以下是相关表单的链接: http://dev.brandspank.co.za/form/index.html
<% option explicit
dim objFSO, objTXT, lines, newRecord, filePath, fieldNames, x, fullText, nLine %>
<h1>Form inputs posted:</h1>
for each x in request.form
response.write x & ": " & Replace(request.form(x), ",","-") & "<br />" & vbNewLine
'set filepath for plain text db. This neds to be the absolute path of file
filePath = "\form\myCSVdb.csv"
set objFSO = server.createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if (objFSO.fileExists(filePath))=true then
set objTXT = objFSO.openTextFile(filePath, 1) 'opens a text file for
' reading, true means it will create the file if not already there
fullText = trim(objTXT.readall)
lines = split(fullText, vbNewLine) 'lines is now an array, each item is
' one line of the db file.this could now be used to list the entire db
' table, notice next 3 commented out lines
' for each x in lines
' response.write lines(x)
' next
set objTXT = nothing
if trim(lines(0)) = "" then fullText = ""
fullText = ""
end if %>
<h1>added to the db:</h1>
if fullText <> "" then 'there are already field names in the db,
' so put the new line in the same order
set objTXT = objFSO.openTextFile(filePath, 8, True) 'opens the text file for
' appending
response.write "(fields in the database: " & lines(0) & ")<br />" & vbNewLine
'split the first line, which had field names into an array -fieldNames-
fieldNames = split(lines(0), ",")
response.write "field values entered:<br />" & vbNewLine
for each x in fieldNames
if x <> "" then
nLine = nLine & Replace(request.form(x), ",","-") & ","
'adds each form input to a string
response.write x & ": " & Replace(request.form(x), ",","-") & "<br />" & vbNewLine
end if
nLine = left(nLine, len(nLine)-1)
'removes trailing comma
objTXT.writeLine nLine
else 'there isn't anything in the textfile yet, so put in the field names first
set objTXT = objFSO.openTextFile(filePath, 2, True) 'opens the text file for
' writing
response.write "field names enterd:<br />" & vbNewLine
for each x in request.form
if Replace(lcase(x), ","," ") <> "submit" then 'or you will have a "submit" field in your db
'of course, if your submit button is named something else, that should
'be the name xcluded here
nLine = nLine & x & ","
'adds each form input name to a string which will become th first line of
'the db, the line which shows field names
response.write x & "<br />" & vbNewLine
end if
nLine = left(nLine, len(nLine)-1)
'remove trailing comma
objTXT.write nLine
objTXT.write vbNewLine
nLine = ""
response.write "field values entered:<br />" & vbNewLine
for each x in request.form
if lcase(x) <> "submit" then
nLine = nLine & Replace(request.form(x), ",","-") & ","
'adds each form input to a string
response.write Replace(request.form(x), ",","-") & "<br />" & vbNewLine
end if
nLine = left(nLine, len(nLine)-1)
'remove trailing comma
objTXT.write nLine
objTXT.write vbNewLine
end if
<% response.redirect "thankyou.html" %>
答案 0 :(得分:0)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
我把你需要的一切都放在这里: www.oceanmedia.net/files/2014-06-form-process.zip 包括:
- form_process。 ASP
- i_fn_email_cdo.asp
- i_check_security.asp
- i_odbc.asp
- i_fn_clean.asp
- i_fn_dirty.asp
Dim fso, f
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Open the file for reading
Set f = fso.CreateTextFile(s_path & "/" & s_file_being_created, True)
Set f = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing