
时间:2014-06-13 07:49:31

标签: c++ visual-studio-2010 dll mfc

我有MFC DLL的问题。我使用Visual Studio 2010.


#ifdef __cplusplus    // If used by C++ code, 
extern "C" {          // we need to export the C interface

    __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl GetRAMInfo(DWORD& totaRamlPhysical, DWORD& availablephys, DWORD& memoload)
        // Lay RAM
        MEMORYSTATUS status;
        status.dwLength = sizeof(status);
        GlobalMemoryStatus( &status ); // lay information of ram
        totaRamlPhysical = status.dwTotalPhys; // Tong dung luong RAM vat ly
        availablephys = status.dwAvailPhys; // Dung luong RAM vat ly dang duoc su dug
        memoload = status.dwMemoryLoad; // phan tram RAM duoc ca he thong su dung

    __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl GetCPUInfo(DWORD& processorArchitect, DWORD& typeProcessor, DWORD& numberProcessor)
        SYSTEM_INFO siSysInfo; 
        GetSystemInfo(&siSysInfo); // lay thong tin cua CPU
        processorArchitect = siSysInfo.wProcessorArchitecture;
        numberProcessor = siSysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
        typeProcessor = siSysInfo.dwProcessorType;

    __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl GetRAMuseandProcessMostUse(CString& namePMU, DWORD& ramUse)
        //===========NAME PMU ==========//
        DWORD sizeallProcess; // Kich thuoc danh sach ID Process thu duoc
        DWORD processNumber; // So luong Process thu duoc
        DWORD arrayProcessID[100]; // mang chua danh sach ID Process
        EnumProcesses( arrayProcessID, sizeof(arrayProcessID), &sizeallProcess );  // lay danh sach process dang chay
        processNumber = sizeallProcess / sizeof(DWORD); // Lay so luong Process thu duoc
        namePMU = GetProcess(arrayProcessID, processNumber);
        ///===========RAM USE==============//
        DWORD arrayWorkingSetSize[100];
        unsigned int i;
        ramUse =0;
        for( i =0; i < processNumber;i++){
            HANDLE hProcess;

            hProcess = OpenProcess(  PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, arrayProcessID[i] ); // handle toi 1 process
            if (hProcess != NULL)
                if ( GetProcessMemoryInfo( hProcess, &pmc, sizeof(pmc)) ){ // laays kich thuoc bo nho ma tien trinh do su dung
                    arrayWorkingSetSize[i] =  pmc.WorkingSetSize ;      
            CloseHandle( hProcess );
        for(i =2; i<(processNumber); i++){
            if(arrayWorkingSetSize[i] != 3435973836){
                ramUse += arrayWorkingSetSize[i];

    __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl GetCPUuseandProcessMostUse(CString& namePMUCPU, DOUBLE& cpuUse)

        //DWORD processID = 2412;
        FILETIME ftSysIdle, ftSysKernel, ftSysUser;
        FILETIME ftProcCreation, ftProcExit, ftProcKernel, ftProcUser;
        //=== HANDLE of a PROCESS ==///

        DWORD sizeallProcess; // Kich thuoc danh sach ID Process thu duoc
        DWORD processNumber; // So luong Process thu duoc
        DWORD arrayProcessID[100]; // mang chua danh sach ID Process
        EnumProcesses( arrayProcessID, sizeof(arrayProcessID), &sizeallProcess );  // lay danh sach process dang chay
        processNumber = sizeallProcess / sizeof(DWORD); // Lay so luong Process thu duoc
        bool flagFor = FALSE;
        ULONGLONG arrayTotalSys[2][100];
        ULONGLONG arrayTotalProc[2][100];

        DOUBLE arrayPercent[100];
        for(unsigned int a = 0; a<2; a++) {     
            for(unsigned int i=2; i<processNumber; i++) {
                if(arrayProcessID[i] !=3435973836){
                    HANDLE hProcess;
                    hProcess = OpenProcess(  PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, arrayProcessID[i] );
                    GetSystemTimes(&ftSysIdle, &ftSysKernel, &ftSysUser);
                    GetProcessTimes(hProcess, &ftProcCreation, &ftProcExit, &ftProcKernel, &ftProcUser);
                    arrayTotalSys[a][i] = AddTimes(ftSysKernel, ftSysUser);
                    arrayTotalProc[a][i] = AddTimes(ftProcKernel, ftProcUser);

