Msg 102,Level 15,State 1,Line 353
,s.[Name] AS SiteName
,[Date: Create Date] = convert(datetime, convert(varchar, t.CreateDate,101))
,[Date: Date of Service] = DateOfService
,[Date: Original Posting Date] = ParentPostingDate
,[Date: Original Create Date] = convert(datetime, convert(varchar, ParentCreateDate,101))
,[Date: Posting Date] = PostingDate
,[Orginal Transaction: Transaction Amount] = Amount
,[Original Transaction: Payment/Adjustment Source] = PaymentSource
,[Patient: Date Of Birth] = DOB
,[Patient: Sex] = Sex
,[Patient: Zip Code] = ZipCode
,[Patient: Name] = PatientName
,[Patient: Patient ID] = t.PatientID
,[Patient: Preferred Provider] = PreferredProvider
,[Patient: Preferred Provider ID] = PreferredProviderID
,[Patient: Address Line 1] = AddressLine1
,[Patient: Address Line 2] = AddressLine2
,[Patient: Age] = Age
,[Patient: City] = City
,[Patient: County] = County
,[Patient: Credentials] = Credentials
,[Patient: Deceased Flag] = DeceasedFlag
,[Patient: EMail] = t.Email
,[Patient: Employer] = Employer
,[Patient: First Name] = FirstName
,[Patient: Last Name] = LastName
,[Patient: Middle Initial] = MiddleInitial
,[Patient: Middle Name] = MiddleName
,[Patient: Phone Home] = PhoneHome
,[Patient: Phone Primary] = PhonePrimary
,[Patient: Phone Work] = PhoneWork
,[Patient: Preferred Name] = PreferredName
,[Patient: Other ID] = OtherID
,[Patient: Prefix] = Prefix
,[Patient: Race] = Race
,[Patient: Ethnicity] = Ethnicity
,[Patient: Preferred Communications] = PreferredCommunications
,[Patient: SSN] = SSN
,[Patient: State] = State
,[Patient: Suffix] = Suffix
,[Transaction: Create Dates Equal] = CASE WHEN convert(datetime, convert(varchar, t.CreateDate,101)) = convert(datetime, convert(varchar, ParentCreateDate,101)) THEN 'Yes' Else 'No' END
,[Transaction: Posting Dates Equal] = CASE WHEN PostingDate = ParentPostingDate THEN 'Yes' Else 'No' END
,[Transaction: Create and Posting Dates Equal] = CASE WHEN PostingDate = convert(datetime, convert(varchar, t.CreateDate,101)) THEN 'Yes' Else 'No' END
,[(1-CostOfService)*(NetPayments)] = (1 - CostofService) * (NetAppliedPayments)
,[Transaction: Adjustment Sub-Type] = AdjustmentSubType
,[Transaction: Adjustment Type] = AdjustmentType
,[Transaction: Amount - Charge Voids] = ChargeVoids
,[Transaction: Amount - Gross Adjustments] = GrossAppliedAdjustments
,[Transaction: Amount - Gross Charges] = GrossCharges
,[Transaction: Amount - Gross Payments] = GrossAppliedPayments
,[Transaction: Amount - Transaction Amount] = TransactionAmount
,[Transaction: Amount - Adjustment Offsets] = AppliedAdjustmentOffsets
,[Transaction: Amount - Adjustment Voids] = AppliedAdjustmentVoids
,[Transaction: Amount - Gross Insurance Payments] = GrossAppliedPaymentsIns
,[Transaction: Amount - Gross Patient/Other Payments] = GrossAppliedPaymentsPatOth
,[Transaction: Amount - Net Adjustments] = NetAppliedAdjustments
