
时间:2014-06-10 15:56:58

标签: vba powerpoint-vba


enter image description here


enter image description here



Private Sub addAnswer_Click()
Image5.top = Image5.top + 21
CheckBox1.top = CheckBox1.top + 21
CheckBox2.top = CheckBox2.top + 21
Image7.height = Image7.height + 21
Image3.top = Image3.top + 21
Label1.top = Label1.top + 21
Label4.top = Label4.top + 21
Image2.top = Image2.top + 21
tablet.top = tablet.top + 21
chart.top = chart.top + 21
Label8.top = Label8.top + 21
Label9.top = Label9.top + 21
LabelOrizontal.top = LabelOrizontal.top + 21
LabelVertical.top = LabelVertical.top + 21
LabelNet.top = LabelNet.top + 21
LabelRound.top = LabelRound.top + 21
LabelPoints.top = LabelPoints.top + 21
Orizontal.top = Orizontal.top + 21
Vertical.top = Vertical.top + 21
Net.top = Net.top + 21
Points.top = Points.top + 21
Round.top = Round.top + 21
ExcelBox.top = ExcelBox.top + 21

OKButton.top = OKButton.top + 21
CancelButton.top = CancelButton.top + 21
'Me.MultiPage1.height = Me.MultiPage1.height + 21
Image1.height = Image1.height + 21

'height = 418 + 21 * (valueNum - 1)
If valueNum = 2 Then
    With Me
        'This will create a vertical scrollbar
        .MultiPage1.Pages(0).ScrollBars = fmScrollBarsVertical

        'Change the values of 2 as Per your requirements
        '.ScrollHeight = .InsideHeight
        '.ScrollWidth = .InsideWidth * 9
    End With
End If
Me.MultiPage1.Pages(0).ScrollHeight = Me.MultiPage1.Pages(0).InsideHeight + 21 * (valueNum - 1)
valueNum = valueNum + 1
Set cCntrl = Me.MultiPage1.Pages(0).Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "textBox" & valueNum, True)
    With cCntrl
        .width = 156
        .height = 18
        .top = 108 + (valueNum - 1) * 21
        .left = 48
        .TabIndex = tabInd
        .ZOrder (0)
    End With
Set cCntrl1 = Me.MultiPage1.Pages(0).Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "AnsLabBox" & valueNum, True)
    With cCntrl1
        .width = 144
        .height = 18
        .top = 108 + (valueNum - 1) * 21
        .left = 210
        .TabIndex = tabInd + 1
        .ZOrder (0)
    End With

tabInd = tabInd + 3
Set cCntrl3 = Me.MultiPage1.Pages(0).Controls.Add("Forms.CheckBox.1", "open" & valueNum, True)
    With cCntrl3
        .left = 24
        .width = 11
        .height = 18
        .BackColor = "&H8000000E"
        .top = 108 + (valueNum - 1) * 21
        .ZOrder (0)
    End With

'''''''Here starts the important part for the question!!!
Set cCntrl3 = Me.MultiPage1.Pages(0).Controls.Add("Forms.Image.1", "down" & valueNum - 1, True)
    With cCntrl3
        .left = 12
        .width = 12
        .height = 6
        .BackColor = "&H8000000E"
        .top = 116 + (valueNum - 2) * 21
        .Picture = LoadPicture(addInPath & "\fixContent\triangleDown.jpg")
        .BorderStyle = fmBorderStyleNone
        .PictureSizeMode = fmPictureSizeModeStretch
        .ZOrder (0)
    End With
With ActivePresentation.VBProject.VBComponents("surveyCreation").CodeModule
    X = .CountOfLines
    .InsertLines X + 1, "Private Sub down" & valueNum - 1 & "_Click()"
    .InsertLines X + 2, "goDown " & valueNum - 1
    .InsertLines X + 3, "End Sub"
End With
Set cCntrl3 = Me.MultiPage1.Pages(0).Controls.Add("Forms.Image.1", "up" & valueNum, True)
    With cCntrl3
        .left = 12
        .width = 12
        .height = 6
        .BackColor = "&H8000000E"
        .top = 111 + (valueNum - 1) * 21
        .Picture = LoadPicture(addInPath & "\fixContent\triangleUp.jpg")
        .BorderStyle = fmBorderStyleNone
        .PictureSizeMode = fmPictureSizeModeStretch
        .ZOrder (0)
    End With
With ActivePresentation.VBProject.VBComponents("surveyCreation").CodeModule
    X = .CountOfLines
    .InsertLines X + 1, "Private Sub up" & valueNum & "_Click()"
    .InsertLines X + 2, "goUp " & valueNum
    .InsertLines X + 3, "End Sub"
End With
Set cCntrl3 = Me.MultiPage1.Pages(0).Controls.Add("Forms.Image.1", "delete" & valueNum, True)
    With cCntrl3
        .left = 480
        .width = 12
        .height = 12
        .BackColor = "&H8000000E"
        .top = 110 + (valueNum - 1) * 21
        .Picture = LoadPicture(addInPath & "\fixContent\cross.jpg")
        .BorderStyle = fmBorderStyleNone
        .PictureSizeMode = fmPictureSizeModeStretch
        .ZOrder (0)
    End With
With ActivePresentation.VBProject.VBComponents("surveyCreation").CodeModule
    X = .CountOfLines
    .InsertLines X + 1, "Private Sub delete" & valueNum & "_Click()"
    .InsertLines X + 2, "deleteRow " & valueNum
    .InsertLines X + 3, "End Sub"
End With
If Not comboVisi Then
    cCntrl2.Visible = False
End If
End Sub



