
时间:2014-06-17 07:18:23

标签: string r performance string-matching



patterns = c("some","pattern","a","horse")
texts = c("this is a text with some pattern", "this is another text with a pattern")

# for each x in patterns
lapply( patterns, function(x){
  # match all texts against pattern x
  res = grepl( x, texts, fixed=TRUE )
  # do something with the matches
  # ...

此解决方案是正确的,但不会扩展。即使使用适度更大的数据集(约500个文本和模式),这段代码也非常慢,在现代机器上每秒仅解决大约100个案例 - 考虑到这是一个粗略的字符串部分匹配,没有正则表达式(用{设置),这是荒谬的{1}})。即使使fixed=TRUE并行也无法解决问题。 有没有办法有效地重写这段代码?

谢谢, Mulone

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:13)

使用stringi套餐 - 它比grepl更快。检查基准! 我使用了来自@ Martin-Morgan帖子的文字


text = readLines("~/Desktop/pg100.txt")
pattern <-  strsplit("all the world's a stage and all the people players", " ")[[1]]

grepl_fun <- function(){
    lapply(pattern, grepl, text, fixed=TRUE)

stri_fixed_fun <- function(){
    lapply(pattern, function(x) stri_detect_fixed(text,x,NA))

#        microbenchmark(grepl_fun(), stri_fixed_fun())
#    Unit: milliseconds
#                 expr      min       lq   median       uq      max neval
#          grepl_fun() 432.9336 435.9666 446.2303 453.9374 517.1509   100
#     stri_fixed_fun() 213.2911 218.1606 227.6688 232.9325 285.9913   100

# if you don't believe me that the results are equal, you can check :)
xx <- grepl_fun()
stri <- stri_fixed_fun()

for(i in seq_along(xx)){
    print(all(xx[[i]] == stri[[i]]))

答案 1 :(得分:8)

您是否准确地描述了您的问题以及您所看到的表现?以下是Complete Works of William Shakespeare和针对他们的查询

text = readLines("~/Downloads/pg100.txt")
pattern <- 
    strsplit("all the world's a stage and all the people players", " ")[[1]]


> length(text)
[1] 124787
> system.time(xx <- lapply(pattern, grepl, text, fixed=TRUE))
   user  system elapsed 
  0.444   0.001   0.444 
## avoid retaining memory; 500 x 500 case; no blank lines
> text = text[nzchar(text)]
> system.time({ for (p in rep(pattern, 50)) grepl(p, text[1:500], fixed=TRUE) })
   user  system elapsed 
  0.096   0.000   0.095 


> idx = Reduce("+", lapply(pattern, grepl, text, fixed=TRUE))
> range(idx)
[1] 0 7
> sum(idx == 7)
[1] 8
> text[idx == 7]
[1] "    And all the men and women merely players;"                       
[2] "    cicatrices to show the people when he shall stand for his place."
[3] "    Scandal'd the suppliants for the people, call'd them"            
[4] "    all power from the people, and to pluck from them their tribunes"
[5] "    the fashion, and so berattle the common stages (so they call"    
[6] "    Which God shall guard; and put the world's whole strength"       
[7] "    Of all his people and freeze up their zeal,"                     
[8] "    the world's end after my name-call them all Pandars; let all"