在我的资源路由器中,我有这个函数,它应该只加载configureName为$ id的行。问题是,当我打电话给$ demo-> demoSettings时,资源路由器忽略了我的急切负载并抓住了与这个$ demo相关的所有demoSettings。
public function show($demoId,$id)
$demo = Demo::with(array('DemoSettings' => function($query) use ($id)
$query->where('configureName', '=', $id);
return $demo->demoSettings;
class Demo extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'Demo';
public $timestamps = false;
* The key column used by the model.
* @var string
protected $primaryKey = 'idDemos';
* one(demo) to many(demoSettings) relationship
* @return array of the demoSettings associated with the demo
public function demoSettings()
return $this->hasMany('DemoSettings','idDemos','idDemos')->orderBy('configureName','asc');
DemoSettings Model
class DemoSettings extends Eloquent {
* The database table used by the model.
* @var string
protected $table = 'DemoSettings';
* The key column used by the model.
* @var string
protected $primaryKey = 'idDemoSettings';
* many(demoSettings) to one(demo) relationship
* @return demo the parent record
public function demo()
return $this->belongsTo('Demo','idDemos','idDemos');
Route::group(array('prefix' => 'api/v1'), function(){
Route::group(array('prefix' => 'demos'), function(){
Route::resource('/', 'api_DemosController', array('only' => array('index','store','destroy','show')));
Route::resource('/{demoId}/settings', 'api_DemoSettingsController', array('only' => array('index','store','show')));