如何在Sakai 10中设置会话复制?

时间:2014-06-10 15:57:27

标签: session-replication sakai

最近的Open Apereo 14 conference在Sakai 10中有一个关于分布式缓存和会话复制的会话:


使用Sakai 10进行会话复制需要采取哪些步骤?

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会话复制是Sakai 10的一部分,但默认情况下是关闭的。要启用它,您需要:

  1. 安装,配置并运行Terracotta(目前需要版本3.7.6 http://fossies.org/linux/misc/terracotta-3.7.6.tar.gz
  2. 负载均衡器后面的多个Tomcat服务器
  3. 以下sakai.properties设置集(在此处https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/config/trunk/configuration/bundles/src/bundle/org/sakaiproject/config/bundle/default.sakai.properties):

    # WARNING: this requires an external distributed caching server
    # Enable distributed caching
    # DEFAULT: false
    # The URLs of the distributed cache servers
    ## The caches that will be using the distributed cache.
    ## SESSION failover: org.sakaiproject.tool.impl.RebuildBreakdownService.cache
    ## Any Cache properties below that are not set will use the default values
    # Valid properties include: maxEntries(int>0), timeToIdle(int>0, seconds), timeToLive(int>0, seconds), eternal(true|false)
    # Defaults: maxEntries=10000, timeToIdle=600, timeToLive=600, eternal=false
    # Configure cluster caches using: memory.cluster.{cacheName}.{property)={value}
    # Session replication caching properties
    ## Session Replication settings
    ## WARNING: This requires a distribution mechanism of some kind (currently requires a distributed cache)
    ## NOTES:
    ## cache: org.sakaiproject.tool.impl.RebuildBreakdownService.cache must be set to a distributed cache (see memory.cluster)
    ## cache: org.sakaiproject.tool.impl.RebuildBreakdownService.stash should be configured to last as long
    ##        as your user might need to navigate to JSF or other on-demand session tools after landing on a new server
    # Enable session cluster replication (see notes above)
    # Default: false
    ## Performance tuning settings below - be careful with these numbers as adjusting them downward can create heavy load
    # Tuning setting, minimum seconds old the session must be before it will be replicated
    # Default: 20
    # Tuning setting, minimum seconds that must pass before session data is updated (since last store)
    # NOTE: certain events will cause the session data to be updated in the store regardless of this setting
    # Default: 10
    # Tuning setting, minimum seconds after a session has been rebuilt from the store before it can be updated in the storage again
    # Default: 30
  4. 请注意,Sakai中的大多数工具都会在会话中存储项目状态。 JSF,Wicket和Velocity就是明确的例子。在大多数情况下,用户将被发送回工具的主页,但他们将保持登录状态,当前站点和当前工具。