我正在尝试使用Xamarin中的C#为Android创建一个应用程序,用户可以从复选框中选择短语并让它们添加另一个显示结果的页面。以下是结果页面的代码。我的问题在于添加诗句按钮。我正在努力使用户按下Verse按钮,它将显示文本" Verse"进入列表中的自己的文本框。我不确定我应该使用什么代码。我用它的代码没有正常工作。请帮忙。
namespace Songression
public class CheckRect{
public int top{ get; set; }
public int height{ get; set; }
[Activity (Label = "Songression")]
public class results : Activity, View.IOnTouchListener
//CheckBox[] check;
List<LinearLayout> linearSet;
//List<CheckRect> rectList;
ScrollView scrollView;
EditText editText = null;
LinearLayout view;
bool moveOrEdit = false;
int screenWidth;
List<String> checkTextList;
protected override void OnCreate (Bundle bundle)
base.OnCreate (bundle);
SetContentView (Resource.Layout.results);
var metrics = Resources.DisplayMetrics;
screenWidth = metrics.WidthPixels;
//var widthInDp = ConvertPixelsToDp(metrics.WidthPixels);
view = FindViewById<LinearLayout> (Resource.Id.linearlayout0);
checkTextList = new List<String>();
checkTextList.Add ("10 bucks in your pocket and barely making it.");
checkTextList.Add ("100 steps to the water");
checkTextList.Add ("18 and going to Hollywood");
checkTextList.Add ("3 years to propose");
String checkTextSet = Intent.GetStringExtra ("MyData") ?? "";
if (checkTextSet == null || checkTextSet == "") {
} else {
String[] textSet = checkTextSet.Split (',');
checkTextList.AddRange (textSet);
//Back Button
Button buttonBack = FindViewById<Button> (Resource.Id.buttonBack);
buttonBack.Click += delegate {
//AddLine Button
Button buttonAdd = FindViewById<Button> (Resource.Id.buttonAdd);
buttonAdd.Click += delegate {
//Add Verse
Button buttonVerse = FindViewById <Button> (Resource.Id.buttonVerse);
buttonVerse.Click += delegate {
checkTextList.Add(new TextView ("Verse"));