
时间:2014-06-16 10:16:06

标签: asp.net vb.net webforms

更新我已根据评论中的建议启用了Option Strict ON并修正了错误,但增值税仍未正确计算,此处是完整功能的GIST链接


MOT线应始终设置为0%,并且BOMOT线应根据客户增值税代码设置(此客户具有标准的20%增值税代码,因为您可以看到它已正确设置VAT Set Correctly < / p>

当我将客户更改为我的0级增值税客户时,代码再次正确计算, 0 Rated customer set correctly


VAT Incorrect


Dim FPVATCode As String = 1
                       Dim FPVATRate As Decimal = 0

                        If c.LoadCode("V", FPVATCode, "") Then
                            FPVATRate = Val(c.Rec!a2)
                        End If

                        If customerVATRate <> -1 Then
                            If customerVATRate < FPVATRate Then
                                line.VCode = customerVATCode
                                line.VCode = FPVATCode
                            End If
                            line.VCode = FPVATCode
                        End If

完整功能 Link to full function

Public Sub RecalculateDocumentPrices(ByVal NewCust As String) 'V749910 (163.18)

        Dim newCustomer As New customer

        ' Get the customer VAT rate
        Dim customerVATCode As String = newCustomer.GetVCode
        Dim customerVATRate As Decimal = -1
        Dim bAutoPartLinked As Boolean = Settings.AutoPartLinked

        Dim c As New Codes
        If c.LoadCode("V", customerVATCode, "") Then
            customerVATRate = Val(c.Rec!a2)
        End If

        'L762946 (163.34) - only attempt recalculation if there are some lines on the document
        If Not lines Is Nothing Then
            For Each line As Line In lines

                line.disc = 0

                Select Case line.LineType
                    Case line.lineTypes.P, line.lineTypes.LT, line.lineTypes.SS, line.lineTypes.TA

                        'for a regular (ie. Non Branch Stock) product, get the price
                        If line.DescKey2 Is Nothing OrElse line.DescKey2.ToLower <> "branch" Then

                            ''get the product price
                            Dim p As New Product
                            If p.LoadProduct(line.Part, , newCustomer.Rec!Cdisc, NewCust) Then 'V772656 (163.65) - pass the selling level of the new customer

                                'V749910 (163.19) - use the lower of the customer & product VAT rates
                                Dim productVATCode As String = p.Rec!Vcode
                                Dim productVATRate As Decimal = 0

                                If c.LoadCode("V", productVATCode, "") Then
                                    productVATRate = Val(c.Rec!a2)
                                End If

                                If customerVATRate <> -1 Then
                                    If customerVATRate < productVATRate Then
                                        line.VCode = customerVATCode
                                        line.VCode = p.Rec!vcode
                                    End If
                                    line.VCode = p.Rec!vcode
                                End If

                                'Remove VatIncCheck - V838410 (
                                'set the VatInclusive price if appropriate
                                'If newCustomer.IsVATInclusiveCustomer Then

                                '    'For a non linked system, add the VAT to the price
                                '    Dim sellPrice As Decimal = p.sMSell

                                '    If Not Settings.AutoPartLinked Then
                                '        sellPrice *= Math.Round((1 + (line.vatRate / 100)), 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)
                                '    End If

                                '    line.IsVATInclusivePrice = True
                                '    line.VatInclusivePrice = sellPrice

                                'V772656 (163.65) - was setting the unit price THEN the VAT Inc price THEN setting IsVatInclusivePrice to false. Therefore 
                                'the unit price was being overwritten.
                                line.IsVATInclusivePrice = False
                                line.VatInclusivePrice = 0

                                If bAutoPartLinked Then 'L811755 (
                                    line.unit = p.sMSell
                                End If
                                'End If

                                'Apply markon

                            End If

                            'for a Branch Stock product, perform a supplier enquiry to obtain the price

                            Dim awdTmp As New AutoworkDocument
                            Dim l As New Line

                            l.Part = line.Part


                            'V749910 (163.19) - use the lower of the customer & product VAT rates
                            Dim productVATCode As Integer = 1
                            Dim productVATRate As Decimal = 0

                            If c.LoadCode("V", productVATCode, "") Then
                                productVATRate = Val(c.Rec!a2)
                            End If

                            If customerVATRate <> -1 Then
                                If customerVATRate < productVATRate Then
                                    line.VCode = customerVATCode
                                    line.VCode = productVATCode
                                End If
                                line.VCode = productVATCode
                            End If

