*Jun 20 16:03:52.482 IST: DSL 0-FW: Data0:
*Jun 20 16:03:52.482 IST: DSL 0-FW: 0x20 0x7
*Jun 20 16:03:52.482 IST: DSL 0-FW: Read from ID 0x369
*Jun 20 16:15:32.591 IST: DSL 0: IPC: Msg_type (4)
*Jun 20 16:15:33.591 IST: DSL 0: IPC: Msg_type (4)
*Jun 20 16:15:33.591 IST: DSL 0: IPC: Msg_type (4)
*Jun 20 16:15:33.839 IST: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface changed state to down
*Jun 20 16:06:21.848 IST: DSL 0-FW: PHY: ack_control: id:0x1
*Jun 20 16:06:21.848 IST: DSL 0-FW: PHY: ackcontrol:
*Jun 20 16:06:22.192 IST: DSL 0-FW: PHY: ack_control:
在这里,我必须搜索包含DSL 0-FW:
的行,并将该行存储在另一个文件中。但我必须排除DSL 0-FW: PHY
答案 0 :(得分:0)
您可以逐行阅读文件,并使用string first
过滤其他文件中需要的行。 string first
# Assuming that the script is in the same directory as the file... otherwise
# replace by the file path
# Read the log file
set fin [open "log_file.txt" r]
# Open a file for writing
set fout [open "output.txt" w]
# Read line by line
while {[gets $fin line] != -1} {
# Check if "DSL 0-FW:" is in the line, if found, proceed
if {[string first "DSL 0-FW:" $line] != -1} {
# Check if "DSL 0-FW:" is in the line, if not found, proceed
if {[string first "DSL 0-FW: PHY" $line] == -1} {
puts $fout $line
close $fin
close $fout
while {[gets $fin line] != -1} {
# Check if "DSL 0-FW:" without " PHY" is in the line, if found, proceed
if {[regexp -- {DSL 0-FW:(?! PHY)} $line]} {
puts $fout $line
DSL 0-FW:(?! PHY)
如果DSL 0-FW:
后面没有 PHY
实际上,您甚至可以使用string match
while {[gets $fin line] != -1} {
# Check if "DSL 0-FW:" is in the line, if found, proceed
if {[string match "DSL 0-FW:" $line]} {
# Check if "DSL 0-FW:" is in the line, if not found, proceed
if {![string match "DSL 0-FW: PHY" $line]} {
puts $fout $line
答案 1 :(得分:0)
set all [split [read -nonewline "log.file"] \n]
set wanted [lsearch -all -inline -regex {DSL 0-FW: (?!PHY:)} $lines]
set fh [open "partial.file" w]
puts $fh [join $wanted \n]
close $fh