
时间:2014-06-09 00:42:44

标签: enums swift bit-fields


声明这样的枚举确实有效,但尝试将OR 2值一起编译失败:

enum MyEnum: Int
    case One =      0x01
    case Two =      0x02
    case Four =     0x04
    case Eight =    0x08

// This works as expected
let m1: MyEnum = .One

// Compiler error: "Could not find an overload for '|' that accepts the supplied arguments"
let combined: MyEnum = MyEnum.One | MyEnum.Four


struct NSCalendarUnit : RawOptionSet {
    init(_ value: UInt)
    var value: UInt
    static var CalendarUnitEra: NSCalendarUnit { get }
    static var CalendarUnitYear: NSCalendarUnit { get }
    // ...


protocol RawOptionSet : LogicValue, Equatable {
    class func fromMask(raw: Self.RawType) -> Self


13 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:25)

您可以构建符合struct协议的RawOptionSet,并且您可以像内置enum类型一样使用它,但具有位掩码功能好。这里的答案显示了如何: Swift NS_OPTIONS-style bitmask enumerations

答案 1 :(得分:13)


let combined = MyEnum.One.toRaw() | MyEnum.Four.toRaw()

请注意,combined将为Int类型,如果指定let combined: MyEnum,实际上会出现编译错误。这是因为0x05没有枚举值,这是表达式的结果。

答案 2 :(得分:12)

更新了Swift 2/3

自swift 2以来,添加了一个新的解决方案作为“原始选项集”(see: Documentation),它与原始响应基本相同,但使用允许任意值的结构。


struct MyOptions: OptionSet
    let rawValue: UInt8

    static let One = MyOptions(rawValue: 0x01)
    static let Two = MyOptions(rawValue: 0x02)
    static let Four = MyOptions(rawValue: 0x04)
    static let Eight = MyOptions(rawValue: 0x08)

let m1 : MyOptions = .One

let combined : MyOptions = [MyOptions.One, MyOptions.Four]


m1.union(.Four).rawValue // Produces 5

与在其C等效中执行One | Four相同。至于One & Mask != 0,可以指定为非空交集

// Equivalent of A & B != 0
if !m1.intersection(combined).isEmpty
    // m1 belongs is in combined

奇怪的是,大多数C风格的按位枚举已转换为Swift 3上的OptionSet等效内容,但Calendar.Compontents取消了Set<Enum>

let compontentKeys : Set<Calendar.Component> = [.day, .month, .year]





enum Options
    case A, B, C, D

var options = Set<Options>(arrayLiteral: .A, .D)

An和check(options & .A)可以定义为:



options.isSupersetOf(Set<Options>(arrayLiteral: .A, .D))

添加新标记(options |= .C):




答案 3 :(得分:11)


enum MyEnum: Int  {

    case One = 0
    case Two = 1
    case Three = 2
    case Four = 4
    case Five = 8
    case Six = 16


let enumCombined = MyEnum.Five.rawValue | MyEnum.Six.rawValue

if enumCombined & MyEnum.Six.rawValue != 0 {
    println("yay") // prints

if enumCombined & MyEnum.Five.rawValue != 0 {
    println("yay again") // prints

if enumCombined & MyEnum.Two.rawValue != 0 {
    println("shouldn't print") // doesn't print

答案 4 :(得分:7)


enum Animal: BitwiseOptionsType {
    case Chicken
    case Cow
    case Goat
    static let allOptions = [.Chicken, .Cow, .Goat]

var animals = Animal.Chicken | Animal.Goat
animals ^= .Goat
if animals & .Chicken == .Chicken {


答案 5 :(得分:3)




struct <# Options #> : RawOptionSetType, BooleanType {
    private var value: UInt = 0
    init(_ value: UInt) { self.value = value }
    var boolValue: Bool { return value != 0 }
    static func fromMask(raw: UInt) -> <# Options #> { return self(raw) }
    static func fromRaw(raw: UInt) -> <# Options #>? { return self(raw) }
    func toRaw() -> UInt { return value }
    static var allZeros: <# Options #> { return self(0) }
    static func convertFromNilLiteral() -> <# Options #> { return self(0) }

    static var None: <# Options #>          { return self(0b0000) }
    static var <# Option #>: <# Options #>  { return self(0b0001) }
    // ...

