
时间:2014-06-25 06:12:02

标签: shell

我希望你能帮助我弄清楚我的应用程序发生了什么。我在VB.net 2010中编写了一个标签打印窗口应用程序。该应用程序运行良好,直到我修改它以允许用户指定他们一次需要打印的标签数量(我只允许1到20之间的数字)。我使用NumericUpDown控件获得标签(副本)的数量。


    If Me.nudPrintQty.Text > 20 Then
        MsgBox("You cannot print more than 20 tags at a time.", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Maximum Value Specified")
        Me.nudPrintQty.Select(0, Me.nudPrintQty.Value.ToString.Length)
        Validrecord = False
        Exit Sub
    End If


Private Sub nudPrintQty_GotFocus(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles nudPrintQty.GotFocus
    Me.nudPrintQty.StateCommon.Back.Color1 = Color.Yellow
    Me.nudPrintQty.Select(0, Me.nudPrintQty.Value.ToString.Length)
End Sub

Private Sub nudPrintQty_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles nudPrintQty.KeyDown
    'Allow select keys without Autocompleting
    Select Case e.KeyCode
        Case Keys.Back, Keys.Left, Keys.Right, Keys.Up, Keys.Delete, Keys.Down
    End Select

    If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then
        Me.btnSave_Click(sender, New System.EventArgs())
        e.SuppressKeyPress = True
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub nudPrintQty_LostFocus(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles nudPrintQty.LostFocus
    Me.nudPrintQty.StateCommon.Back.Color1 = Color.White
End Sub


Private Sub PrintTag()
    path = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath()
    strfileName = "RMS.txt"

    FileOpen(1, path & strfileName, OpenMode.Output) ' Open file for output.
    PrintLine(1, Chr(2) & "qA")
    PrintLine(1, Chr(2) & "XA")
    PrintLine(1, Chr(2) & "M3000")
    PrintLine(1, Chr(2) & "c0000")
    PrintLine(1, Chr(2) & "e")
    PrintLine(1, Chr(2) & "O0215")
    PrintLine(1, Chr(2) & "f255")
    PrintLine(1, Chr(2) & "D" & Chr(2) & "L")
    PrintLine(1, Chr(2) & "L")
    PrintLine(1, "D11")
    PrintLine(1, "H15")
    '                           Title Start

    PrintLine(1, "2901S000499034000440105" & "Company Name")
    PrintLine(1, "2901S000489032000240050" & "Country")
    PrintLine(1, "ySPM")
    PrintLine(1, "2901S000759021002340208" & "---- Ok To RELEASE ----")
    PrintLine(1, "ySPM")

    '                           Title End
    '                           Column 1 Start
    PrintLine(1, "2901S000739016000940050CODE:_______________________")
    PrintLine(1, "ySPM")
    PrintLine(1, "2901S000739010000940050BATCH / NO.:_________________")
    PrintLine(1, "ySPM")
    PrintLine(1, "2901S000739004000940050MC NO.:_____________________")
    PrintLine(1, "ySPM")
    '                           Column 1 End

    '                           Column 1 Text Start
    PrintLine(1, "2901S000589016000940050" & strCode)
    PrintLine(1, "ySPM")
    PrintLine(1, "2901S000589010000940050" & strBatchLotNo)
    PrintLine(1, "ySPM")
    PrintLine(1, "2901S000589004000940050" & strMCNo)
    PrintLine(1, "ySPM")
    '                           Column 1 Text End

    '                           Column 2 Start
    PrintLine(1, "2901S000349016000940050DATE:______________________")
    PrintLine(1, "ySPM")
    PrintLine(1, "2901S000349010000940050QTY:_______________________")
    PrintLine(1, "ySPM")
    PrintLine(1, "2901S000349004000940050SIGN:______________________")
    PrintLine(1, "ySPM")
    '                           Column 2 End

    '                           Column 2 Text Start
    If strReprint = "Y" Then
        PrintLine(1, "2901S000249016000940050" & strR_date)
        strReprintDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
        PrintLine(1, "2901S000249016000940050" & Me.dtpReleaseDate.Text)
        strReprintDate = Me.dtpReleaseDate.Text
    End If
    PrintLine(1, "ySPM")
    PrintLine(1, "2901S000249010000940050" & decQTY)
    PrintLine(1, "ySPM")
    PrintLine(1, "2901S000349000000640030Label Print Date: " & strReprintDate)
    PrintLine(1, "ySPM")
    '                           Column 2 Text End

    '                           Close File Start
    PrintLine(1, "Q0001")
    PrintLine(1, "E")
    '                           Close File End

    '                           Print the Tag List
    Dim retval As String
    Dim counter As Integer = 0
    'Dim hProcess As Long
    'Dim taskId As Long
    'Dim cmdline As String

    Do While counter <= nudPrintQty.Value
        'cmdline = "print /D:\\Server\Printer " & path & strfileName
        'taskId = Shell(cmdline, vbNormalFocus)

        'hProcess = OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE, True, taskId)
        'Call WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, WAIT_INFINITE)

        retval = Shell("print /D:\\" & Trim(Server) & "\" & Trim(PRINTER) & " " & path & strfileName)
        counter += 1

    If strReprint = "Y" Then
        MsgBox("Print out Completed. Click Ok to Continue.", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Reprint Complete")
    End If

End Sub




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