在不久的将来世界杯,我正在运行一个游泳池并想计算统计数据。 我在文件夹C:\ WorldCup
中有几百个Excel电子表格每个电子表格都是一样的 在每个电子表格中,预计获胜者都在单元格中:STEP2!N17
德国34 西班牙20 美国10 意大利1
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Sub ReadDataFromAllWorkbooksInFolder()
Dim FolderName As String, wbName As String, r As Long, cValue As Variant
Dim wbList() As String, wbCount As Integer, i As Integer
FolderName = "C:\Users\GARING\Documents\MyWorldCup\2014\2014Entries"
' create list of workbooks in foldername
wbCount = 0
wbName = Dir(FolderName & "\" & "*.xls")
While wbName <> ""
wbCount = wbCount + 1
ReDim Preserve wbList(1 To wbCount)
wbList(wbCount) = wbName
wbName = Dir
If wbCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
' get values from each workbook
r = 0
For i = 1 To wbCount
r = r + 1
cValue = GetInfoFromClosedFile(FolderName, wbList(i), "STEP2", "N17")
Cells(r, 1).Formula = wbList(i)
Cells(r, 2).Formula = cValue
Next i
End Sub
Private Function GetInfoFromClosedFile(ByVal wbPath As String, _
wbName As String, wsName As String, cellRef As String) As Variant
Dim arg As String
GetInfoFromClosedFile = ""
If Right(wbPath, 1) <> "\" Then wbPath = wbPath & "\"
If Dir(wbPath & "\" & wbName) = "" Then Exit Function
arg = "'" & wbPath & "[" & wbName & "]" & _
wsName & "'!" & Range(cellRef).Address(True, True, xlR1C1)
On Error Resume Next
GetInfoFromClosedFile = ExecuteExcel4Macro(arg)
End Function