
时间:2014-06-16 16:54:04

标签: perl function validation if-statement


$iError = _validate( "$cVariable", "c" );

$cVariable - 我要根据预定义的标准

"c" – the type of data that is expected
    c = character
    a = alphanumeric
    i = integer
    x = decimal number
    d = date, two default formats are YY_MM_DD and YYYY_MM_DD
    f = file/dir name
    e = characters that are valid in an email address (email address must have \@ instead of just @)


Success = 0 
Failed = -1


$iError=_validate($cVariable, c)

if ($c == c) {
    if ($cVariable =~ ^.+$) {
    } else {
    } # end if

elsif  ($c == a) {
    if ($cVariable =~ ^([a-z])|([0-9])+$) {
    else {$iError=-1} # end if

elsif ($c == i) {
    if ($cVariable =~ ^[-+]?\d+$) {
    else {$iError = -1} # end if

elsif ($c == x) {
    if ($cVariable =~ ^[0-9]+[.][0-9]+$) {
    else {$iError=-1} # end if

elsif ($c == d) {
    if ($cVariable =~ ^\d{2}_{1}\d{2}_{1}\d{2}$) {
    elsif ($cVariable =~ ^\d{4}_{1}\d{2}_{1}\d{2}$) {
    else {$iError=-1} # end if

elsif($c == f) {
    if ($cVariable =~ ^.+$) {
    else {$iError=-1} # end if

else($c == e) {
    if ($cVariable =~ ^\S{0,50}\\@\S{0,20}[.]\S{1,10}$) {
    else {$iError=0} # end if
    } # end outer if


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

在学习Perl的同时开发解决方案的一种方法是采用Test Driven Development [TDD]方法,在该方法中,您开始编写一个或多个测试,然后开发代码以使测试通过

对于您所述的问题,您可以从测试文件开始(将其称为' validate.t'并将其放在名为' t'的目录中):

#!/usr/bin/env perl -I.
use Test::More ;
BEGIN { require_ok( "" ) ; }

my $cVariable = 'abc' ;
my $iError = validate( $cVariable, 'c' ) ;
is( $iError, 0, "correctly validated a character string ($cVariable)" ) ;

$cVariable = 'def456' ;
$iError = validate( $cVariable, 'c' ) ;
is( $iError, -1, "correctly validated a non-character string ($cVariable)" ) ;

$cVariable = 'def456' ;
$iError = validate( $cVariable, 'a' ) ;
is( $iError, 0, "correctly validated an alphanumeric string ($cVariable)" ) ;

$cVariable = '123' ;
$iError = validate( $cVariable, 'a' ) ;
is( $iError, -1, "correctly validated a non-alphanumeric string ($cVariable)" ) ;

$cVariable = '1' ;
$iError = validate( $cVariable, 'i' ) ;    
is( $iError, 0, "correctly validated an integer ($cVariable)" ) ;

$cVariable = 'z' ;
$iError = validate( $cVariable, 'i' ) ;
is( $iError, -1, "correctly validated a non-integer ($cVariable)" ) ;

$cVariable = '123.456' ;
$iError = validate( $cVariable, 'x' ) ;
is( $iError, 0, "correctly validated a decimal number ($cVariable)" ) ;

$cVariable = '-0.1234567' ;
$iError = validate( $cVariable, 'x' ) ;
is( $iError, 0, "correctly validated a decimal number ($cVariable)" ) ;

$cVariable = '1234567' ;
$iError = validate( $cVariable, 'x' ) ;
is( $iError, 0, "correctly validated a decimal number ($cVariable)" ) ;

$cVariable = '0xDEADBEEF' ;
$iError = validate( $cVariable, 'x' ) ;
is( $iError, -1, "correctly validated a non-decimal number ($cVariable)" ) ;

done_testing ;

接下来,在上面的目录' t /,创建一个名为ValidateStarter.pl的文件:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use Regexp::Common qw( number ) ;
sub validate {    
    my ( $cVar, $c ) = @_ ;    
    if ( 'c' eq $c ) {
        if ( $cVar =~ /^[[:alpha:]]+$/ ) {
            return 0 ;
    elsif ( 'a' eq $c ) {
        if ( $cVar =~ /^[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]+$/ ) {
            return 0 ;
    elsif ( 'i' eq $c ) {
        if ( $cVar =~ /^$RE{num}{int}$/ ) {
            return 0 ;
    elsif ( 'x' eq $c ) {
        if ( $cVar =~ /^$RE{num}{decimal}$/ ) {
            return 0 ;
    elsif ( 'a' eq $c ) {
        if ( $cVar =~ /^\A\p{Alnum}+\z$/ ) {
            return 0 ;
    return -1 ;   
1 ;

通过更改到包含ValidateStarter.pl和t /目录的目录并键入来执行测试(注意:' $'将是您的控制台提示符 - 不要键入它):

$ perl t/validate.t

如果你能弄明白如何制作' validate.t'一个可执行文件(提示:在Linux上使用' chmod'),然后你可以输入:

$ t/validate.t


$ t/validate.t
ok 1 - require '';
ok 2 - correctly validated a character string (abc)
ok 3 - correctly validated a non-character string (def456)
ok 4 - correctly validated an alphanumeric string (def456)
ok 5 - correctly validated a non-alphanumeric string (123)
ok 6 - correctly validated an integer (1)
ok 7 - correctly validated a non-integer (z)
ok 8 - correctly validated a decimal number (123.456)
ok 9 - correctly validated a decimal number (-0.1234567)
ok 10 - correctly validated a decimal number (1234567)
ok 11 - correctly validated a non-decimal number (0xDEADBEEF)

