
时间:2014-06-22 23:26:19

标签: assembly x86 nasm


        segment .bss
                ans     resb 4
                buff    resb 4
                largest resb 4
                test2   resb 1
        segment .data
                num1    db 1,2,3,4
                num2    db 5,1,7,2
msg1:      db "  "
msg_size1:             equ $-msg1

space1:  db " "
space1_size:         equ $-space1

        segment .text

        global _start

                    mov byte[test2], 0
                    mov word[largest], 0
                    mov word[ans], 0
                    mov word[buff], 0
                    mov esi, 0
                    mov bx, 0

                    cmp esi, 3
                    jg label3
                    mov ecx, [num1+esi]
                    mov edx, [num2+esi]

                    push ecx
                    push edx

                    ;;mov dword[test2], esi
                    call which_is_larger_procedure
                    add esp, 8
                    mov eax, [num2+esi]
                    mov [ans], eax

                    ;;mov esi, dword[test2]
        ;; mov [buff], esi

;;; ;   outut
        ;; mov eax, 4          ; system_write
        ;; mov ebx, 1          ; stdout
        ;; mov ecx, [ans]     ; move biggest element to accumulator
        ;; add ecx, 30h        ; convert to ascii representation
        ;; mov [buff], ecx     ; move to memory
        ;; mov ecx, buff       ; put pointer in ecx for printing
        ;; mov edx, 4          ; size, 4 bytes
        ;; int 80h             ; sytem call.

                    inc esi
                    jmp label1

                    mov eax, 1
                    mov ebx, 0
                    int 80h


;;; ;  Body
                    push ebp
                    mov ebp, esp
                    sub esp, 8

                    push eax
                    push ebx

                    mov ecx, [ebp+8]
                    mov edx, [ebp+12]

                    mov eax, [ecx]
                    mov ebx, [edx]

                     cmp al, bl
                     jg CL_g_DL
                     cmp byte[largest], bl
                     jg skip
                     mov byte[largest], bl

AL_g_BL:                        ;If AH is Larger than BL
                     cmp byte[largest], al
                     jg skip
                     mov byte[largest], al


;;; ; ;   outut
                    mov eax, 4   ; system_write
                    mov ebx, 1   ; stdout
                    mov ecx, [largest] ; move biggest element to accumulator
                    add ecx, 30h              ; convert to ascii representation
                    mov [buff], ecx    ; move to memory
                    mov ecx, buff      ; put pointer in ecx for printing
                    mov edx, 4        ; size, 4 bytes
                    int 80h           ; sytem call.

;;; ;  Outout
                     mov eax, 4  ; system_write
                     mov ebx, 1  ; stdout
                     mov ecx, msg1 ; put pointer in ecx for printing
                     int 80h      ; sytem call.

                    pop ecx
                    pop edx
                    add esp, 8
                    pop ebp



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


                mov eax, [ecx]
                mov ebx, [edx]


                mov eax, ecx
                mov ebx, edx