,[Transaction: Amount - Net Charges] = NetCharges
,[Transaction: Amount - Net Payments] = NetAppliedPayments
,[Transaction: Amount - Payment Offsets] = AppliedPaymentOffsets
,[Transaction: Amount - Payment Voids] = AppliedPaymentVoids
,[Transaction: Batch ID] = convert(varchar,BatchID)--CASE BatchID WHEN 0 THEN 'N/A' WHEN NULL THEN 'N/A' ELSE convert(varchar,BatchID) END
,[Transaction: Batch Type ID] = CAST(BatchStateID AS INT)
,[Transaction: Batch Type] = BatchState--CASE BatchState WHEN 1 then 'Open' WHEN 0 then 'Open' WHEN 2 then 'Reviewed' else 'N/A' END
,[Transaction: Batch Reviewed Date] = convert(datetime, convert(varchar, BatchClosedDate,101))
,[Transaction: Billable Provider Name] = isnull(BillableProvider, 'No Billable Provider')
,[Transaction: Billable Provider ID] = isnull(BillableProviderID,-1)
,[Transaction: Charge Override Indicator] = ChargeOverrideIndicator
,[Transaction: Charge Ticket Number] = ChargeTicketNumber
,[Transaction: Description] = Description
,[Transaction: Diagnosis Codes] = Diagnosis
,[Transaction: Diagnosis 1] = Diagnosis1
,[Transaction: Diagnosis 2] = Diagnosis2
,[Transaction: Diagnosis 3] = Diagnosis3
,[Transaction: Diagnosis 4] = Diagnosis4
,[Transaction: ERA Indicator] = ERAIndicator
,[Transaction: Payment Method] = PaymentMethod
,[Transaction: Payment Supplier] = PaymentSupplier
,[Transaction: PaymentID] = PaymentID
,[Transaction: Payment Sub Type] = PaymentSubType
,[Transaction: Check Number] = isnull(CheckNumber, 'N/A')
,[Transaction: Payment/Adjustment Additional Info] = isnull(PaymentAdditionalInformation, 'N/A')
,[Transaction: Payment/Adjustment Source] = PaymentSource
,[Transaction: Practice Location] = PracticeLocation
,[Transaction: Practice Location ID] = PracticeLocationID
,[Transaction: Procedure Code] = ProcedureCode
,[Transaction: Procedure Code Alternate] = AlternateCode
,[Transaction: Procedure Cost of Service] = CostofService
,[Transaction: Procedure Description] = ProcedureDescription
,[Transaction: Procedure Modifiers] = Modifiers
,[Transaction: Refund Check Number] = RefundCheckNumber
,[Transaction: Refund Payee] = isnull(RefundPayee,'')
,[Transaction: Refund Address Line 1] = RefundAdd1
,[Transaction: Refund Address Line 2] = RefundAdd2
,[Transaction: Refund City] = RefundCity
,[Transaction: Refund State] = RefundState
,[Transaction: Refund Zip Code] = RefundZip
,[Transaction: Rendering Provider Name] = isnull(RenderingProvider, 'No Rendering Provider')
,[Transaction: Rendering Provider ID] = isnull(RenderingProviderID,-1)
,[Transaction: Revenue Category] = RevenueCategory
,[Transaction: Referring Provider Name] = isnull(ReferringProvider, 'No Referring Provider')
,[Transaction: Referring Provider ID] = isnull(ReferringProviderID,-1)
,[Transaction: Revenue Category ID] = RevenueCategoryID
,[Transaction: Service Location] = ServiceLocation
,[Transaction: Service Location ID] = ServiceLocationID
