
时间:2014-06-24 12:22:00

标签: c# dictionary polymorphism


public abstract class absTerminalStrategy

和两个子课程可以调用Class AClass B

Class A
//Some Params
  public A (/*Some Params*/)

Class B
//Some Params
  Public B (/*Some Params*/)

in" upper"图层类I' ll Class Control 我是那些对象

        public static absTerminalStrategy terminal = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// stores all instencese of A_tarategy to be used --> string A_IP
        /// </summary>
        public static Dictionary<string, A> terminal_A_Dictionary = new Dictionary<string, A_Strategy>();
        /// <summary>
        /// stores all instencese of B_Scritping to be used --> string B_Port
        /// </summary>
        public static Dictionary<string, B> terminal_B_Dictionary = new Dictionary<string, B_trategy>();

现在在运行时我将一些实例添加到词典中,之后我需要&#34;跳转&#34;之间 使用此方法的各种实例

public static bool Terminalset(string terminalName)
    string InterfaceType = terminalName.Split(':')[0];//cutting the root name for switch
        case "A":
                A New_A =null;

                if (terminal_A_Dictionary.TryGetValue(terminalName, out New_A))//return bool 
                    terminal = New_A;
                else return false;
        case "B":
                B New_B =null;
                if (terminal_B_Dictionary.TryGetValue(terminalName, out New_B))//return bool 
                    terminal = New_B;
                else return false;
    return true;

我的问题是,当我在class Aclass B之间切换时,一切正常                 当我使用字典在class A的实例之间进行更改时,它似乎工作正常 但是当我对Class B执行相同操作时,我无法工作并保留最后一个属性以输入字典(最后输入的new个实例)< / p>



    public static bool TermialCheckCreate (TerminalType terminalType , GlobalParam.A a = null , GlobalParam.B b= null)
        switch (terminalType)
            case TerminalType.A:
                    if (terminal_A_Dictionary.ContainsKey(string.Format("A:{0}", _A_Param.AIp))) break;
                    if (a == null) return false;
                    A_Strategy terminal = new A_Strategy(_A_Param.AIp, GlobalParam.A_PORT, 60);
                    terminalTelnetDictionary.Add(string.Format("A:{0}",_A_Param.AIp), terminal);
            case TerminalType.B:
                    if (terminal_B_Dictionary.ContainsKey(string.Format("B:{0}", _B_Param.Bcom))) break;
                    if (b == null) return false;
                    B_strategy terminal = new B_Strategy(GlobalParam.AppDirectory, _B_Param.BCom, _B_Param.BRate);
                    terminal_B_Dictionary.Add(string.Format("B:{0}",_B_Param.BCom), terminal);  
        return true;




public enum TerminalType {serial , Telent };
public static class TerminalControl
    /// <summary>
    /// stores all instencese of TelnetStarategy to be used --> string telnetIP
    /// </summary>
    public static Dictionary<string, TelnetStrategy> terminalTelnetDictionary = new Dictionary<string, TelnetStrategy>();
    /// <summary>
    /// stores all instencese of SerialScritping to be used --> string SerailPort
    /// </summary>
    public static Dictionary<string, SerialStrategy> terminalSerialDictionary = new Dictionary<string, SerialStrategy>();
    /// <summary>
    /// abstract instance , chooses between serial and telent
    /// </summary>
    public static absTerminalStrategy terminal = null;
    /// <summary>
    /// static constructor
    /// </summary>
    static TerminalControl()

    /// <summary>
    /// Inherits from serial/telnet strategy will run this class of commands 
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="terminalType"></param>
    /// <param name="TelnetIP"></param>
    /// <param name="SerialPort"></param>
    /// <param name="SerialBaudRate"></param>
    /// <param name="Command"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static List<string> TerminalSendAndWaitForList(string Command,string terminalName,string fullpathLog="")
        if (!Terminalset(terminalName)) return new List<string>(new string[] { "ERROR : Device Not Found !!! Check it and add" });
        return  terminal.SendAndWaitForList(Command);     

    public static bool Terminalset(string terminalName)
        string InterfaceType = terminalName.Split(':')[0];
            case "Telnet":
                    TelnetStrategy NewTelnet =null;
                    terminal = NewTelnet;
                    if (terminalTelnetDictionary.TryGetValue(terminalName, out NewTelnet))//return bool 
                        terminal = NewTelnet;
                    else return false;
            case "Serial":
                    SerialStrategy NewSerial =null;
                    terminal = NewSerial;
                    if (terminalSerialDictionary.TryGetValue(terminalName, out NewSerial))//return bool 
                        terminal = NewSerial;
                    else return false;
        return true;
    /// <summary>
    /// added new terminal to inner dictionary
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="terminalType"></param>
    /// <param name="telentParam"></param>
    /// <param name="serialParam"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static bool TermialCheckCreate (TerminalType terminalType , GlobalParam.TelentParams telentParam = null , GlobalParam.SerialParams serialParam= null)
        switch (terminalType)
            case TerminalType.Telent:
                    if (terminalTelnetDictionary.ContainsKey(string.Format("Telnet:{0}", telentParam.telnetIp))) break;
                    if (telentParam == null) return false;
                    TelnetStrategy terminal = new TelnetStrategy(telentParam.telnetIp, GlobalParam.TELNET_PORT, 60);
                    terminalTelnetDictionary.Add(string.Format("Telnet:{0}",telentParam.telnetIp), terminal);
            case TerminalType.serial:
                    if (terminalSerialDictionary.ContainsKey(string.Format("Serial:{0}", serialParam.SerialCom))) break;
                    if (serialParam == null) return false;
                    SerialStrategy terminal = new SerialStrategy(GlobalParam.AppDirectory, serialParam.SerialCom, serialParam.SerialBaudRate);
                    terminalSerialDictionary.Add(string.Format("Serial:{0}",serialParam.SerialCom), terminal);  
        return true;



public abstract class absTerminalStrategy
    public abstract List<string> SendAndWaitForList(string Command);
    public abstract bool WaitForOutPut(string Blocker, int secTimeOut);//implement Wait for Output string before releasing lock (Monitor.wait/Pulse) 


public class SerialStrategy : absTerminalStrategy
    public ScriptingSerial serailAgent = null;//Infrastructure
    public SerialStrategy(string fullPathLog , string PortName , int Baudrate)
        serailAgent = new ScriptingSerial(fullPathLog, PortName, Baudrate);

public class TelnetStrategy : absTerminalStrategy
    public static event SerialDataInput_EventHandler onDataInput;
    public static ScriptingTelnet telnetAgent = null;//Infrastructure
    public string TelnetIp = string.Empty;
    public TelnetStrategy(string Ip, int Port, int CommandTimeOut)
        TelnetIp = Ip;
        int port = Port;
        telnetAgent = new ScriptingTelnet(Ip, port, CommandTimeOut);

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