        DOUBLE sumSys =0;
        DOUBLE sumProc =0;
        for(unsigned int i=2; i<processNumber; i++){
            if(arrayProcessID[i] !=3435973836){
                /*sumSys += arrayTotalSys[0][i] + arrayTotalSys[1][i];
                sumProc += arrayTotalProc[0][i] + arrayTotalProc[1][i];*/
                sumSys += arrayTotalSys[1][i] - arrayTotalSys[0][i] ;
                sumProc += arrayTotalProc[1][i] -  arrayTotalProc[0][i] ;
                arrayPercent[i] = (double)((100*sumProc)/sumSys);
        int maxindex = 2;
        double processMaxPercent = arrayPercent[2];
        double sumpercent =0;
        for(unsigned int i =2; i<(processNumber); i++){
            if(arrayPercent[i] != 3435973836){
                if(processMaxPercent < arrayPercent[i] ){
                    processMaxPercent = arrayPercent[i];
                    maxindex = i;
                sumpercent += arrayPercent[i];


        cpuUse = sumpercent;
        namePMUCPU = GetNameProcessMU(arrayProcessID[maxindex]); // tam thoi lay ten mac djnh la cai nay

    __declspec(dllexport) ULONGLONG __cdecl  AddTimes(const FILETIME& ftA,const FILETIME& ftB){
        LARGE_INTEGER a, b;
        a.LowPart = ftA.dwLowDateTime;
        a.HighPart = ftA.dwHighDateTime;

        b.LowPart = ftB.dwLowDateTime;
        b.HighPart = ftB.dwHighDateTime;
        return a.QuadPart + b.QuadPart;
    __declspec(dllexport) CString  __cdecl GetProcess(DWORD arrayProcess[], DWORD numberprocess)
        // Working set cua cac process
        DWORD arrayWorkingSetSize[100];
        unsigned int maxindex;
        DWORD processMaxSize;
        CString nameProcessMaxSize;
        unsigned int i;
        for( i =0; i < numberprocess;i++){
            HANDLE hProcess;

            hProcess = OpenProcess(  PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, arrayProcess[i] ); // handle toi 1 process
            if (hProcess != NULL)
                if ( GetProcessMemoryInfo( hProcess, &pmc, sizeof(pmc)) ){ // laays kich thuoc bo nho ma tien trinh do su dung
                    arrayWorkingSetSize[i] =  pmc.WorkingSetSize ;      
            CloseHandle( hProcess );
        // Sap xep, lay ra phan tu co WorkingSetSize lon nhat 
        maxindex = 2;
        processMaxSize = arrayWorkingSetSize[2];
        for(i =2; i<(numberprocess - 10); i++){
            if(arrayWorkingSetSize[i] != 3435973836){
                if(processMaxSize < arrayWorkingSetSize[i] ){
                    processMaxSize = arrayWorkingSetSize[i];
                    maxindex = i;


        // lay ten process co kich thuoc max
        nameProcessMaxSize = GetNameProcessMU(arrayProcess[maxindex]);

        return nameProcessMaxSize;
    __declspec(dllexport) CString  __cdecl GetNameProcessMU(DWORD processID)
        CString nameProcess;
        TCHAR szProcessName[MAX_PATH] = TEXT("<unknown>");
        HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess( PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION |
            FALSE, processID );

        // Get the process name.
        if (NULL != hProcess )
            HMODULE hMod;
            DWORD cbNeeded;

            if ( EnumProcessModules( hProcess, &hMod, sizeof(hMod), 
                &cbNeeded) )
                GetModuleBaseName( hProcess, hMod, szProcessName, 
                    sizeof(szProcessName)/sizeof(TCHAR) );
        nameProcess = (LPCTSTR)szProcessName; // chuyen kieu
        CloseHandle( hProcess );
        return nameProcess;

