
时间:2014-06-18 14:59:41

标签: php laravel orm laravel-4 repository-pattern

在Laravel 4中,查询范围可用于所有查询(包括由关系查询生成的查询)。这意味着对于以下(示例)模型:


class Customer extends Eloquent {
    public function order() { return $this->hasMany('Order'); }


class Order extends Eloquent {
   public function scopeDelivered($query) { return $query->where('delivered', '=', true); }
   public function customer() { return $this->belongsTo('Customer'); }


var_dump(Order::delivered()->get()); // All delivered orders
var_dump(Customer::find(1)->orders()->delivered()->get()); // only orders by customer #1 that are delivered


最近,我已经确信存储库模式不仅适用于关注点分离,而且还适用于ORM / DB切换的可能性或者需要添加缓存等中间件。存储库感觉非常自然,因为现在不是让我的模型使范围膨胀,而是关联查询而是存储库的一部分(这更有意义,因为这自然是集合的方法而不是项目。)


class EloquentOrderRepository {
    protected $order;

    public function __construct(Order $order) { $this->order = $order; }
    public function find($id) { /* ... */ }
    /* etc... */
    public function allDelievered() { return $this->order->where('delivered', '=', true)->get(); }



注意:我知道类似some上的similar questions topics,但它们都没有解决此处提出的问题,这些问题由关系生成不要依赖于存储库。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




应用/ LIB / PhpMyCoder /存储库/ Repository.php:

<?php namespace PhpMyCoder\Repository;

interface Repository {

    public function all();

    public function find($id);

应用/ LIB / PhpMyCoder /存储库/订购/ OrderRepository.php:

<?php namespace PhpMyCoder\Repository\Order;

interface OrderRepository extends PhpMyCoder\Repository\Repository {}

添加Eloquent Repositories(和hack)

应用/ LIB / PhpMyCoder /存储库/订购/ EloquentOrderRepository.php:

<?php namespace PhpMyCoder\Repository\Order;

use PhpMyCoder\Repository\EloquentBaseRepository;

class EloquentOrderRepository extends EloquentBaseRepository implements OrderRepository {

    public function __construct(\Order $model) {


    public function finished() {

        return $this->model->finished()->get();

    public function scopeFinished($query) {

        return $query->where('finished', '=', true);


应用/ LIB / PhpMyCoder /存储库/ EloquentBaseRepository.php:

<?php namespace PhpMyCoder\Repository;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

abstract class EloquentBaseRepository implements Repository {

    protected $model;

    // Stores which repositories have already been booted
    protected static $booted = array();

    public function __construct(Model $model) {

        $this->model = $model;


    protected function bootIfNotBooted() {

        // Boot once per repository class, because we only need to
        // add the scopes to the model once
        if(!isset(static::$booted[get_class($this)])) {

            static::$booted[get_class($this)] = true;

    protected function boot() {

        $modelScope = new ModelScope();  // covered below
        $selfReflection = new \ReflectionObject($this);

        foreach (get_class_methods($this) as $method) {

            // Find all scope methods in the repository class
            if (preg_match('/^scope(.+)$/', $method, $matches)) {

                $scopeName = lcfirst($matches[1]);
                // Get a closure for the scope method
                $scopeMethod = $selfReflection->getMethod($method)->getClosure($this)->bindTo(null);

                $modelScope->addScope($scopeName, $scopeMethod);

        // Attach our special ModelScope to the Model class
        call_user_func([get_class($this->model), 'addGlobalScope'], $modelScope);

    public function __call($method, $arguments) {

        // Handle calls to scopes on the repository similarly to
        // how they are handled on Eloquent models
        if(method_exists($this, 'scope' . ucfirst($method))) {

            return call_user_func_array([$this->model, $method], $arguments)->get();

    /* From PhpMyCoder\Repository\Order\OrderRepository (inherited from PhpMyCoder\Repository\Repository) */
    public function all() {

        return $this->model->all();

    public function find($id) {

        return $this->model->find($id);

每次第一次实例化存储库类的实例时,我们都会引导存储库。这涉及将存储库中的所有“范围”方法聚合到ModelScope对象中,然后将其应用于模型。 ModelScope会将我们的范围应用于模型创建的每个查询(如下所示)。

应用/ LIB / PhpMyCoder /存储库/ ModelScope.php:

<?php namespace PhpMyCoder\Repository;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ScopeInterface;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;

class ModelScope implements ScopeInterface {

    protected $scopes = array(); // scopes we need to apply to each query

    public function apply(Builder $builder) {

        foreach($this->scopes as $name => $scope) {

            // Add scope to the builder as a macro (hack-y)
            // this mimics the behavior and return value of Builder::callScope()
            $builder->macro($name, function() use($builder, $scope) {

                $arguments = func_get_args();

                array_unshift($arguments, $builder->getQuery());

                return call_user_func_array($scope, $arguments) ?: $builder->getQuery();

    public function remove(Builder $builder) {

        // Removing is not really possible (no Builder::removeMacro),
        // so we'll just overwrite the method with one that throws a
        // BadMethodCallException

        foreach($this->scopes as $name => $scope) {

            $builder->macro($name, function() use($name) {

                $className = get_class($this);
                throw new \BadMethodCallException("Call to undefined method {$className}::{$name}()");

    public function addScope($name, \Closure $scope) {

        $this->scopes[$name] = $scope;


应用/ LIB / PhpMyCoder /存储库/ RepositoryServiceProvider.php:

<?php namespace PhpMyCoder\Repository;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use PhpMyCoder\Repository\Order\EloquentOrderRepository;

class RepositoryServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {

    public function register() {

        // Bind the repository interface to the eloquent repository class
        $this->app->bind('PhpMyCoder\Repository\Order\OrderRepository', function() {

            return new EloquentOrderRepository(new \Order);





"autoload": {
    "psr-0": {
        "PhpMyCoder\\": "app/lib" 
    /* etc... */

这需要composer.phar dump-autoload


应用/模型/ Customer.php:


class Customer extends Eloquent {

    public function orders() {

        return $this->hasMany('Order');


应用/模型/ Order.php:


class Order extends Eloquent {

    public function customer() {

        return $this->belongsTo('Customer');



应用/控制器/ OrderController.php:


// IoC will handle passing our controller the proper instance
use PhpMyCoder\Repository\Order\OrderRepository;

class OrderController extends BaseController {

    protected $orderRepository;

    public function __construct(OrderRepository $orderRepository) {

        $this->orderRepository = $orderRepository;

    public function test() {

        $allOrders = $this->orderRepository->all();

        // Our repository can handle scope calls similarly to how
        // Eloquent models handle them
        $finishedOrders = $this->orderRepository->finished();

        // If we had made one, we would instead use a customer repository
        // Notice though how the relation query also has order scopes
        $finishedOrdersForCustomer = Customer::find(1)->orders()->finished();



  • 许多功能很少的代码:可以说太多了,无法实现理想的结果
  • 这是hacky: Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\BuilderIlluminate\Database\Eloquent\ScopeInterface上的宏(与Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model::addGlobalScope一起使用)可能会以不应该的方式使用
  • 需要实例化存储库(MAJOR ISSUE):如果您在CustomerController内并且只有实例化的CustomerRepository,$this->customerRepository->find(1)->orders()->finished()->get()将无法按预期工作(除非您实例化finished()),否则Order宏/范围不会添加到每个OrderRepository查询中。

