我正试图找出MVC的最佳实践。我是不是该 1.在模型中创建一个接受参数的函数? (然后在视图中提供该参数) 2.在模型中创建一个不参数的函数。而是在模型本身中传递我需要的值
// this selects the desired food id
$food_id = favfoods::model()->selectedfav();
// this then uses that selected foodid as an argument to the function favpeople
$people = People::model()->favpeople($food_id);
public function favpeople()
// this gets the necessary food_id.
$food_id = favfoods::model()->selectedfav();
// This selects the id of the person who matches the "food_id"
$favpeeps = 'SELECT personid FROM people WHERE food_id = "'.$food_id.'"';
// This implements the query.
// The result is an array, so I loop through the array to return the personid that I want.
foreach($result as $count)
return $count['personid'];