#ifdef __cplusplus


Error   1   error C3861: 'GetProcess': identifier not found c:\users\anhnt\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\bkav_btap2_dll\bkav_btap2_dll\bkav_btap2_dll.cpp   104 1   Bkav_btap2_dll
Error   2   error C3861: 'AddTimes': identifier not found   c:\users\anhnt\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\bkav_btap2_dll\bkav_btap2_dll\bkav_btap2_dll.cpp   154 1   Bkav_btap2_dll
Error   3   error C3861: 'AddTimes': identifier not found   c:\users\anhnt\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\bkav_btap2_dll\bkav_btap2_dll\bkav_btap2_dll.cpp   155 1   Bkav_btap2_dll
Error   4   error C3861: 'GetNameProcessMU': identifier not found   c:\users\anhnt\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\bkav_btap2_dll\bkav_btap2_dll\bkav_btap2_dll.cpp   187 1   Bkav_btap2_dll
Warning 5   warning C4190: 'GetProcess' has C-linkage specified, but returns UDT 'ATL::CStringT<BaseType,StringTraits>' which is incompatible with C    c:\users\anhnt\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\bkav_btap2_dll\bkav_btap2_dll\bkav_btap2_dll.cpp   200 1   Bkav_btap2_dll
Error   6   error C3861: 'GetNameProcessMU': identifier not found   c:\users\anhnt\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\bkav_btap2_dll\bkav_btap2_dll\bkav_btap2_dll.cpp   234 1   Bkav_btap2_dll
Warning 7   warning C4190: 'GetNameProcessMU' has C-linkage specified, but returns UDT 'ATL::CStringT<BaseType,StringTraits>' which is incompatible with C  c:\users\anhnt\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\bkav_btap2_dll\bkav_btap2_dll\bkav_btap2_dll.cpp   239 1   Bkav_btap2_dll


P / s:我读过这个主题(,但它对我不起作用。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


#include <windows.h>


如果我正在创建一个新的Visual Studio项目并将上述代码粘贴到一个新文件中,那么如果我将以下行添加到源文件的顶部,它就会成功构建:

#include "stdafx.h" // Contains the afx default header files (which internally reference Windows.h)
#include <Psapi.h> // for process specific stuff

__declspec(dllexport) CString  __cdecl GetProcess(DWORD arrayProcess[], DWORD numberprocess);
__declspec(dllexport) ULONGLONG __cdecl  AddTimes(const FILETIME& ftA, const FILETIME& ftB);
__declspec(dllexport) CString  __cdecl GetNameProcessMU(DWORD processID);


我建议你阅读一些关于在头文件和库上构建C ++项目的文档。您似乎忽略了对C ++的一些基本概念的理解。

编辑2 以下是我的文件,它们构建正常。 (使用MFC项目向导时,任何丢失的文件都保持原样,它们是可选的)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
  <ItemGroup Label="ProjectConfigurations">
    <ProjectConfiguration Include="Debug|Win32">
    <ProjectConfiguration Include="Release|Win32">
  <PropertyGroup Label="Globals">
  <Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" />
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'" Label="Configuration">
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'" Label="Configuration">
  <Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.props" />
  <ImportGroup Label="ExtensionSettings">
  <ImportGroup Label="PropertySheets" Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">
    <Import Project="$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props" Condition="exists('$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props')" Label="LocalAppDataPlatform" />
  <ImportGroup Label="PropertySheets" Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">
    <Import Project="$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props" Condition="exists('$(UserRootDir)\Microsoft.Cpp.$(Platform).user.props')" Label="LocalAppDataPlatform" />
  <PropertyGroup Label="UserMacros" />
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">
  <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">
  <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">
    <None Include="ReadMe.txt" />
    <None Include="res\StackOverflow.rc2" />
    <None Include="StackOverflow.def" />
    <ClCompile Include="SystemInfo.cpp" />
    <ClCompile Include="StackOverflow.cpp" />
    <ClCompile Include="stdafx.cpp">
      <PrecompiledHeader Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">Create</PrecompiledHeader>
      <PrecompiledHeader Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'">Create</PrecompiledHeader>
    <ClInclude Include="Resource.h" />
    <ClInclude Include="StackOverflow.h" />
    <ClInclude Include="stdafx.h" />
    <ClInclude Include="SystemInfo.h" />
    <ClInclude Include="targetver.h" />
    <ResourceCompile Include="StackOverflow.rc" />
  <Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" />
  <ImportGroup Label="ExtensionTargets">


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
    <Filter Include="Quelldateien">
    <Filter Include="Headerdateien">
    <Filter Include="Ressourcendateien">
    <None Include="ReadMe.txt" />
    <None Include="StackOverflow.def">
    <None Include="res\StackOverflow.rc2">
    <ClCompile Include="StackOverflow.cpp">
    <ClCompile Include="stdafx.cpp">
    <ClCompile Include="SystemInfo.cpp">
    <ClInclude Include="StackOverflow.h">
    <ClInclude Include="stdafx.h">
    <ClInclude Include="targetver.h">
    <ClInclude Include="Resource.h">
    <ClInclude Include="SystemInfo.h">
    <ResourceCompile Include="StackOverflow.rc">


