
时间:2014-06-22 18:11:55

标签: java android sql database eclipse

嘿伙计们我有一个问题:如何从后面读取数据库? 这是我阅读文件的方法:

Cursor cursor = myDb.getAllRows();

// Allow activity to manage lifetime of the cursor.
// DEPRECATED! Runs on the UI thread, OK for small/short queries.

// Setup mapping from cursor to view fields:
String[] fromFieldNames = new String[] 
        {DBAdapter.KEY_KALO, DBAdapter.KEY_HYDRATE, DBAdapter.KEY_FAT, DBAdapter.KEY_PROTEIN ,DBAdapter.KEY_CAL};
int[] toViewIDs = new int[]
        {R.id.item_Kalorien,     R.id.item_KG_in_g,           R.id.item_F_in_g,     R.id.item_P_in_g,R.id.item_cal};

// Create adapter to may columns of the DB onto elemesnt in the UI.
SimpleCursorAdapter myCursorAdapter = 
        new SimpleCursorAdapter(
                this,       // Context
                R.layout.item_tagebuch, // Row layout template
                cursor,                 // cursor (set of DB records to map)
                fromFieldNames,         // DB Column names
                toViewIDs               // View IDs to put information in

// Set the adapter for the list view
ListView myList = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.listView1);


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