
时间:2014-06-22 07:58:41

标签: php wordpress woocommerce


是否需要调用某种功能来更新WooCommerce中我不知道的变体?我正在使用这样的数组并在更新wp_postmeta表中meta_key _product_attributes的meta_value之前对其进行序列化,如下所示:

function ProcessBasicProperties(Array $properties)
    $return = array();
    $position = 0;

    if (!empty($properties))
        if (!empty($properties['siz']))
            $size = !is_array($properties['siz']) ? array($properties['siz']) : array_unique($properties['siz']);
            $return['size'] = array(
                'name' => 'Size',
                'value' => count($size) > 1 ? implode(' | ', $size) : $size[0],
                'is_visible' => count($size) > 1 ? 0 : 1,
                'is_variation' => count($size) > 1 ? 1 : 0,
                'is_taxonomy' => 0,
                'position'  => $position
        if (!empty($properties['ext']))
            $extension = !is_array($properties['ext']) ? array($properties['ext']) : array_unique($properties['ext']);
            $return['extension'] = array(
                'name' => 'Extension',
                'value' => count($extension) > 1 ? implode(' | ', $extension) : $extension[0],
                'is_visible' => count($extension) > 1 ? 0 : 1,
                'is_variation' => count($extension) > 1 ? 1 : 0,
                'is_taxonomy' => 0,
                'position' => $position
        // styles do not get added to attributes for variable products, instead, with variable products, the style goes into the overall sku of the product (General Properties)
        // So, in short, variable products should not have this key set.
        if (!empty($properties['style']))
            $return['style'] = array(
                'name' => 'Style',
                'value' => htmlspecialchars($properties['style'], ENT_QUOTES),
                'is_visible' => 1,
                'is_variation' => 0,
                'is_taxonomy' => 0,
                'position' => $position
        if (!empty($properties['color']))
            $colors = !is_array($properties['color']) ? array($properties['color']) : array_unique($properties['color']);
            $return['color'] = array(
                'name' => 'Color',
                'value' => count($colors) > 1 ? htmlspecialchars(implode(' | ', $colors), ENT_QUOTES) : htmlspecialchars($colors[0], ENT_QUOTES),
                'is_visible' => 1,
                'is_variation' => 0,
                'is_taxonomy' => 0,
                'position' => $position
        if (!empty($properties['gender']))
            $return['gender'] = array(
                'name' => 'Gender',
                'value' => htmlspecialchars($properties['gender'], ENT_QUOTES),
                'is_visible' => 1,
                'is_variation' => 0,
                'is_taxonomy' => 0,
                'position' => $position
        if (!empty($properties['season']))
            $return['season'] = array(
                'name' => 'Season',
                'value' => htmlspecialchars($properties['season'], ENT_QUOTES),
                'is_visible' => 1,
                'is_variation' => 0,
                'is_taxonomy' => 0,
                'position' => $position

    return $return;

这是一个函数,它返回正确的数组,该数组被序列化并输入到wp_postmeta meta_value表中meta_key = _product_attributes。每个变体还有一个meta_key attribute_size和meta_key attribute_extension,其中meta_value等于wp_postmeta表中针对该帖子变体ID所需的特定变体的值。


我尝试过的功能,无法使用新变体更新产品,s代表小=变异ID 181342而l代表大{= 1 {}} 181343列该变体的ID表的wp_posts表或post_id列的列表:


wp_set_object_terms(181342, 's', 'size');
wp_set_object_terms(181343, 'l', 'size');

这些都不会将产品更新为前端显示的变体。它仍然只显示前端的旧变化。如何在前端显示do_action( 'woocommerce_create_product_variation', 181342 ); do_action( 'woocommerce_create_product_variation', 181343 ); s尺寸?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


$transients = array(
    'name' => array(
        'wc_product_total_stock_' . $product_id,
        'wc_product_children_ids_' . $product_id
    'values' => array(
    'filters' => array(

// Set it up so that the variations show in the front end also...
foreach($transients['name'] as $k => $transient_name)
    set_transient($transient_name, $transients['values'][$k],YEAR_IN_SECONDS);

    if (isset($transients['filters'][$k]))
        apply_filters($transients['filters'][$k], $transients['values'][$k]);

$product_id =实际产品ID值。

$allVariationIDs = wp_posts表中变体的所有ID值的数组。 $total_stock是产品的新库存,以所有变异库存水平计算。


答案 1 :(得分:0)



您可以参考此链接了解更多详情 Woocommerce - Cannot delete a product variation