                            'set the VatInclusive price if appropriate
                            If newCustomer.IsVATInclusiveCustomer Then

                                'Branch stock not available to Linked mode so just apply the vat
                                line.IsVATInclusivePrice = True
                                line.VatInclusivePrice = Math.Round(l.unit * (1 + (line.vatRate / 100)), 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)

                                'V772656 (163.65) - was setting the unit price THEN the VAT Inc price THEN setting IsVatInclusivePrice to false. Therefore 
                                'the unit price was being overwritten.
                                line.IsVATInclusivePrice = False
                                line.VatInclusivePrice = 0
                                line.unit = l.unit
                            End If

                            'Apply markon

                        End If

                    Case line.lineTypes.FPP 'L829840 (
                    Case line.lineTypes.L  'V831093 (
                        'set the VatInclusive price if appropriate
                        If newCustomer.IsVATInclusiveCustomer Then 'V831093 (

                            'Branch stock not available to Linked mode so just apply the vat
                            line.IsVATInclusivePrice = True
                            line.VatInclusivePrice = Math.Round(line.unit * (1 + (line.vatRate / 100)), 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)

                            'V772656 (163.65) - was setting the unit price THEN the VAT Inc price THEN setting IsVatInclusivePrice to false. Therefore 
                            'the unit price was being overwritten.
                            line.IsVATInclusivePrice = False
                            line.VatInclusivePrice = 0
                            line.unit = line.unit
                        End If

                    Case line.lineTypes.FP
                        'get the selling price of the fixed price job
                        Dim cj As New CustomJobs
                        Dim ds As DataSet
                        Dim dv As DataView

                        ds = cj.LoadCustomJob(line.Part)

                        dv = ds.Tables("CustomJob").DefaultView

                        Dim dvHead As DataView = ds.Tables("JobHeader").DefaultView

                        If dvHead.Table.Rows.Count > 0 Then ''00518984 ( 

                            line.cost = CType(dvHead.Table.Rows(0)("FpCost"), Decimal)

                            'V749910 (163.19) - use the lower of the customer & product VAT rates

                            'V749910 (163.18) - If a VATInclusive line, set the VATInclusive price 
                            If newCustomer.IsVATInclusiveCustomer Then
                                line.IsVATInclusivePrice = True
                                line.VatInclusivePrice = Math.Round(dvHead.Table.Rows(0)("FpSell") * (1 + (line.vatRate / 100)), 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)
                                'V772656 (163.65) - was setting the unit price THEN the VAT Inc price THEN setting IsVatInclusivePrice to false. Therefore 
                                'the unit price was being overwritten.
                                line.IsVATInclusivePrice = False
                                line.VatInclusivePrice = 0
                                line.unit = CType(dvHead.Table.Rows(0)("FpSell"), Decimal)
                            End If
                        End If ''00518984 END

                        Dim FPVATCode As String = CType(1, String)
                        Dim FPVATRate As Decimal = 0

                        If c.LoadCode("V", FPVATCode, "") Then
                            FPVATRate = CType(Val(c.Rec!a2), Decimal)
                        End If

                        If customerVATRate <> -1 Then
                            If customerVATRate < FPVATRate Then
                                line.VCode = CType(customerVATCode, Short)
                                line.VCode = CType(FPVATCode, Short)
                            End If
                            line.VCode = CType(FPVATCode, Short)
                        End If

                    Case line.lineTypes.CON
                        'just set the ISVatInclusive flag on this line. The consumables amount is calculated once all lines have been processed by the SaveSess().
                        line.VCode = customerVATCode
                        line.IsVATInclusivePrice = newCustomer.IsVATInclusiveCustomer
                End Select
        End If

    End Sub

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



 '00518984 Calculates VAT for items in the labour table
                        Dim lB As New Product
                        Dim dv1 As DataView = lB.LabourSearch(line.Part)
                        If dv1.Table.Rows.Count > 0 Then
                            Dim dr1 As DataRow = dv1.ToTable.Rows(0)
                            Dim PVCode As Integer = dr1("VCode")


                            line.VCode = PVCode


                            Dim FPVATCode As String = CType(1, String)
                            Dim FPVATRate As Decimal = 0

                            If c.LoadCode("V", FPVATCode, "") Then
                                FPVATRate = CType(Val(c.Rec!a2), Decimal)
                            End If

                            line.VCode = customerVATCode

                        End If

                        '00518984 END