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <Psapi.h>
#include "SystemInfo.h"

SYSTEMINFO_EXPORTS void __cdecl GetRAMInfo(DWORD& totaRamlPhysical, DWORD& availablephys, DWORD& memoload)
    // Lay RAM
    MEMORYSTATUS status;
    status.dwLength = sizeof(status);
    GlobalMemoryStatus( &status ); // lay information of ram
    totaRamlPhysical = status.dwTotalPhys; // Tong dung luong RAM vat ly
    availablephys = status.dwAvailPhys; // Dung luong RAM vat ly dang duoc su dug
    memoload = status.dwMemoryLoad; // phan tram RAM duoc ca he thong su dung

SYSTEMINFO_EXPORTS void __cdecl GetCPUInfo(DWORD& processorArchitect, DWORD& typeProcessor, DWORD& numberProcessor)
    SYSTEM_INFO siSysInfo; 
    GetSystemInfo(&siSysInfo); // lay thong tin cua CPU
    processorArchitect = siSysInfo.wProcessorArchitecture;
    numberProcessor = siSysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
    typeProcessor = siSysInfo.dwProcessorType;

SYSTEMINFO_EXPORTS void __cdecl GetRAMuseandProcessMostUse(CString& namePMU, DWORD& ramUse)
    //===========NAME PMU ==========//
    DWORD sizeallProcess; // Kich thuoc danh sach ID Process thu duoc
    DWORD processNumber; // So luong Process thu duoc
    DWORD arrayProcessID[100]; // mang chua danh sach ID Process
    EnumProcesses( arrayProcessID, sizeof(arrayProcessID), &sizeallProcess );  // lay danh sach process dang chay
    processNumber = sizeallProcess / sizeof(DWORD); // Lay so luong Process thu duoc
    namePMU = GetProcess(arrayProcessID, processNumber);
    ///===========RAM USE==============//
    DWORD arrayWorkingSetSize[100];
    unsigned int i;
    ramUse =0;
    for( i =0; i < processNumber;i++){
        HANDLE hProcess;

        hProcess = OpenProcess(  PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, arrayProcessID[i] ); // handle toi 1 process
        if (hProcess != NULL)
            if ( GetProcessMemoryInfo( hProcess, &pmc, sizeof(pmc)) ){ // laays kich thuoc bo nho ma tien trinh do su dung
                arrayWorkingSetSize[i] =  pmc.WorkingSetSize ;      
        CloseHandle( hProcess );
    for(i =2; i<(processNumber); i++){
        if(arrayWorkingSetSize[i] != 3435973836){
            ramUse += arrayWorkingSetSize[i];

SYSTEMINFO_EXPORTS void __cdecl GetCPUuseandProcessMostUse(CString& namePMUCPU, DOUBLE& cpuUse)

    //DWORD processID = 2412;
    FILETIME ftSysIdle, ftSysKernel, ftSysUser;
    FILETIME ftProcCreation, ftProcExit, ftProcKernel, ftProcUser;
    //=== HANDLE of a PROCESS ==///

    DWORD sizeallProcess; // Kich thuoc danh sach ID Process thu duoc
    DWORD processNumber; // So luong Process thu duoc
    DWORD arrayProcessID[100]; // mang chua danh sach ID Process
    EnumProcesses( arrayProcessID, sizeof(arrayProcessID), &sizeallProcess );  // lay danh sach process dang chay
    processNumber = sizeallProcess / sizeof(DWORD); // Lay so luong Process thu duoc
    bool flagFor = FALSE;
    ULONGLONG arrayTotalSys[2][100];
    ULONGLONG arrayTotalProc[2][100];

    DOUBLE arrayPercent[100];
    for(unsigned int a = 0; a<2; a++) {     
        for(unsigned int i=2; i<processNumber; i++) {
            if(arrayProcessID[i] !=3435973836){
                HANDLE hProcess;
                hProcess = OpenProcess(  PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, arrayProcessID[i] );
                GetSystemTimes(&ftSysIdle, &ftSysKernel, &ftSysUser);
                GetProcessTimes(hProcess, &ftProcCreation, &ftProcExit, &ftProcKernel, &ftProcUser);
                arrayTotalSys[a][i] = AddTimes(ftSysKernel, ftSysUser);
                arrayTotalProc[a][i] = AddTimes(ftProcKernel, ftProcUser);