,[Transaction: Type] = ltrim(TranType)
,[Transaction: Expanded Type] = case when AdjustmentTypeID is null then ltrim(TranType) when AdjustmentTypeID = 0 then (ltrim(TranType) + '-PMT') else ltrim(TranType)+'-ADJ'end
,[Transaction: UserID] = UserID
,[Transaction: User] = UserName
,[Transaction: User Initials] = UserInitials
,[Transaction: Visit ID] = isnull(VisitID, 'N/A')
,[Transaction: Visit Type] = VisitType
,[Transaction: Visit Type ID] = VisitTypeID
,[Transaction: Void Indicator] = VoidIndicator
,[Transaction: Parent Type] = replace(replace(replace(TranType, 'V-', ''), '-FROM', ''),'-TO', '')
,[Transaction: Applied To] = CASE WHEN CreditCategory is not null THEN CreditCategory WHEN ProcedureCode is not null THEN 'Procedure Code' ELSE Null END
,[Transaction: Net Charge Units] = NetChargeUnits
,[Transaction: Create Date Time] = CreateDateTime
,[Transaction: Charge - RVUWork] = convert(decimal(10,5),RVUWork)
,[Transaction: Charge - RVUMP] = convert(decimal(10,5),RVUMP)
,[Transaction: Charge - RVUNFPE] = convert(decimal(10,5),RVUNFPE)
,[Transaction: Charge - RVUNFTotal] = convert(decimal(10,5),RVUNFTotal)
,[Transaction: Charge - RVUFPE] = convert(decimal(10,5),RVUFPE)
,[Transaction: Charge - RVUFTotal] = convert(decimal(10,5),RVUFTotal)
,[Transaction: Write Off at Charge Entry Contractuals] = ChargeEntryWriteOffContractual
CreateDate = pa.CreatedOn
,CreateDateTime = pa.CreatedOn
,PostingDate = Pa.PostingDate
,UserID = u.UserID
,UserName = u.UserName
,UserInitials = UPPER(CASE WHEN ISNULL(U.FirstName,'') = ''
ELSE (LEFT(U.FirstName,1))
+ CASE WHEN ISNULL(U.LastName,'') = ''
ELSE LEFT(U.LastName,1)
,ProcedureCode = c.ProcedureCode
,CreditCategory = CT.Description
,ChargeTicketNumber = v.VisitID --In PS this is ChargeTicketID which seems to always be the VisitID
,DateOfService = c.ServiceDate
,RenderingProvider = ren.name
,RenderingProviderID = c.Rendering_RCMCareProviderID
,BillableProvider = bill.name
,BillableProviderID = c.Billable_RCMCareProviderID
,PreferredProvider = pref.name
,PreferredProviderID = patient.CareProviderID
,ReferringProviderID = c.Referring_RCMCareProviderID
,ReferringProvider = ref.name
,ServiceLocation = c.ServiceLocation
,ServiceLocationID = c.Service_RCMCareProviderLocationID
,PracticeLocation = c.PracticeLocation
,PracticeLocationID = c.Practice_RCMCareProviderLocationID
,VisitType = ISNULL(VType.LocalName, 'No Visit Type')
,VisitTypeID = VType.RCMVisitTypesID
,VisitID = CASE WHEN V.VisitID IS NULL THEN 'N/A' WHEN V.VisitId = 0 THEN 'N/A' ELSE convert(varchar,V.VisitID) END
,RevenueCategory = CASE WHEN prc.RevenueCategoryName IS NULL THEN 'No Revenue Category' ELSE prc.RevenueCategoryName END
,RevenueCategoryID = pmi.RevenueCategoryID
,BatchID = P.PaymentBatchID /*CASE pa.BatchID WHEN 0 THEN 'N/A' WHEN NULL THEN 'N/A' ELSE convert(varchar,pa.BatchID) END */
,PatientName = f.LNameFName
,AddressLine1 = f.Address1
,AddressLine2 = f.Address2
