ios Google SDK Map无法创建虚线折线

时间:2014-06-24 10:25:24

标签: ios google-maps google-maps-sdk-ios google-polyline

我调用了以下方法在标记之间绘制虚线折线。在执行时,它表明只绘制实线。你能告诉我如何在Google Map上绘制虚线吗?

enter image description here

- (void) createDashedLine:(CLLocationCoordinate2D )thisPoint:(CLLocationCoordinate2D )nextPoint:
(UIColor *)colour
    NSLog(@"next pt latitude %ff" , nextPoint.latitude);
    NSLog(@"next pt longitude %ff" , nextPoint.longitude);
    NSLog(@"this pt laatitude %ff" , thisPoint.latitude);
    NSLog(@"this pt longitude %ff" , thisPoint.longitude);

    double difLat = nextPoint.latitude - thisPoint.latitude;
    double difLng = nextPoint.longitude - thisPoint.longitude;
    double scale = camera.zoom * 2;
    double divLat = difLat / scale;
    double divLng = difLng / scale;
    CLLocationCoordinate2D tmpOrig= thisPoint;
    GMSMutablePath *singleLinePath = [GMSMutablePath path];

    for(int i = 0 ; i < scale ; i ++){
        CLLocationCoordinate2D tmpOri = tmpOrig;
        if(i > 0){
            tmpOri = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(tmpOrig.latitude + (divLat * 0.25f), tmpOrig.longitude + (divLng * 0.25f));
        [singleLinePath addCoordinate:tmpOri];
        [singleLinePath addCoordinate:
         CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(tmpOrig.latitude + (divLat * 1.0f),
                                    tmpOrig.longitude + (divLng * 1.0f))];
        tmpOri = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(tmpOrig.latitude + (divLat * 1.0f), tmpOrig.longitude + (divLng * 1.0f));

    GMSPolyline *polyline ;
    polyline = [GMSPolyline polylineWithPath:singleLinePath];
    polyline.geodesic = NO;
    polyline.strokeWidth = 5.f;
    polyline.strokeColor = colour; = mapView_;

    //Setup line style and draw
    _lengths = @[@([singleLinePath lengthOfKind:kGMSLengthGeodesic] / 50)];
    _polys = @[polyline];
    [self setupStyleWithColour:colour];
    [self tick];

- (void)tick {
    //Create steps for polyline(dotted polylines)
    for (GMSPolyline *poly in _polys) {
        poly.spans =
        GMSStyleSpans(poly.path, _styles, _lengths, kGMSLengthGeodesic, _pos);
    _pos -= _step;

-(void)setupStyleWithColour:(UIColor *)color{

    GMSStrokeStyle *gradColor = [GMSStrokeStyle gradientFromColor:color toColor:color];

    _styles = @[gradColor,[GMSStrokeStyle solidColor:[UIColor colorWithWhite:0 alpha:0]],];
    _step = 50000;

- (void)addMarkers
    // NSMutableArray *polys = [NSMutableArray array];
    if([CarArray count] > 0){

        GMSMutablePath *path = [GMSMutablePath path];
        GMSMutablePath *currentPath = [GMSMutablePath path];
        GMSPolyline *polyline ;
        GMSPolyline *polylineC ;
        GMSMarker *marker;
        for (int i = 0; i < [CarArray count]; i++) {

            CheckPoints *cp = [CarArray objectAtIndex:i];
            CLLocationCoordinate2D position = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(cp.getLatitude , cp.getLongitude);

            marker = [GMSMarker markerWithPosition:position];
            //  GMSMarker *marker = [[GMSMarker alloc] init];
            marker.position = position;
            NSLog( @"%d", cp.getState );
            NSLog( @"%f", cp.getLatitude);
            NSLog( @"%f", cp.getLongitude );
            NSLog( @"%@", cp.getDesp );
            marker.title = cp.getDesp;

            marker.zIndex = 1;
            NSString *tmpLat = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%f", position.latitude];
            NSString *tmpLong = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%f", position.longitude];
            marker.snippet = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", tmpLat,tmpLong];
            UIColor *color;
            if (cp.getState ==0) {
                color = [UIColor greenColor];
            } else {
                color = [UIColor redColor];

            if([CarArray count] > 2){
                [path addLatitude:cp.getLatitude longitude:cp.getLongitude];
                if(i > [CarArray indexOfObject:CarArray.lastObject] -2){
                    [currentPath addLatitude:cp.getLatitude longitude:cp.getLongitude];
                [currentPath addLatitude:cp.getLatitude longitude:cp.getLongitude];
            marker.icon = [GMSMarker markerImageWithColor:color];