    DOUBLE sumSys =0;
    DOUBLE sumProc =0;
    for(unsigned int i=2; i<processNumber; i++){
        if(arrayProcessID[i] !=3435973836){
            /*sumSys += arrayTotalSys[0][i] + arrayTotalSys[1][i];
            sumProc += arrayTotalProc[0][i] + arrayTotalProc[1][i];*/
            sumSys += arrayTotalSys[1][i] - arrayTotalSys[0][i] ;
            sumProc += arrayTotalProc[1][i] -  arrayTotalProc[0][i] ;
            arrayPercent[i] = (double)((100*sumProc)/sumSys);
    int maxindex = 2;
    double processMaxPercent = arrayPercent[2];
    double sumpercent =0;
    for(unsigned int i =2; i<(processNumber); i++){
        if(arrayPercent[i] != 3435973836){
            if(processMaxPercent < arrayPercent[i] ){
                processMaxPercent = arrayPercent[i];
                maxindex = i;
            sumpercent += arrayPercent[i];


    cpuUse = sumpercent;
    namePMUCPU = GetNameProcessMU(arrayProcessID[maxindex]); // tam thoi lay ten mac djnh la cai nay

    a.LowPart = ftA.dwLowDateTime;
    a.HighPart = ftA.dwHighDateTime;

    b.LowPart = ftB.dwLowDateTime;
    b.HighPart = ftB.dwHighDateTime;
    return a.QuadPart + b.QuadPart;
SYSTEMINFO_EXPORTS CString  __cdecl GetProcess(DWORD arrayProcess[], DWORD numberprocess)
    // Working set cua cac process
    DWORD arrayWorkingSetSize[100];
    unsigned int maxindex;
    DWORD processMaxSize;
    CString nameProcessMaxSize;
    unsigned int i;
    for( i =0; i < numberprocess;i++){
        HANDLE hProcess;

        hProcess = OpenProcess(  PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, arrayProcess[i] ); // handle toi 1 process
        if (hProcess != NULL)
            if ( GetProcessMemoryInfo( hProcess, &pmc, sizeof(pmc)) ){ // laays kich thuoc bo nho ma tien trinh do su dung
                arrayWorkingSetSize[i] =  pmc.WorkingSetSize ;      
        CloseHandle( hProcess );
    // Sap xep, lay ra phan tu co WorkingSetSize lon nhat 
    maxindex = 2;
    processMaxSize = arrayWorkingSetSize[2];
    for(i =2; i<(numberprocess - 10); i++){
        if(arrayWorkingSetSize[i] != 3435973836){
            if(processMaxSize < arrayWorkingSetSize[i] ){
                processMaxSize = arrayWorkingSetSize[i];
                maxindex = i;


    // lay ten process co kich thuoc max
    nameProcessMaxSize = GetNameProcessMU(arrayProcess[maxindex]);

    return nameProcessMaxSize;

SYSTEMINFO_EXPORTS CString  __cdecl GetNameProcessMU(DWORD processID)
    CString nameProcess;
    TCHAR szProcessName[MAX_PATH] = TEXT("<unknown>");
        FALSE, processID );

    // Get the process name.
    if (NULL != hProcess )
        HMODULE hMod;
        DWORD cbNeeded;

        if ( EnumProcessModules( hProcess, &hMod, sizeof(hMod), 
            &cbNeeded) )
            GetModuleBaseName( hProcess, hMod, szProcessName, 
                sizeof(szProcessName)/sizeof(TCHAR) );
    nameProcess = (LPCTSTR)szProcessName; // chuyen kieu
    CloseHandle( hProcess );
    return nameProcess;


#pragma once
#include <Psapi.h>
SYSTEMINFO_EXPORTS CString  __cdecl GetProcess(DWORD arrayProcess[], DWORD numberprocess);


SYSTEMINFO_EXPORTS CString  __cdecl GetNameProcessMU(DWORD processID);


#define SYSTEMINFO_EXPORTS __declspec(dllexport)
#define SYSTEMINFO_EXPORTS __declspec(dllimport)
