import-module ActiveDirectory
$ServerpathInput = read-host "Please enter the domain for which you would like to query for AD groups For example:domain.com"
New-PSDrive -Name Domain2 -PSProvider ActiveDirectory -Root "DC=domain, DC=com" -Server $ServerpathInput -Credential domain\username
cd Domain2:
$GroupName = $GroupName2 = read-Host "Enter a AD group to query"
$GroupName = $GroupName2
Function GetADGroupRecursive ($GroupName, $GroupName2) {
$array = Get-ADGroup -Identity $GroupName -Properties Members
$array2 = Get-ADGroup -Identity $GroupName2 -Properties memberof
Foreach ($item in $array, $array2)
$string = $item.Members.Value.remove(0, $item.Members.Value.IndexOf("=")+1)
$string2 = $item.memberof.Value.remove(0, $item.Memberof.Value.IndexOf("=")+1)
$ReturnedName = $string.Remove($String.IndexOf(","))
$ReturnedName2 = $string2.Remove($String2.IndexOf(","))
Write-Host $ReturnedName
Write-Host $ReturnedName2
$GroupName = $ReturnedName
$GroupName2 = $ReturnedName2
If (!$GroupName,!$GroupName2) #Prevents infinite loop by exiting the loop if the variable is not populated, otherwise it loops with populated variable.
Else {
GetADGroupRecursive $GroupName, $GroupName2
GetADGroupRecursive $GroupName, $GroupName2 #Calls function