,Age = f.Age
,City = f.City
,County = f.County
,Credentials = f.CredentialsString
,DeceasedFlag = CASE
WHEN patient.PatDeathFlag =1
THEN 'Yes'
,Email = f.Email
,Employer = f.PrimaryEmployer
,FirstName = f.FirstName
,LastName = f.LastName
,MiddleInitial = CASE
WHEN f.MiddleName1 = ''
ELSE Left(f.MiddleName1,1) + '. '
,MiddleName = f.MiddleName1
,PhoneHome = f.HomePhone
,PhonePrimary = f.PrimaryPhone
,PhoneWork = f.PrimaryWorkPhone
,PreferredName = f.NickName
,OtherID = f.OrgPatientID
,Prefix = f.Prefix
,Race = f.Race
,Ethnicity = f.Ethnicity
,PreferredCommunications = f.PreferredCommunications
,SSN = f.SSN
,State = f.State
,Suffix = f.Suffix
,DOB = convert(datetime,FORMAT(f.DateOfBirth, 'MM/dd/yyyy'))
,Sex = f.Sex
,ZipCode = f.PostalCode
,PatientID = Patient.PatientID
,TransactionAmount = pa.UserAmount
,TransactionAmountPatient = CASE WHEN P.PaymentSourceID = 1 THEN pa.UserAmount ELSE 0 END
,TransactionAmountInsurance = CASE WHEN P.PaymentSourceID = 2 THEN pa.UserAmount ELSE 0 END
,TransactionAmountOther = CASE WHEN P.PaymentSourceID = 3 THEN pa.UserAmount ELSE 0 END
,VoidIndicator = CASE
WHEN pa.AllocationTypeID BETWEEN 2000 AND 3999 AND pa.PaymentAllocationID = pa.Offset_PaymentAllocationID
WHEN TT.Description = 'V-PMT' OR TT.Description = 'V-C-ADJ' OR TT.Description = 'V-D-ADJ' OR TT.Description ='V-TKB'
WHEN pa.AllocationTypeID NOT BETWEEN 2000 AND 3999 AND p.Voided <> 0 AND TT.Description NOT LIKE 'V%'
,ChargeOverrideIndicator = 'NO'
,NetChargeUnits = 0
,ERAIndicator = CASE WHEN P.ERAIndicator <> 1 THEN 'NO' ELSE 'YES' END
,AlternateCode = pmi.AlternateProcedureCode
,CostOfService = pmi.CostOfService
,ProcedureDescription = pmi.StandardDescription
,Modifiers = c.ModList
,Diagnosis = isnull(sd.DiagnosisCode1, '') + ' ' + isnull(sd.DiagnosisCode2, '') + ' ' + isnull(sd.DiagnosisCode3, '') + ' ' + isnull(sd.DiagnosisCode4, '')
,Diagnosis1 = sd.DiagnosisCode1
,Diagnosis2 = sd.DiagnosisCode2
,Diagnosis3 = sd.DiagnosisCode3
,Diagnosis4 = sd.DiagnosisCode4
,PaymentSource = PS.Description
,PaymentMethod = PM.Description
,PaymentSupplier = S.Description
,PaymentAmount = pa.Amount
,PaymentID = p.PaymentID
,CheckNumber = p.CheckNumber
,PaymentAdditionalInformation = p.CheckNumber
,AdjustmentType = ADT.Description
,AdjustmentSubType = AdjustmentSubTypeDesc
,RefundPayee = ISNULL(i.Payee,i2.Payee)
,RefundCheckNumber = ISNULL(i.CheckNumber,i2.CheckNumber)
,RefundAdd1 = COALESCE(iAdd.AddressLine1,i2Add.AddressLine1,'')
,RefundAdd2 = COALESCE(iAdd.AddressLine2,i2Add.AddressLine2,'')
,RefundCity = COALESCE(iAdd.City,i2Add.City,'')
,RefundState = COALESCE(iAdd.State,i2Add.State,'')
,RefundZip = COALESCE(iAdd.PostalCode,i2Add.PostalCode,'')
,Type = PA.AllocationTypeID
,AdjustmentTypeID = pa.AdjustmentTypeID
,Amount = p.amount * -1
,TranType = TT.Description
,GrossAppliedPayments = pa.GrossAppliedPmt
,NetAppliedPayments = pa.NetAppliedPmt
