
时间:2014-06-20 17:37:07

标签: r ggplot2


x1 = 1
x2 = 2
list <- c(1:4)
tle <- paste("VGM = ", as.character(list[1]),
         "V, VDM = ", as.character(list[2]),
         "V, VGF = ", as.character(list[3]),
         "V, VDF = ", as.character(list[4]),
         "V", sep="")
p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=wt, y=mpg)) +
  labs(title=tle) +
p + xlab(expression(V[DM]))  #works fine
p + xlab(expression(paste(V[DM], "= 3"))) # works fine

# now we would like to use a variable to provide the number

p + xlab(expression(paste(V[DM], "=", x1))) # Just displays "x1", not value of x1
p + xlab(expression(paste(V[DM], "=", 
                      as.character(x1)))) # NO
p + xlab(expression(paste(V[DM], "=", 
                      as.character(as.number(x1))))) # NO
my.xlab1 <- bquote(V[DM] == .(x1)) 
p + xlab(my.xlab1) # We can see the success here

# A single variable at the end of the expression works
# What if you wanted to display two variables?

my.xlab2 <- bquote(V[GM] == .(x2))
my.xlab3 <- paste(my.xlab1, my.xlab2) 
p + xlab(my.xlab3) # doesn't work

# Apparently the expressions cannot be pasted together. Try another approach.
# Place the two expressions separately on the plot. They no longer need to be
# pasted together. It would look better, anyway. Would it work?

p + annotate("text", x=4, y=30, label="Annotate_text", parse=TRUE) 
# This is the idea
# p + annotate("text", x=4, y=30, label=bquote(V[DM] == .(x1)), parse=TRUE) 
# This is a disaster
# RStudio stops the process with a question mark placed on the console. Appears that
# more input is being requested?
p + geom_text(x=4, y=30, label="Geom_text") # works
p + geom_text(x=4, y=30, label=my.xlab1) # does not accept variables.


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my.xlab3 <- bquote(V[DM] == .(x1)~ V[GM] == .(x2))
my.xlab3 <- bquote(list(V[DM] == .(x1), V[GM] == .(x2)))


my.xlab3 <- bquote(.(my.xlab1) ~ .(my.xlab2))
my.xlab3 <- bquote(list(.(my.xlab1), .(my.xlab2)))



p + annotate("text", x=4, y=30, label=deparse(my.xlab3), parse=TRUE)