountToMovePerFrameInY 10.0 / 60.0

@property float posYCurrentlyMovingTo;
@property SomeSpriteClass *theSpriteMoving;
@property float someXPosition;
@property float nextMoveAmount;


    if (_theSpriteMoving.position.y < labs(_posYCurrentlyMovingTo)) {
        //sprite is still moving to its position

        _theSpriteMoving.position = CGPointMake(_someXPosition, _theSpriteMoving.position.y + _nextMoveAmount);

        float variationAmountInY = arc4random_uniform(200) - 100.0;
        _posYCurrentlyMovingTo = variationAmountInY;
        _nextMoveAmount = variationAmountInY * kAmountToMovePerFrameInY;