,AppliedPaymentVoids = pa.AppliedPmtVoid
,AppliedPaymentOffsets = pa.AppliedPmtOffset
,GrossAppliedAdjustments = pa.GrossAppliedAdj
,AppliedAdjustmentVoids = pa.AppliedAdjVoid
,AppliedAdjustmentOffsets = pa.AppliedAdjOffset
,NetAppliedAdjustments = pa.NetAppliedAdj
,PaymentDate = p.PostingDate
,BatchStateID = pbs.PaymentBatchStatusID
,BatchState = pbs.Description /*CASE bu.State WHEN 1 then 'Open - Active' WHEN 0 then 'Open - Inactive' WHEN 2 then 'Reviewed' else 'N/A' END*/
,BatchClosedDate = bar.DepositDate
,GrossAppliedPaymentsPatOth = pa.GrossAppliedPmtPatOther
,GrossAppliedPaymentsIns = pa.GrossAppliedPmtIns
,NetCharges = 0
,ChargeVoids = 0
,GrossCharges = 0
,ParentPostingDate = p.PostingDate
,ParentCreateDate = p.CreatedOn
,DepositFlag = CASE WHEN p.PaymentMethodID in (1,2,5) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
,Description = pa.Description
,AllocationID = pa.PaymentAllocationID
,QueryIndex = 1
,RVUWork = null
,RVUMP = null
,RVUNFPE = null
,RVUNFTotal = null
,RVUFPE = null
,RVUFTotal = null
,ChargeEntryWriteOffContractual = CASE
WHEN c.PostingDate = pa.postingDate AND ADT.Description = 'Contractual'
THEN pa.NetAppliedAdj
,pst.Description AS 'PaymentSubType'
,CreditRCMProviderID = ISNULL(psi.RCMCareProviderID, 0)
,CreditRCMCareProviderLocationID = ISNULL(psi.RCMCareProviderLocationID, 0)
,CreditCareProvider = ISNULL(C_Name.Name, 'No Credited Provider')
,CreditCareProviderLocation = ISNULL(cloc.LocationName, 'No Credit Location')
WHEN ISNULL(icdVer.CodingSystemID, 1020) = 1020 AND syt.DiagnosisCodingEffectiveDate IS NULL
THEN sd.DiagnosisCode1
WHEN icdVer.CodingSystemID = 1016 OR (syt.DiagnosisCodingEffectiveDate IS NOT NULL AND syt.DiagnosisCodingEffectiveDate < GETDATE())
THEN sd.ICD10DiagnosisCode1
END AS DiagnosticCode1
Account.vAllocationMoneyDescribe PA (NOLOCK)
JOIN Account.fctCharge c (NOLOCK) ON pa.ChargeID = c.ChargeID
LEFT JOIN Account.AllocationType VT (NOLOCK) ON vt.AllocationTypeID = PA.AllocationTypeID
LEFT JOIN Account.BillingTransactionType TT ON TT.BillingTransactionTypeID = pa.BillingTransactionTypeID
LEFT JOIN Account.Payment p ON p.PaymentID = p.PaymentID
LEFT JOIN Account.PaymentBatch batch ON batch.PaymentBatchID = p.PaymentBatchID
LEFT JOIN PrimeSuite.Patient patient (NOLOCK) ON patient.RCMPatientID = pa.RCMPatientID
LEFT JOIN PrimeSuite.fctPerson f (NOLOCK) ON f.SiteID = Patient.SiteID AND f.PatientID = patient.PatientID
LEFT JOIN PrimeSuite.InsuranceCoverage cover ON cover.RCMInsuranceCoverageID = p.RCMInsuranceCoverageID
LEFT JOIN PrimeSuite.InsurancePlan insPlan ON insPlan.PlanID = cover.PlanID
ANd insPlan.SiteID = cover.SiteID
LEFT JOIN Account.ChargeDetail sd (NOLOCK) ON pa.ChargeID = sd.ChargeID
LEFT JOIN Encounter.Visit V (NOLOCK) ON sd.VisitID = v.VisitID
LEFT JOIN Division.[Site] syt ON syt.SiteID = v.SiteID
LEFT JOIN PrimeSuite.VisitTypes VType ON VType.RCMVisitTypesID = V.RCMVisitTypeID