答案 6 :(得分:2)


let combined: Int = MyEnum.One.toRaw() | MyEnum.Four.toRaw()

会奏效。因为它只是在尝试分配一个MyEnum类型的“One”,不是一个整数。正如Apple's documentation所说:






答案 7 :(得分:1)


struct TestOptions: RawOptionSet {

    // conform to RawOptionSet
    static func fromMask(raw: UInt) -> TestOptions {
        return TestOptions(raw)

    // conform to LogicValue
    func getLogicValue() -> Bool {
        if contains([1, 2, 4], value) {
            return true
        return false

    // conform to RawRepresentable
    static func fromRaw(raw: UInt) -> TestOptions? {
        if contains([1, 2, 4], raw) {
            return TestOptions(raw)
        return nil
    func toRaw() -> UInt {
        return value

    // options and value
    var value: UInt
    init(_ value: UInt) {
        self.value = value

    static var OptionOne: TestOptions {
        return TestOptions(1)
    static var OptionTwo: TestOptions {
        return TestOptions(2)
    static var OptionThree: TestOptions {
        return TestOptions(4)

let myOptions = TestOptions.OptionOne | TestOptions.OptionThree
println("myOptions: \(myOptions.toRaw())")
if (myOptions & TestOptions.OptionOne) {
    println("OPTION ONE is in there")
} else {
    println("nope, no ONE")
if (myOptions & TestOptions.OptionTwo) {
    println("OPTION TWO is in there")
} else {
    println("nope, no TWO")
if (myOptions & TestOptions.OptionThree) {
    println("OPTION THREE is in there")
} else {
    println("nope, no THREE")

let nextOptions = myOptions | TestOptions.OptionTwo
println("options: \(nextOptions.toRaw())")
if (nextOptions & TestOptions.OptionOne) {
    println("OPTION ONE is in there")
} else {
    println("nope, no ONE")
if (nextOptions & TestOptions.OptionTwo) {
    println("OPTION TWO is in there")
} else {
    println("nope, no TWO")
if (nextOptions & TestOptions.OptionThree) {
    println("OPTION THREE is in there")
} else {
    println("nope, no THREE")

...其中myOptionsnextOptions属于TestOptions类型 - 我不确定fromMask()getLogicValue()应该如何在这里行动(我刚刚接受了)一些最好的猜测),也许有人可以选择这个并解决它?

答案 8 :(得分:1)


class MyBits {
    static let One =      0x01
    static let Two =      0x02
    static let Four =     0x04
    static let Eight =    0x08
let m1 = MyBits.One
let combined = MyBits.One | MyBits.Four


答案 9 :(得分:1)


enum MyEnum: Int {
    case one
    case two
    case four
    case eight

    var value: UInt8 {
        return UInt8(1 << self.rawValue)

let flags: UInt8 = MyEnum.one.value ^ MyEnum.eight.value

(flags & MyEnum.eight.value) > 0 // true
(flags & MyEnum.four.value) > 0  // false
(flags & MyEnum.two.value) > 0   // false
(flags & MyEnum.one.value) > 0   // true

MyEnum.eight.rawValue // 3
MyEnum.four.rawValue // 2

答案 10 :(得分:0)


let mask = UIViewAutoresizing(rawValue: UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth.rawValue|UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight.rawValue) self.view.autoresizingMask = mask

答案 11 :(得分:0)