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



Option Explicit

Public Key As String
Public Answer As String
Public AnswerLabel As String


Option Explicit

Public WithEvents Answer As MSForms.TextBox
Public WithEvents AnswerLabel As MSForms.TextBox
Private WithEvents Remove As MSForms.CommandButton
Private WithEvents MoveUp As MSForms.Label
Private WithEvents MoveDown As MSForms.Label

Private p_Parent As Object
Private p_rowKey As String
Private p_Answers As Answers
Private p_data As Answer

Const padding = 5
Const tbWidth = 100

Public Sub AddRow(top As Double, left As Double, parent As Answers, container As Object, RowKey As String)

    Set p_Parent = container
    Set p_Answers = parent
    p_rowKey = RowKey

    Set Answer = p_Parent.Controls.Add("forms.textbox.1", "tb1" + RowKey)
    Set AnswerLabel = p_Parent.Controls.Add("forms.textbox.1", "tb2" + RowKey)
    Set Remove = p_Parent.Controls.Add("forms.commandbutton.1", "cb" + RowKey)
    Set MoveUp = p_Parent.Controls.Add("forms.Label.1", "lb1" + RowKey)
    Set MoveDown = p_Parent.Controls.Add("forms.Label.1", "lb2" + RowKey)

    With MoveUp
        .left = left
        .top = top
        .Caption = "up"
        .Width = 35
    End With

    With MoveDown
        .left = left + 20 + padding
        .top = top
        .Caption = "Down"
        .Width = 35
    End With

    With Answer
        .left = left + (35 * 2) + (padding * 2)
        .top = top
        .Width = tbWidth
    End With

    With AnswerLabel
        .left = left + (50 * 2) + (padding * 2) + padding + tbWidth
        .top = top
        .Width = tbWidth
    End With

    With Remove
        .left = left + (50 * 2) + (padding * 2) + padding + (tbWidth * 2) + padding
        .top = top
        .Height = AnswerLabel.Height
        .Caption = "X"
    End With

End Sub

Private Sub Answer_Change()
    p_data.Answer = Answer.Text
End Sub

Private Sub AnswerLabel_Change()
    p_data.AnswerLabel = AnswerLabel.Text
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()

    p_Parent.Controls.Remove Answer.Name
    p_Parent.Controls.Remove AnswerLabel.Name
    p_Parent.Controls.Remove MoveUp.Name
    p_Parent.Controls.Remove MoveDown.Name
    p_Parent.Controls.Remove Remove.Name

End Sub

Private Sub MoveDown_Click()
    p_Answers.MoveDown p_data.Key
End Sub

Private Sub MoveUp_Click()
    p_Answers.MoveUp p_data.Key
End Sub

Private Sub Remove_Click()
    p_Answers.Remove p_data.Key, p_rowKey
End Sub
Public Property Set data(data As Answer)
    Set p_data = data
    Answer.Value = data.Answer
    AnswerLabel.Value = data.AnswerLabel
End Property


Option Explicit

Private answerList As Collection
Private rowList As Collection
Private no_rows As Long
Public parent As Object

Public Sub MoveUp(Key As String)

    Dim ans As Answer
    Dim x As Long: x = 1

    Set ans = answerList(Key)

    For Each ans In answerList
        If ans.Key = Key Then Exit For
        x = x + 1
    Next ans

    answerList.Remove Key

    If x = 1 Then x = 2 'The item may already be at the top
    answerList.Add ans, ans.Key, x - 1


End Sub
Public Sub MoveDown(Key As String)

    Dim ans As Answer
    Dim x As Long: x = 1

    Set ans = answerList(Key)

    For Each ans In answerList
        If ans.Key = Key Then Exit For
        x = x + 1
    Next ans

    answerList.Remove Key

    If x >= answerList.Count Then
        answerList.Add ans, ans.Key
        answerList.Add ans, ans.Key, x + 1
    End If

End Sub
Public Sub MoveToTop(Key As String)

    Dim ans As Answer
    Set ans = answerList(Key)

    answerList.Remove Key
    answerList.Add ans, ans.Key, 1
'Rebind our data to our interface

End Sub
Public Sub Remove(Key As String, RowKey As String)

    Dim ans As Answer
    Dim x As Long: x = 1

    answerList.Remove Key


    rowList.Remove rowList.Count
    no_rows = no_rows - 1
End Sub
Public Sub Add(newAnswer As Answer)
    answerList.Add newAnswer, newAnswer.Key
    Set rowList(rowList.Count).data = newAnswer
End Sub
Private Sub AddRow()

    Dim rowControls As AnswerControls
    Set rowControls = New AnswerControls

    rowControls.AddRow 20 * no_rows, 1, Me, parent, "r" & no_rows
    rowList.Add rowControls, "r" & no_rows

    no_rows = no_rows + 1

End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Set answerList = New Collection
    Set rowList = New Collection
    no_rows = 1
End Sub

Private Sub Rebind()

    Dim ans As Answer
    Dim x As Long
    x = 1
    For Each ans In answerList
        Set rowList(x).data = ans
        x = x + 1
    Next ans

End Sub


Option Explicit

Dim d As Answers
Private Sub UserForm_Click()
    Dim a As New Answer
    a.Key = Rnd * 10
    d.Add a
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    Set d = New Answers
    Set d.parent = Me
End Sub