LEFT JOIN PrimeSuite.ProcedureMasterInfo pmi (NOLOCK) ON PA.SiteID = PMI.SiteID AND sd.ProcedureMasterID = pmi.ProcedureMasterID
LEFT JOIN PrimeSuite.ProcedureRevenueCategory prc (NOLOCK) ON prc.SiteID = PMI.SiteiD AND pmi.RevenueCategoryID = prc.RevenueCategoryID
LEFT JOIN Account.PaymentAllocationRefundInformation i (NOLOCK) ON pa.PaymentAllocationID = i.PaymentAllocationID
LEFT JOIN Account.PaymentAllocationRefundInformation i2 (NOLOCK) ON pa.Originator_PaymentAllocationID = i2.PaymentAllocationID
LEFT JOIN PrimeSuite.Address iAdd ON iAdd.RCMAddressID = i.Payee_RCMAddressID
LEFT JOIN PrimeSuite.Address i2Add ON i2Add.RCMAddressID = i2.Payee_RCMAddressID
INNER JOIN [Security].[User] U ON U.UserID = PA.CreatedBy_UserID
LEFT JOIN Account.PaymentSource ps (NOLOCK) ON p.PaymentSourceID = ps.PaymentSourceID
LEFT JOIN Account.PaymentMethod pm (NOLOCK) ON p.PaymentMethodID = pm.PaymentMethodID
LEFT JOIN Account.CreditType ct (NOLOCK) ON vt.Credit = ct.CreditTypeID
LEFT JOIN Account.PaymentSupplier s (NOLOCK) ON p.PaymentSupplierID = s.PaymentSupplierID
LEFT JOIN Account.AdjustmentType adt (NOLOCK) ON p.AdjustmentTypeID = adt.AdjustmentTypeID
LEFT JOIN PrimeSuite.AdjustmentSubType st (NOLOCK) ON p.RCMAdjustmentSubTypeID = st.RCMAdjustmentSubTypeID
LEFT JOIN Account.PaymentBatch bar (NOLOCK) ON P.PaymentBatchID = bar.PaymentBatchID
LEFT JOIN Account.PaymentBatchStatus PBS ON PBS.PaymentBatchStatusID = BAR.PaymentBatchStatusID
LEFT JOIN [Utility].[udfNameFormat]('%Last,% %First% %MiddleInitial% %Suffix% %Credential%') bill ON bill.SiteID = C.SiteID AND bill.CPID = C.BillableCareProviderID
LEFT JOIN [Utility].[udfNameFormat]('%Last,% %First% %MiddleInitial% %Suffix% %Credential%') ren ON ren.SiteID = C.SiteID AND ren.CPID = C.RenderingProviderID
LEFT JOIN [Utility].[udfNameFormat]('%Last,% %First% %MiddleInitial% %Suffix% %Credential%') ref ON ref.SiteID = C.SiteID AND ref.CPID = C.ReferringProviderID
LEFT JOIN [Utility].[udfNameFormat]('%Last,% %First% %MiddleInitial% %Suffix% %Credential%') pref ON pref.SiteID = C.SiteID AND pref.CPID = patient.CareProviderID
LEFT JOIN Account.PaymentOnSiteInformation psi ON p.PaymentID = psi.PaymentID
LEFT JOIN PrimeSuite.CareProviderLocation cloc (NOLOCK) ON cloc.RCMCareProviderLocationID = psi.RCMCareProviderLocationID
LEFT JOIN PrimeSuite.CareProvider CREDP ON CREDP.RCMCareProviderID = psi.RCMCareProviderID
LEFT JOIN [Utility].[udfNameFormat]('%Last,% %First% %MiddleInitial% %Suffix% %Credential%') C_Name ON C_Name.SiteID = CREDP.SIteID AND C_Name.CPID = CREDP.CareProviderID
LEFT JOIN Account.PaymentSubType pst ON psi.PaymentSubTypeID = pst.PaymentSubTypeID
LEFT JOIN ICD.ICDVersion icdVer ON icdVer.CodingSystemID = insPlan.DiagnosisCodingSystemID
vt.Credit = 0
AND PA.[SiteID] = 9
AND c.VoidType <> 'V'
AND NOT PA.BillingTransactionTypeID IN (11, 12, 23, 24)
答案 0 :(得分:2)
WHERE Foo.Bar IN (11,12,23,24)
WHERE Foo.Bar IN (11,12,23,24)
) f