   = mapView_;
            //  mapView_.selectedMarker = marker;

        if([CarArray count] > 2) {

            polyline = [GMSPolyline polylineWithPath:currentPath];
            polyline.geodesic = YES;
            polyline.strokeWidth = 5.f;
            polyline.strokeColor = [UIColor greenColor];
   = mapView_;

            _lengths = @[@([currentPath lengthOfKind:kGMSLengthGeodesic] / 50)];
            _polys = @[polyline];

            [self setupStyleWithColour:[UIColor greenColor]];
            [self tick];

            for(int i = 0 ; i < [currentPath count] -1 ; i++){
                CLLocationCoordinate2D thisPoint = [currentPath coordinateAtIndex:i];
                CLLocationCoordinate2D nextPoint = [currentPath coordinateAtIndex:i+1];

                NSLog(@"next pt s latitude %ff" , nextPoint.latitude);
                NSLog(@"next pt s longitude %ff" , nextPoint.longitude);
                NSLog(@"this pt s latitude %ff" , thisPoint.latitude);
                NSLog(@"this pt s longitude %ff" , thisPoint.longitude);

                [self drawArrowLines:mapView_ :thisPoint :nextPoint :[UIColor greenColor]:i+1: false];
                [self createDashedLine: thisPoint :nextPoint :[UIColor greenColor]];

            GMSMutablePath *path2 = [GMSMutablePath path];
            GMSMutablePath *path3 = [GMSMutablePath path];
            path2 = path.mutableCopy;

            [path2 removeLastCoordinate];
            path3 = path2;
            polylineC = [GMSPolyline polylineWithPath:path3];
            polylineC.geodesic = YES;
            polylineC.strokeWidth = 5.f;
   = mapView_;

            _lengths = @[@([currentPath lengthOfKind:kGMSLengthGeodesic] / 50)];
            _polys = @[polylineC];

            [self setupStyleWithColour:[UIColor greenColor]];
            [self tick];

       //     polylineC.strokeColor = [UIColor redColor];

            for(int i = 0 ; i < [path count] -1 ; i++){
                CLLocationCoordinate2D thisPoint = [path coordinateAtIndex:i];
                CLLocationCoordinate2D nextPoint = [path coordinateAtIndex:i+1];

                NSLog(@"next pt s latitude %ff" , nextPoint.latitude);
                NSLog(@"next pt s longitude %ff" , nextPoint.longitude);
                NSLog(@"this pt s latitude %ff" , thisPoint.latitude);
                NSLog(@"this pt s longitude %ff" , thisPoint.longitude);

                [self drawArrowLines:mapView_ :thisPoint :nextPoint :[UIColor redColor]: i+1 : true];
                [self createDashedLine: thisPoint :nextPoint :[UIColor redColor]];
            polyline = [GMSPolyline polylineWithPath:currentPath];
            polyline.geodesic = NO;
            polyline.strokeWidth = 5.f;
            polyline.strokeColor = [UIColor greenColor];
   = mapView_;

            _lengths = @[@([currentPath lengthOfKind:kGMSLengthGeodesic] / 50)];
            _polys = @[polyline];

            [self setupStyleWithColour:[UIColor greenColor]];
            [self tick];

            for(int i = 0 ; i < [currentPath count] -1 ; i++){
                CLLocationCoordinate2D thisPoint = [currentPath coordinateAtIndex:i];
                CLLocationCoordinate2D nextPoint = [currentPath coordinateAtIndex:i+1];

                NSLog(@"next pt s latitude %ff" , nextPoint.latitude);
                NSLog(@"next pt s longitude %ff" , nextPoint.longitude);
                NSLog(@"this pt s latitude %ff" , thisPoint.latitude);
                NSLog(@"this pt s longitude %ff" , thisPoint.longitude);

                [self drawArrowLines:mapView_ :thisPoint :nextPoint :[UIColor greenColor] : i+1 : false];
                [self createDashedLine: thisPoint :nextPoint :[UIColor greenColor]];

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:33)


GMSMutablePath *path = [GMSMutablePath path];

for (...) {
    // add coordinate to your path
    [path addCoordinate:CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(latitude, longitude)];

GMSPolyline *polyline = [GMSPolyline polylineWithPath:path]; = self.mapView;
polyline.strokeWidth = 3.0;

NSArray *styles = @[[GMSStrokeStyle solidColor:[UIColor greenColor]],
                    [GMSStrokeStyle solidColor:[UIColor clearColor]]];