/// This EnumBitFlags protocol can be applied to a Swift enum definition, providing a small amount
/// of compatibility with the flags-style enums available in C#.
/// The enum should be defined as based on UInt, and enum values should be defined that are powers
/// of two (1, 2, 4, 8, ...). The value zero, if defined, should only be used to indicate a lack of
/// data or an error situation.
/// Note that with C# the enum may contain a value that does not correspond to the defined enum
/// constants. This is not possible with Swift, it enforces that only valid values can be set.
public protocol EnumBitFlags : RawRepresentable, BitwiseOperations {

   var rawValue : UInt { get }  // This provided automatically by enum

   static func createNew(_ rawValue : UInt) -> Self  // Must be defined as some boiler-plate code

/// Extension methods for enums that implement the EnumBitFlags protocol.
public extension EnumBitFlags {

   // Implement protocol BitwiseOperations. But note that some of these operators, especially ~, 
   // will almost certainly result in an invalid (nil) enum object, resulting in a crash.

   public static func & (leftSide: Self, rightSide: Self) -> Self {
      return self.createNew(leftSide.rawValue & rightSide.rawValue)

   public static func | (leftSide: Self, rightSide: Self) -> Self {
      return self.createNew(leftSide.rawValue | rightSide.rawValue)

   public static func ^ (leftSide: Self, rightSide: Self) -> Self {
      return self.createNew(leftSide.rawValue ^ rightSide.rawValue)

   public static prefix func ~ (x: Self) -> Self {
      return self.createNew(~x.rawValue)

   public static var allZeros: Self {
      get {
         return self.createNew(0)

   // Method hasFlag() for compatibility with C#
   func hasFlag<T : EnumBitFlags>(_ flagToTest : T) -> Bool {
      return (self.rawValue & flagToTest.rawValue) != 0


class TestEnumBitFlags {

   // Flags-style enum specifying where to write the log messages
   public enum LogDestination : UInt, EnumBitFlags {
      case none = 0             // Error condition
      case systemOutput = 0b01  // Logging messages written to system output file
      case sdCard       = 0b10  // Logging messages written to SD card (or similar storage)
      case both         = 0b11  // Both of the above options

      // Implement EnumBitFlags protocol
      public static func createNew(_ rawValue : UInt) -> LogDestination {
         return LogDestination(rawValue: rawValue)!

   private var _logDestination : LogDestination = .none
   private var _anotherEnum : LogDestination = .none

   func doTest() {

      _logDestination = .systemOutput

      _anotherEnum = _logDestination
      assert(_logDestination == _anotherEnum)

      _logDestination = .systemOutput | .sdCard
      assert(_logDestination.hasFlag(LogDestination.systemOutput) &&

      /* don't do this, it results in a crash
      _logDestination = _logDestination & ~.systemOutput
      assert(_logDestination == .sdCard)

      _logDestination = .sdCard
      _logDestination |= .systemOutput
      assert(_logDestination == .both)



最大的问题是Swift要求rawValue必须匹配其中一个定义的枚举值。如果只有2个或3个甚至4个标志位,这是可以的 - 只需定义所有组合值,以使Swift满意。但是对于5个或更多的标志位,它变得非常疯狂。



答案 12 :(得分:0)


flags获取所有flags_combination。每个flagflags_combination是整数。 flags_combination = flag_1 | flags_2


  • Xcode 11.2.1(11B500),Swift 5.1


import Foundation

protocol FlagPrototype: CaseIterable, RawRepresentable where RawValue == Int {}
extension FlagPrototype {
    init?(rawValue: Int) {
        for flag in Self.allCases where flag.rawValue == rawValue {
            self = flag
        return nil
    static func all(from combination: Int) -> [Self] {
        return Self.allCases.filter { return combination | $0.rawValue == combination }


enum Flag { case one, two, three }
extension Flag: FlagPrototype {
    var rawValue: Int {
        switch self {
        case .one: return 0x1
        case .two: return 0x2
        case .three: return 0x4

var flags = Flag.two.rawValue | Flag.three.rawValue
let selectedFlags = Flag.all(from: flags)
if selectedFlags == [.two, .three] { print("two | three") }