' OK'在一行输出上意味着测试通过了,而“不好”'意味着它失败了。


  1. 有关如何在Perl中编写测试的更多信息,请阅读Test::Tutorial
  2. 阅读Regexp::Common::number,了解如何使用一些优秀的正则表达式实用程序。
  3. Browse the online text of 'Modern Perl'通过chromatic阅读更多关于Perl本身的信息。
  4. 研究并修改示例代码,直到您了解它是如何工作的。
  5. 添加更多适用于示例代码的测试用例。
  6. 添加适用于问题规范中其他订单项的测试用例。并跟进代码以使测试通过。
  7. 调试&添加更多测试用例,直到您完成。
  8. 根据您问题的具体性质来判断,它似乎可能基于具有特定截止日期的作业,因此您可能认为自己没有时间编写自动化测试;但是,当您了解开发解决方案时需要了解的内容时,TDD是逐步取得进展的好方法。


答案 1 :(得分:0)

当您执行RegEx(" =〜")时,您需要用" /"包围表达式。因此,您的第一个RegEx if语句应如下所示:

if ($cVariable =~ /^.+$/) {

答案 2 :(得分:0)




#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use Scalar::Util 'looks_like_number';
use Date::Calc   'check_date';
use Email::Valid;

use constant VALIDATORS => {
  'c' => \&char,    # Validate a single character.
  'a' => \&alnum,   # Validate string is alphanumeric only.
  'i' => \&intgr,   # Validate input is an integer.
  'x' => \&dec,     # Validate input is a number.
  'd' => \&date,    # Validate input is a date in YYYY_MM_DD or YY_MM_DD
  'f' => \&fdn,     # Who knows?!  Something to do with file validation.
  'e' => \&eml,     # Validate input is a legal email address.

sub validate {
  my( $input, $mode ) = @_;
  die "No mode provided." unless defined $mode;
  die "Invalid mode: $mode." unless exists VALIDATORS->{$mode};
  return -1 if not defined $input;
  return VALIDATORS->{$mode}->($input) ? 0 : -1;

sub char {
  my $c = shift;
  return 1 == length $c;

sub alnum {
  my $an = shift;
  return $an =~ /\A\p{Alnum}+\z/;

sub intgr {
  my $n = shift;
  return looks_like_number($n) && $n == int($n);

sub dec {
  return looks_like_number(shift);

sub date {
  my $date = shift;
  my( $y, $m, $d );
  if( ( $y, $m, $d ) = $date =~ m/\A(\d{2}|\d{4})_(\d{2})_(\d{2})\z/ ) {
    return check_date( $y, $m, $d );
  else {
    return 0;

sub fdn {
  # I have no idea what you want to do in validating a filename or directory.
  # Is this a matter of "legal characters" for a given OS?
  # Or is it a matter of "This file / path exists"?

sub eml { return Email::Valid->address(shift) }

# ___________________________

use Test::More;

  local $@;
  eval{ validate('a') };
  like ( $@, qr/^No mode provided/, 'Die if no mode provided.' );

  local $@;
  eval{ validate('a','invalid') };
  like( $@, qr/^Invalid mode/, 'Die on invalid mode.' );

# 0 = success, -1 = failure.
ok( 0  == validate( 'a','c' ), 'Char accepted.' );
ok( -1 == validate( 'ab', 'c' ), 'More than one char rejected.' );
ok( -1 == validate( '', 'c' ), 'Empty string rejected.' );
ok( -1 == validate( undef, 'c' ), 'undefined value rejected.' );

# 0 = success, non-zero = failure (-1).
ok( !validate( 'aA10', 'a' ), 'Alnum accepted.' );
ok( validate( '.$', 'a' ), 'Non-alnum rejected.' );
ok( validate( undef,'a' ), 'undefined value rejected for alnum.' );

ok( !validate( '10', 'i' ), 'Positive integer.' );
ok( !validate( -5, 'i' ), 'Negative integer.' );
ok( validate( -0.5, 'i' ), 'Reject non-integer.' );
ok( validate( 'a', 'i' ), 'Reject non-numeric as int.' );

ok( !validate( '10', 'x' ), 'Positive integer as decimal number.' );
ok( !validate( '10.5', 'x' ), 'Positive floating point as decimal number.' );
ok( validate( '17f', 'x' ), 'Decimal rejects hex string.' );
ok( validate( '12.3.5', 'x' ), 'Malformed decimal rejected.' );

ok( !validate( '1600_12_15', 'd' ), 'Four digit year date accepted.' );
ok( !validate( '14_06_05', 'd' ), 'Two digit year date accepted.' );
ok( validate( '15000_12_15', 'd' ), 'Y10k bug ;)' );
ok( validate( '2000_02_30', 'd' ), 'Impossible date rejected.' );

ok( !validate( '', 'e' ), 'Good email address accepted.' );
ok( validate( 'a"b(c)d,e:f;g<h>i[j\k]', 'e' ),
               'Bad email rejected.' );
ok( validate( '', 'e' ), 'Bad email rejected.' );


我并不特别关心“0 ==成功,-1 ==失败”模式,但这并非闻所未闻,而且很容易实现。



我没有尝试验证文件名或目录,因为我不确定你在这方面的目的是什么。 File :: Util模块可用于验证文件名对于给定的操作系统是否合法。至于路径,我不确定你是否想知道字符是否合法,或者路径是否存在。你必须自己解决这个问题。