NSArray *lengths = @[@25, @20];

polyline.spans = GMSStyleSpans(polyline.path, styles, lengths, kGMSLengthRhumb);


NSArray *lengths = @[@10, @10];

答案 1 :(得分:16)

每个需要线段长度独立于地图缩放级别的人,这是我在swift中的解决方案。我创建折线的方式与this answer相同,然后在&#036;之后我调用此方法:

func mapView(mapView: GMSMapView, didChangeCameraPosition position: GMSCameraPosition)

func updateLine() { let styles = [ GMSStrokeStyle.solidColor(UIColor.blackColor()), GMSStrokeStyle.solidColor(UIColor.clearColor()) ] let scale = 1.0 / mapView.projection.pointsForMeters(1, atCoordinate: line.spans = GMSStyleSpans(line.path!, styles, [15.0 * scale, 10.0 * scale], kGMSLengthRhumb) } 15.0是以磅为单位的段长度。

答案 2 :(得分:3)

这是Swift 3.0翻译

//Returns a GMSPath parsed from gpx file
        path = GpxProcessor(fileNames: "test.gpx").getPolygons()
        redPolyline = GMSPolyline(path: path)
        redPolyline.geodesic = true = mapView

        let styles = [GMSStrokeStyle.solidColor(.clear),
        let lengths: [NSNumber] = [10, 10]

        redPolyline.spans = GMSStyleSpans(redPolyline.path!, styles, lengths,GMSLengthKind.rhumb)

答案 3 :(得分:2)



NSArray *_styles;
NSArray *_lengths;
NSArray *_polys;
double _pos, _step;


- (void) createDashedLine:(CLLocationCoordinate2D )thisPoint:(CLLocationCoordinate2D )nextPoint:
(UIColor *)colour

    double difLat = nextPoint.latitude - thisPoint.latitude;
    double difLng = nextPoint.longitude - thisPoint.longitude;
    double scale = camera.zoom * 2;
    double divLat = difLat / scale;
    double divLng = difLng / scale;
    CLLocationCoordinate2D tmpOrig= thisPoint;

    GMSMutablePath *singleLinePath = [GMSMutablePath path];

    for(int i = 0 ; i < scale ; i ++){
        CLLocationCoordinate2D tmpOri = tmpOrig;
        if(i > 0){
            tmpOri = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(tmpOrig.latitude + (divLat * 0.25f),
                                                tmpOrig.longitude + (divLng * 0.25f));
        [singleLinePath addCoordinate:tmpOri];
        [singleLinePath addCoordinate:
         CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(tmpOrig.latitude + (divLat * 1.0f),
                                        tmpOrig.longitude + (divLng * 1.0f))];

        tmpOri = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(tmpOrig.latitude + (divLat * 1.0f),
                                            tmpOrig.longitude + (divLng * 1.0f));


     GMSPolyline *polyline ;
     polyline = [GMSPolyline polylineWithPath:singleLinePath];
     polyline.geodesic = NO;
     polyline.strokeWidth = 5.f;
     polyline.strokeColor = colour; = mapView_;

    //Setup line style and draw
    _lengths = @[@([singleLinePath lengthOfKind:kGMSLengthGeodesic] / 100)];
    _polys = @[polyline];
    [self setupStyleWithColour:colour];
    [self tick];

- (void)tick {
    //Create steps for polyline(dotted polylines)
    for (GMSPolyline *poly in _polys) {
        poly.spans =
        GMSStyleSpans(poly.path, _styles, _lengths, kGMSLengthGeodesic, _pos);
    _pos -= _step;

-(void)setupStyleWithColour:(UIColor *)color{

    GMSStrokeStyle *gradColor = [GMSStrokeStyle gradientFromColor:color toColor:color];

    _styles = @[
                [GMSStrokeStyle solidColor:[UIColor colorWithWhite:0 alpha:0]],
    _step = 50000;

希望它有所帮助。 欢呼声。

答案 4 :(得分:2)

迅速获得Mikhail Vasilyev答案的4.0 +

func updateLine() {
    let styles: [GMSStrokeStyle] = [.solidColor(.red), .solidColor(.clear)]
    let scale = 1.0 / mapView.projection.points(forMeters: 1, at:
    let solidLine = NSNumber(value: 15.0 * Float(scale))
    let gap = NSNumber(value: 10.0 * Float(scale))
    line.spans = GMSStyleSpans(line.path!, styles, [solidLine, gap], GMSLengthKind.rhumb)