
时间:2014-06-27 08:31:20

标签: ios authentication oauth restkit afnetworking

用户登录后,您会获得一个令牌(摘要 oauth ),您可以将其设置到您的HTTP授权标头中,并授予您访问权限的权限网络服务。 如果您将用户的姓名,密码和此令牌存储在手机的某个位置(用户默认值,或最好是在钥匙串中),那么每次应用程序重新启动时,您的用户都会自动登录。


实施此令牌刷新操作的一种方法是继承AFHTTPRequestOperation并处理401 Unauthorized HTTP Status代码以便询问新令牌。发出新令牌后,您可以再次调用失败的操作,该操作现在应该成功。


[httpClient registerHTTPOperationClass:[RetryRequestOperation class]]


static NSInteger const kHTTPStatusCodeUnauthorized = 401;

@interface RetryRequestOperation ()
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isRetrying;

@implementation RetryRequestOperation
- (void)setCompletionBlockWithSuccess:(void (^)(AFHTTPRequestOperation *, id))success
                              failure:(void (^)(AFHTTPRequestOperation *, NSError *))failure
    __unsafe_unretained RetryRequestOperation *weakSelf = self;

    [super setCompletionBlockWithSuccess:success failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
        // In case of a 401 error, an authentification with email/password is tried just once to renew the token.
        // If it succeeds, then the opration is sent again.
        // If it fails, then the failure operation block is called.
        if(([operation.response statusCode] == kHTTPStatusCodeUnauthorized)
           && ![weakSelf isAuthenticateURL:operation.request.URL]
           && !weakSelf.isRetrying)
            NSString *email;
            NSString *password;

            email = [SessionManager currentUserEmail];
            password = [SessionManager currentUserPassword];
            // Trying to authenticate again before relaunching unauthorized request.
            [ServiceManager authenticateWithEmail:email password:password completion:^(NSError *logError) {
                if (logError == nil) {
                    RetryRequestOperation *retryOperation;

                    // We are now authenticated again, the same request can be launched again.
                    retryOperation = [operation copy];
                    // Tell this is a retry. This ensures not to retry indefinitely if there is still an unauthorized error.
                    retryOperation.isRetrying = YES;
                    [retryOperation setCompletionBlockWithSuccess:success failure:failure];
                    // Enqueue the operation.
                    [ServiceManager enqueueObjectRequestOperation:retryOperation];
                    failure(operation, logError);
                    if([self httpCodeFromError:logError] == kHTTPStatusCodeUnauthorized)
                        // The authentication returns also an unauthorized error, user really seems not to be authorized anymore.
                        // Maybe his password has changed?
                        // Then user is definitely logged out to be redirected to the login view.
                        [SessionManager logout];
            failure(operation, error);

- (BOOL)isAuthenticateURL:(NSURL *)url
    // The path depends on your implementation, can be "auth", "oauth/token", ...
    return [url.path hasSuffix:kAuthenticatePath];

- (NSInteger)httpCodeFromError:(NSError *)error
    // How you get the HTTP status code depends on your implementation.
    return error.userInfo[kHTTPStatusCodeKey];

请注意,此代码不能正常工作,因为它依赖于依赖于您的Web API的外部代码,授权类型(摘要,誓言......)以及您使用的哪种框架通过AFNetworking(例如RestKit)。

这非常有效,并且已证明使用与 CoreData 相关联的 RestKit 进行摘要和oauth授权(在这种情况下,RetryRequestOperation是{{1的子类) }})。

我现在的问题是:这是刷新令牌的最佳方法吗? 我实际上想知道RKManagedObjectRequestOperation是否可以用更优雅的方式来解决这种情况。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




答案 1 :(得分:0)

我正在搜索此问题的答案并"Matt", the creator of AFNetworking, suggest this


我发现处理这个问题的最佳解决方案是使用依赖   NSOperations在任何之前检查有效的,未过期的令牌   允许传出请求通过。在那一点上,它取决于   开发人员确定刷新的最佳行动方案   令牌,或者首先获得一个新令牌。