
时间:2014-06-21 15:21:53

标签: .net vb.net class class-structure






INIFileManager.FilePath = "ini filepath"
dim iniexist as boolean = INIFileManager.File.Exist

以下是此示例的相关代码,我被卡在dim ini as new inifilemanager("ini filepath", textencoding) dim iniexist as boolean = ini.file.exist dim another_ini as new inifilemanager("another ini filepath without any kind of conflict with the first instance", textencoding) dim another_iniexist as boolean = another_ini.file.exist 类的Exist方法上,因为我无法访问File变量这是在顶级课程,因为我没有设置该变量,而FilePath方法都像我Exist那样在我的旧班级版本上...


注意:请保留其他2个子类应该有一个名为Shared的方法和其他名称相同的方法,例如" Exist ",不仅在[Get]班级(我不知道这可能是一个可能需要更多修饰的问题)。


1 个答案:

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您有4个类(INIManager,File,Section,Key)来管理2位信息(Key和Value)。由于INIManager只是“容纳”其他人,因此他可以与File结合使用 - 特别是因为没有很多文件级操作。你可能甚至不需要[章节]。那些只存在,所以你可以存储类似项目的重复属性,如:

 Path =  
 File =  
 Foo =

 [Report DB] 
 Path =  
 File =  
 Foo =

这些旨在以一种方式提供INItialization值,您可以通过一系列字符串循环,如FILE1,FILE2 ......并在循环中读取多个部分。对于一组简单的设置,只需使用一个[Default]部分来简化类及其使用。然后,您只需要使用IniManager和Keys。有目的地暴露底层层次结构并不适用于可用性,IMO。

为了做你想做的事,你需要INIManager上的SECTIONS属性,它暴露了与部分相关的东西。为了支持这一点,您需要INISection类(主要是章节的方法)和INISectionS集合类。 (有些评论让我猜测你想要一直加载所有部分及所有密钥,以便删除它们等等。)

如果您真的想要Sections().Keys().Method之类的内容,则必须在Key上添加Keys collection class课程和IniSection。这将使总计达到5个班级来管理2个信息。当然,它可以用一半的代码和一个类来完成。大多数额外的绒毛都是以你提到的方式暴露内部工作。你也可以和Public vs Friend一起玩,以防止暴露你不想要的东西。


Public Class INIManager

    ' all the gory PInvokes go here

    Friend cfgFile As String
    Public Property INIExists As Boolean

    ' this is the bit you seemed to be missing
    ' A Collection property exposed at the IniMgr level
    ' containing a collection of Sections.  Like matryoshka dolls, inside
    ' each is a collection of Keys and Values
    Public Property Sections As IniSections

    ' no reason for INI mgr to even exist without a file
    Public Sub New(iniFile As String)
        cfgFile = iniFile
        _INIExists = System.IO.File.Exists(cfgFile)

        _Sections = New IniSections(cfgFile)
    End Sub

    ' only worthwhile thing I can think of that a "File"
    ' class would ever do.  
    Public Sub RemoveFile()

    End Sub

    Public Sub Save()
         ' i think you need to delete the file first so any
        ' deleted sections disappear. of course sections the code
        ' does ask for doesnt do any harm either

        ' iterate IniSections to call a Save there,
        ' which iterates the keys one by one to save them
    End Sub

    ' ****** INISections Class Collection
    Public Class IniSections
        'Inherits Collection(Of IniSection)
        Private Items As Collection(Of IniSection)

        Private cfgFile As String

        Friend Sub New(file As String)
            cfgFile = file

            ' I am assuming from some comments that you are probably
            ' loading the entire file to manage it.  for that:

            If System.IO.File.Exists(cfgFile) Then
                ' load from GetPrivateProfileSectionNames into the collection
                ' mybase.Items.Add(section_name)...then

                For Each s As IniSection In Items

            End If

        End Sub

        ' FRIEND!
        Friend Sub Save(cfgfile As String)
            For Each s As IniSection In Items
                ' instruct each section to write the kvps
        End Sub

        ' I dont know why an empty accessor is showing up in Intellisense
        Default Public ReadOnly Property Item(name As String) As IniSection
                If IndexOfSection(name) = -1 Then
                    Items.Add(New IniSection(name))
                End If
                Return Items(IndexOfSection(name))
            End Get

        End Property

        ' add a section
        Public Function Add(name As String) As IniSection
            Dim sec As New IniSection(name)
            Return sec
        End Function

        ' remove a section
        Public Sub Remove(name As String)


    ' the only real way to remove a section is to rewrite the file! 
    ' so to support this method we have to load all sections and all keys
    ' all the time even if we dont need them so that we can write the
    ' out the whole file omitting removed keys and sections.
    ' Seriously sir, this kind of junk went to the dustbin with Rubik's Cubes

        End Sub

        Public Function Exists(secName As String)
            Return IndexOfSection(secName) <> -1
        End Function

        Private Function IndexOfSection(name As String) As Integer
            For n As Integer = 0 To Items.Count - 1
                ' s/b ToLowerInvariant - that makes the screen scroll
                If Items(n).SectionName.ToLower = name.ToLower Then
                    Return n
                End If
            Return -1
        End Function

    End Class
End Class

' ************** INISection item class
Public Class IniSection
    ' mostly methods go here for sections,
    ' but is the "host" for the keys collections

    Private myKeys As Dictionary(Of String, String)

    ' for a .Keys collection (WHY would the calling code WANT to
    ' mess with the whole collection???), change to add a Key Class
    ' and Keys Collection

    ' interface for Keys
    Public Property Keys(name As String) As String
            If myKeys.ContainsKey(name) Then
                Return myKeys(name)
                Return ""
            End If
        End Get
        Set(value As String)
            If myKeys.ContainsKey(value) Then
                myKeys(value) = value
                myKeys.Add(value, value)
            End If
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property SectionName As String

    Public Sub New(name As String)
        SectionName = name
        myKeys = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    End Sub

    Public Sub RemoveKey(name As String)
        If myKeys.ContainsKey(name) Then
        End If
    End Sub

    Friend Sub Save(inifile As String)
        ' iterate keys writitng the kvps to the ini

    End Sub

    ' note FRIEND called by the INISection class not the user
    Friend Function LoadKeyValues(inifile As String) As Integer
        '  presumably call GetPrivateProfileSection  
        '   for this SectionName and parse it to 
        ' get the current key=value pairs into myKeys
        Return myKeys.Count
    End Function

End Class


ini = New INIManager("C:\Temp\Ziggy.INI")
Dim foo As String = ini.Sections("foo").Keys("bar")

ini.Sections("ziggy").Keys("foo") = "zoey"


ini.Sections("ziggy").SetKey(keyName, "zoey")


If ini.Sections.Exists("zacky") Then
End If

' causes a cascade from INI -> Sections -> keys to save