参见demo,但是这个equalHeight匹配最高的列,但我想反过来发生 http://jsfiddle.net/L7JvD/2/
$.fn.equalHeightify = function() {
var highest = 0; // keep track of the greatest height
$(this).each(function() { // for each element
if ($(this).height() > highest) { // compare heights
highest = $(this).height();
$(this).height(highest); // set new height
$(document).ready(function() {
答案 0 :(得分:2)
$.fn.equalHeightify = function(ColNumber) {
var targetCol = ColNumber - 1; // Substracing one because .each() uses a zero-based index, so Column 1 = index 0, etc.
var targetHeight = $(this).eq(targetCol).height(); // grab the target item's height
$(this).each(function(index) { // for each element
if (index != targetCol) // find all items besides the target column and set their height to the target column's height
$(document).ready(function() {
<击> 很简单;更改逻辑以设置初始最低值,然后将所有后续列高度与之比较 - 每当找到新的较低值时,将值重置为其高度:
$.fn.equalHeightify = function () {
var lowest; // keep track of the lowest height
$(this).each(function (index) { // for each element
if (index == 0) // set the height of the first item as our initial "lowest"
lowest = $(this).height();
else if ($(this).height() < lowest) // compare all other's heights to "lowest" and reset "lowest" if a shorter is found
lowest = $(this).height();
$(this).height(lowest); // set new height