SQL Query用于对连续行之间的时间进行分组和添加

时间:2014-06-13 11:30:42

标签: mysql sql

需要SQL Query(MySQL)的帮助


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如果我想知道一个人没有移动多少分钟(即DISTANCE_TRAVEKLLED< = 0.001) 我应该使用什么查询?


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


select t.*,
       (select t2.time
        from table t2
        where t2.device = t.device and t2.time < t.time
        order by time desc
        limit 1
       ) as prevtime
from table t;


select t.*, TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, prevftime, time) as minutes
from (select t.*,
             (select t2.time
              from table t2
              where t2.device = t.device and t2.time < t.time
              order by time desc
              limit 1
             ) as prevtime
      from table t
     ) t

您要求的其余部分只是添加适当的where子句或group by子句。例如:

select device, date(time), sum(TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, prevftime, time)) as minutes
from (select t.*,
             (select t2.time
              from table t2
              where t2.device = t.device and t2.time < t.time
              order by time desc
              limit 1
             ) as prevtime
      from table t
     ) t
 where distance_travelled <= 0.001
group by device, date(time)


为了提高效果,请在table(device, time)上创建索引。